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Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:50 am
by Harriet
LadyM - how to enjoy Zevia at first, instructions from dd19 ... ... take a bite of whatever you're eating, then take a drink of Zevia. It will seem like a very nice soft drink. :) But if you just open a Zevia and expect to enjoy the new taste all by itself at first, tasting like a particular Cola you like or whatever, you may be disappointed! Yes, when we open a Cherry Cola Zevia, it is amusing to see a sparkling clear beverage pour into the glass. You do find yourself doing a double-take and remembering that the coloring is absent.

Dee, I am not surprised at you telling them you do NOT do treadmills. Your experience with a treadmill is enough to make you very interested in the other machines! Hope you enjoy them.

I am far behind with my catching up on posts. A lot of yesterday spent caring for a weary little toddler. Then Angel Tree calling, and getting to quite a snag with that.

Right now, I'm OTD to the church storage building where another lady and I will extract the Angel Tree Tree itself and ornaments and do the setting up and decorating.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:51 am
by blessedw2
I would love to be at all your homes... all that lovely cooking. Turkey stock and veggies wonderful
I can smell the beautiful aromas all the way over here.

I put my gym shoes on and went outside to work - its raining lol ;)

wreaths put on upstairs windows with red check ribbon to hang wreaths from windows
going to home de pot

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:06 pm
by DeeClutter
DD's been working all morning.

A "ta-da" for us this morning. Hearing aid center called and had a cancellation at 11 this morning. Dh had taken their only opening on FRIDAY AT 1:30!! Is he crazy!?!?!? :o It's in a mall with Tar get and the P ublix grocery store and right across the road is the huge Lakeland mall -all single stores with many streets. Know the traffic will be crazy on Friday. So dd went with him and I stayed home to take banana bread out of the oven and putter. I'm slowly getting all rooms ship shape. We'll wait till tomorrow to sweep and mop. Dh did the screened porch ceiling and tried to do the fans out there -that is until he started the first one. Yuck -all kinds of dust on the floor that had to be vacuumed up. Then he used the vac on them. We're trying to give him these odds and ends jobs to do. Have several of them.

I called the gym and cancelled our appointment for tomorrow with the trainer. I was very afraid of the program he was designing for us -not at all what we had talked about -just having finished cardiac rehab. I did find one place here that sounds like what we're looking for. I called the number but needed the local number and the guy who answered "said" he'd call back as soon as he finished the call he was on to give me the Lakeland number. The program sounds right up our alley except I'm a bit afraid it's for company employees. But then there's a 55 energize program for older adults so not really sure about that. I do know it's a "Silver Sneakers" facility. I'll call again tomorrow if I don't hear today -we're not going to do anything before next week anyway at this point.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:07 pm
by Elizabeth
Good morning all! Briggs has been retrieved and groceries were purchased. I was going to put off the latter until tomorrow, but then I realized I needed stamps. Did I remember stamps? Sort of, I paid for them. But did not get them. I will go back tonight with the receipt and see if they will give them to me. Very annoying. The house was quieter now that Stratton no longer searches for Briggs. One of them yowled for a minute, but was quickly joined by the other. Just because I did not have computer jigsaws to waste time with doesn't mean I didn't waste time. I crocheted with Hogan. Did I work on Christmas projects? NNNOOOO.

I missed my thyroid meds yesterday morning. Took them at night, but may be getting a migraine anyway. My evening plan is Thanksgiving church service with DD15, who requested it, followed by grocery store to retrieve stamps.

Noise sensitive people should not live in apartments. Or condos, duplexes, or anywhere with shared walls. Or with anyone who believes in 24/7 TV and/or radio. I include myself in the noise sensitive category, DD even more so.

Harriet: What is OTD?

lucylee: It is your circus, because it is also your house. Box it up and move it to the attic. I would love to drop the xBFF in the gulf. You are quite right that I do not need her kind of aggravation. However, during Mardi Gras, she will be my parents' guest, and I must behave accordingly. Frankly, I would be ok if she cancelled in a fit of pique over having to be away from the boyfriend for five days. However, my parents really want her daughter to come. They have known her since a baby and she is about to launch into college. Best of all possible outcomes would be xBFF and boyfriend stay home and daughter come with us. Daughter hates the boyfriend anyway. He has not done anything evil, but affects her mother's schedule. xBFF never spent much time with daughter to begin with, unless you count assigning endless chores and getting angry about how and when they are done. Now, it is even less. I am hoping daughter goes to Univ of Hawaii, because it is as far away as she can get and she cannot be expected to spend every evening cleaning her mother's house, cooking, laundry, etc, and never to mother's standards, which are impossible. (Note to self: this is why xBFF gets along so well with the x. They are very much alike.) The only thing she does not do is the banking, bills, and budgeting, and given xBFF's cavalier attitude toward finances, daughter would be an improvement. MUST REMEMBER TO BE POLITE TO PARENTS' GUESTS!

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:30 pm
by LadyMaverick
Broth w/10 vegetable soup making is paused. All my dishes are in the freezer being used as molds. Once the soup freezes then I can remove the frozen soup and refill the bowls with the next batch of soup to freeze.

DMIL just stopped by with a large container of homemade cookies. ARGH! I am home alone with some of the best cookies in the world. I did eat 1/2 of each kind of cookie and then put the cover over the container and walked away. I appreciate DMIL desire to gift us with her homemade goodies......but I didn't have time to fortify my willpower before the goodies were in front of me. I do better if I know the temptations I will be facing. I didn't expect to find myself home alone with homemade goodies. I'm taking a wild guess and charging myself 300 calories for the parts of the cookies I ate. It is what it is. I'm going to focus on the blessing of having a sweet DMIL who is physically able to make/bake & delivery homemade goodies.

I'm going to treat myself to an episode of Netflix while I'm all alone. The house will soon return to its normal noisy busy environment. Until then I intend to sit with my feet up and enjoy being a slug while sipping lemon tea.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:40 pm
by Twins' Mom
Elizabeth, it's "Out the Door" for Harriet!

As for me, I was out the door around 9:15, having already walked the dog, done some a.m. routine but did not s2s earlier. I got my nails done so I'm good for another two weeks. I plan to keep them "done" through the holiday season the will take off gel and let them recover. I like them looking pretty, otoh, after several trips I get tired of keeping them up and tired of the damage to my nails.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:48 pm
by Nancy
I have done my lists for today store run in my day. Knitting mtg. Sheets need to go in the dryer. I brought up 2 of 4 folding chairs to go to dsons house they are borrowing for tky. Dinner Sat. I need to make jello salad h thaw pie for us b4 Thurs.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:14 pm
by LadyMaverick
So much for my watching Netflix. Instead I got myself, DS9 and DGS21 signed up for a 5K on Thanksgiving morning.

Google calendar has a new format. IMHO it is much better than the old one. The previous calendar format is still available but now it is referred to as the classic view.

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:19 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
First draft of Sunday's service is done. Music picked, prayers done except the blessing. Still have a sermon to write but have ideas which is more than usual at this point in the week!

I had allowed 1hour for that. It is 2 hours later. Multiple phone calls tossed me off task.

Walking away from the computer for a bit.

My timed-day (which was what I was trying for today) has already gone out the window. Sigh...

Re: Try it! Tuesday

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:22 pm
by LadyMaverick
Our Thanksgiving 5K group is growing. DD, DSIL and DGD6 will also join in the fun.

Wondering how long it will take me to finish watching this 42-minute episode on Netflix? I've spent 2 hours attempting it and am halfway through. It is an action show so not boring, but I just have a hard time sitting and watching a show from start to finish. Maybe I'll wash dishes while watching the rest of it.