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Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:10 am

We had a lot of wind gusts yesterday, but evidently not anything like Kathryn has. Our outside porch furniture stayed put. There was no going into church with a nice hair-do yesterday!

Desk chores done, thank goodness. 2 DPC resulted in another call to phone company to find out why long distance wasn't going through. I sorta know how that happened because of conversation I had with the guy when I changed our phone line, but he was going on bad information.... so I got that switched and later today I should be able to make long distance calls again. It was an hour on the phone with 2 separate people to get that fixed. Ever since I've made that change I've had to call them again for one thing or another almost every day. :roll:

We have another job finally nearing completion and I was working on that today. We got stopped because the customer had run out of money.

We are cool today. I really need to get that blanket project out of my closet and work on it.

Dailies done.
Need to change a bed and wash sheets.

Kinda dreaded getting up today. Knew the tasks ahead of both of us were many and hard. I don't like this feeling of losing my courage.

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Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:55 am

Today ~
Main bath got spiffed up.
I need to have colorist attn. This week. X
Lr desk attn. X
Dump trash x
Decluttered one bag of stuff in bathroom. X
I put away groceries and put away stuff in the corner on the counter.

Still to do And LZ in kit. As well as the table so this week I have a focus.
I need to stop by the store for a few things. X
I finished knitting a round red white and green dish cloth it still needs seamed up will do this at knitting mtg.

Wtg gals on your progress glad I have made some progress early in the day here yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:56 am

Good morning everyone! This weekend was a mixed bag. The good part: the xBFF's party went well for me and the dance was well received. She didn't carry on about disapproving my religion, including the x and the other woman in my social life, how I "owe it to the universe" to date if it sends a man my way, or the utter "impossibility" of going to a dinner or movie without a male escort! More importantly, no drunken bad advice to DD15. I am hoping the new avoidance of hard liquor will result in getting my old BFF back. Of course, the x and the other woman were there, but a civilized time was had by all.

Sunday was homework for DD, while I did some Halloween put away and worked on the animal org article. I will finish and email the article today. There is still more party cleanup and I have not been keeping up with my 15 minutes of decluttering a day (unless you count party cleanup). I really need to get the sewing room usable.

After DD left, it all went to heck. Resident Geezer Kitty had blood in her stool. I know it was her because she was locked in the room by herself to eat her food with its medicine and i had just cleaned out the catbox. I went through this with a previous cat and the ER said that when this is chronic rather than acute to go to the regular vet. We know it's chronic from the prior lab results. I left a message with the vet last night. The receptionist has already called and we set up a phone consultation for later. I managed this condition in Laia (short for financial liability) for three years with steroid pills, but Tiki is much older with kidneys that are in very early stage of failure.

Tonight is dance class, several errands, and make a drink parasol for the fake Blue Hawaiian I will have at the work Halloween party tomorrow.

I hope that TwinsMom's DD stands her ground on the apartment. Most brothers assume sister will take on mommy's job and take care of their food, cleaning, and laundry. Then, their future wives get an untrained lump on the sofa. Everyone, male or female, needs to live on his or her own for a good long while.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:00 pm

My kitchen has pots and mess everywhere - really thank goodness it's not thanksgiving... I have nightmares often of not being ready and then company comes. in the nightmare more and more mess fall around me and I can't get ahead. I have such an appreciation for all those that do thanksgiving. :D I always had appreciation before but know I am doubly to triply awed!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby BookSaver » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:02 pm

Good morning, villagers ~

I'm still trying to get caught up on home stuff after being away Wednesday thru Saturday.

Right now I'm thinking that I probably will not attend sewing retreat next year when I'm no longer an officer for the group. The trade-off of how much sewing and socializing are accomplished there versus how much work it is to get ready before and catch up after -- way out of balance. Seems like a much better idea to block off the retreat days to stay home to sew where I already have all of my stuff set up, and only go visit the group at the retreat location for an hour or two to chat and see their projects.

So far this week the only definite commitments I have are normal work shifts today and Thursday. That could change later when I get to work and talk to the boss, but I'm hoping to keep it that way.

I need to go to TheBigCity for groceries and desperately need a hair cut ... either tomorrow or Wednesday. Should move things off the front porch into the shed this week before the weather gets any worse. The portable a/c unit in the bedroom can be uninstalled and stored away any day now. I want to finish the 2 sewing projects so they can be donated. And, of course, I'm behind schedule on my plans to reorganize and deep clean the kitchen.

This morning I took 20 minutes to design, cut, and sew Halloween accessories to wear to work today. I had a 4 inch wide strip of orange fleece and tiny pieces of black fleece. I made the orange into cuffs to wear on my wrists under my charcoal color long-sleeve top, and with the black fleece I cut out a little friendly jack-o-lantern and a big spider to decorate the cuffs. I stand behind a counter most of the time so that ought to be enough of a costume for the night.

I hear the washer has stopped and those jeans need to go into the dryer NOW so they'll be dry in time to wear to work after lunch. BBL.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:04 pm

Took the car into the collision repair centre. The estimator asked if we want the bad new or the good news first, then said, "Who am I kidding, there is no good news."

Repair will be $3300. I'd say the majority of that is disabling the hybrid system. As Dee and Harriet are likely aware (because firefighters have to deal with this), hybrids have electricity running through them at all times so that has to be disconnected first, along with the computer and then reconnected and rebooted.

It is over $2000 so now we have to report it to the police, which was to have been done within 24 hours but didn't happen because it is only one panel on the car so we didn't expect the bill to be this high (I was thinking about $1200.)

That will happen this afternoon after dh's doctor's appointment.

The downside that might be an upside is the repair will take about 11 days. So we'll need a car rental (covered by our insurance) and we need a station wagon. They don't rent station wagons so we'll probably get a van. Since this is the time frame when we are moving, this is the only bonus out of the situation. Except we live within a 8 minute drive of the repair place. Last two times I had to do this, it was a 30+ minute drive away.

We need to get our stuff out of the car. Little things like my sunglasses and the keys to the church and dh's Costco card (he refuses to carry it in his wallet and they won't accept a scan of it on his phone.) Bigger things like the GPS and grocery bags will also have to get out.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:13 pm

lol I will have to think about that one d harriet!!! 8-) :lol:

good morning d harriet Happy around your computer day to you!

hi d harmony! yay on desk chores being done and dailies done!

I think I need everyone to come over to my house to help me straighten after craft, baking, pumpkin carving and turkey cooking... d dogs are sitting in the kitchen hoping I will drop something else. :D

yay nancy on your work too!

d twins I too hope your dd can continue to stand for herself. Good morning d twins!

hi d elizabeth. wonderful that the party when well! So happy for you.
dd youngers get that all the time from other girls (who veer towards unhealthy relationships) or some mothers that they couldn't imagine not having a boyfriend or be in a males company - dd older said the most unhealthy relationship couples always push it and dd's would rather have a healthy relationship or not at all.

hi d kathryn; oh my that is a lot of money!

hi d book hope you have a "catch up on your home day"!!!

have a wonderful day everyone!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby BookSaver » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:21 pm

I also found my Halloween socks and a cat pin to put on my rather plain top. :)
Leftover Hawaiian pizza for lunch, yum.
The only way I'll get to work on time is if I get off the computer and keep moving.
Hope to see y'all tonight after work.

Hi blessedw2!

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Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:44 pm

Need to get my booty in better gear!

Note to Kathryn: Don't forget your garage door opener! Guess how I know this.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:05 pm

LOL, Elizabeth, you're doing gender stereotypes on them! Ds is far more fastidious than dd. He does his laundry religiously every Sunday, takes out his garbage now and then and yesterday, changed his sheets and laundered his comforter. I see stress over her housekeeping or lack thereof. And he's less likely to interact with others when his sister is around. I'm just trying to stay out of it. DH is looking at it totally as a financial decision - that it would be cheaper for both of them - and not looking at some of the other implications. And ds wants to live in an area that is further away from dd's work, with lots more traffic at peak hours.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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