Stupendous Saturday

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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:59 pm

took post down because it offended some of sweet she's - not at all my intention.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:14 pm

Good afternoon d kathryn,I am praying for a safe trip

d lady - I know the services make sure they get a good dinner at holiday time - I am so sorry she is making it bad for other service people... I think you should call her out at her base only because if she is not part of your church and asking you, she might be emailing multiple churches and then sell what she gets. It probably some type of racket and her co's would definitely like to know) It's important to tell them.
Praying your turkey defrosts fast

good afternoon d norma!

good afternoon d austin yay on dailies and 1/2 your weeklies!

good afternoon d nancy!

good afternoon d lucy!

hello to all!!!

Yesterday we had a wonderful time at the zoo with family (d sil/d br in-laws, d nieces and dd younger) - some of the neighbourhood around it can be nice and bad at the same time. There was a group of 15 teenagers yelling and screaming in front of the zoo last night - certain areas in downtown have had problems with groups of teens threatening people and or (1) beating, stealing etc. car jacking and it made me nervous that dd younger and I had to walk past them as they were picking up a big branch and then hit one of their "friends" - that type of group could easily rile themselves up and other people become targets - where are their parents - (gosh I am getting old) (next to dd olders work there was a car jacking at the gas station next store). When we had the last super intendant crime was going down - he hired more police officers etc but the legislature in Ch go did not want that - now they can't keep these people even if they catch them because there are not enough officers in really bad neighborhoods. They complain now that these car jackings and robberies are happening but don't give the po lice dept the man/woman power they need. Also if there are large really nice apartment complexes they have to give section 8 housing (apartments) to people (even w criminal backgrounds)- I am for the apartments going for section 8 for those with no criminal background and that are respectful citizens/neighbors (especially for senior citizens and young hard working parents) but a friend works for rental properties and the stories of violence in really nice buildings she has told me amazes me. I would love if those apartments went to seniors and not troubled tenants. They have to prove a lot to get them out of the apartments.

A friend of my d sil's daughter was in her car in a, known by others but not her, not great area - they are trying to gentrify it but its not there yet - and two men on opposite sides of her car pulled out guns and pointed them at her - right in front of her apartment building - She didn't get out of the car - she was talking to a friend who called the police and she called her dad screaming who called my d bil (also po lice) and for a couple minutes until the sirens went off the men tried to get into her car and at her. They could have shot her. Terrifying. She is such a sweet girl - so scary. She is now terrified. (dd younger had a friend living there w her boyfriend - I drove dd there because I didn't want her walking at night in the neighbourhood. Great beautiful apartments for cheap but it isn't worth it.

having one last dinner with d mom before she goes back to Florida tomorrow - dd younger is taking her to Florida and will be back Wednesday just in time for thanksgiving.
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:33 pm

I don't want to work :? 8-)
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:56 pm

Blessed (and others.)

The lack of gift list is an indicator that they have enough! In my experience, no-one waits for gift times to ask for items now, they buy what they want, when they want it (myself included.)

We don't give things hardly at all, we give experiences. Concerts and movies, together as a family including dinner out. Concerts and movies on their own. I'll babysit so dd and her dh can use up movie nights.

I thought maybe a convertible wagon/sleigh would be a nice gift for dgs but I'm now leaning towards giving him nothing. We'll see how wagon hunting goes tomorrow (she's nixed the one I had picked out for dgs because she has a different use in mind than I do but hers is as a person mover and she has a double stroller for that, I was thinking as a toy for him as well as a way to ride around in bad weather since it had a full canopy.)

He has absolutely no need for anything else. He loves carrying a baby doll around at playgroup so I thought of getting him a baby doll for home but then remembered he has one in the stuffed animal box (actually 2.) It is just a matter of lifting it up to the surface (it is a giant storage bin with at least 20 items in it.)

Last year, ds received tickets to a concert that he wanted to go to. I saw a workbench he might like but he said no. So now I'm thinking it will be a gift certificate at the specialty tool shop since he has their catalog and there's a number of items he wants.

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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:13 pm

you better get those ideas to mom by Wednesday before thanksgiving or there will be a cranky mother

Blessed - hopefully they will get the message. :)

Turkey #3 is debone, sliced and packaged to serve, and cooling in the refrigerator. The bones, celery, garlic, and onions are cooking in the instant pot making stock.

Turkey #4 is cooking in the roaster. It should be done around 6:30pm.

Then the kitchen will need to be cleaned very well. I have wiped it down several times a day while cooking but it doesn't feel squeaky clean like normal. Not that my kitchen is normally squeaky clean....because it isn't!!! But all the cooking must have put steamy oil film on everything. I can't explain it but I can feel it. The counters and floor have a different feel to them.

AG & LucyLee's football teams both won today. I like thinking of their joyously celebrating. :)
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:58 pm

well done on all those turkeys being cooking d lady!!! All that cooking does something to the surfaces! Praying that cleaning is easy and that a surprise bunch of elves or thanksgiving turkeys 8-) surprise you with helping cleaning smiles and do the work for you.

dd's called me laughing - always good - they said I had too much time on my hands :D

brought up 5 boxes from the crawl space of christmas - I went through them to find the wreaths for the upstairs bedroom windows (outside) and I found the old wrapping paper - I think I have enough for this Christmas as my family gifts got smaller because of loss. Again missing d mom in law. I know we all put on a brave front but we all feel the same way.
Trying to give d kids and especially dh a warm Christmas.

d kathryn good wishes as you go wagon hunting tomorrow

we have a name pick in dh's d family
there are 15 d mom's grandchildren (our nieces and nephews) - they pick one name each ranging - they range in ages 15 to 34 (the cousins are very close)
Then the adults pick one name
and now there is a great niece - we get ideas from her d mom as they are on a very strict budget and it's hard to get extras. I love giving to the little ones. She usually asks for books, cloths etc. My d niece is an amazing mom.
re: dh, dd youngers, d bro and his wife, d mom all want surprises and I tend to go for a practical for dd's really wanted gift and little surprises. I know it sounds silly I would rather get something they really want or need (in our house it's a time to get something you are wishing for that you wouldn't buy for yourself because money is tight especially for the younger adults). Many times their money is tight now and they do something or giving something they found used etc. It's very thoughtful.

My d mom only gives money but d bro always wants a surprise little gift (I look for those) - one year I gave him and his wife a restaurant gift card near is cottage and also for him sunflower seeds (he loves them) and another year his wife started her flying business and I got her a cap (she wears them) with her company logo and name on it.
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 6:14 pm

heading out for last dinner with d mom until she comes back in spring
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby ellyphant » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:20 pm

I have to say good-bye as I'm finding the above corrupting of Holy Scripture to be so offensive. Wish you all well, and must state for the record that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and eternal life. All faiths are not equal.
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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:48 pm

I skipped the craft fair closest parking was 3 blocks away. Had a good day Found new PJ pants for me. Got fabric for aprons or what ever prewashed in the dryer now.

At the thrift shop got another goose berry patch holiday edition book, a tin, a blank book for writing & drawing.

When I went to hang it outside to drip dry a bit saw an owl on the front rail next to the house.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stupendous Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:46 pm

I really took it that blessed took an opportunity to remind her family of scripture that has always meant a lot to them all, as she was reminding them they'd promised her information to help with this years' celebration. I doubt it crossed her mind that there was any disrespect to the scripture itself because she included it in what she wrote to the girls. Anyway,
ellyphant, we appreciate having you here and hope you stay a part.

As a general rule, we do adhere on the boards to a concept that another Charles Schultz quote reminds,

“There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people...religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” - Peanuts character Linus Van Pelt, 1961

but the calendar still brings our celebrations around, and that's going to involve everything from chores to hospitality to grief at certain times, joy at another - on and on. It's all bound to become part of our days and our posts, and that's as it should be. Let's just remember the kindness we can do for each other with that general "religion and politics" idea.

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