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Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:34 pm
by Harriet
Laundry in both machines and some already out. Can't decide whether to wash the bedspread.

Dusting in general, leading up to vacuuming in general. Front bath is nice but master bath needs more attention. wondering if I should shower and wash my hair following most laundry being done... ...

One puzzle - how will dd19 get back home tomorrow? (she hitched a ride to dorm this morning and she intends to spend the night there) After she feeds her water dragon and works on her installation art, she will want to see her sister's family tomorrow and be here for our meal, spend the next night here. She'll be bringing some computer science back home to her sister for tutoring, too. Hmmm ... .... I may see an early morning trip in my future.

i would shop online, but I'm in getting-ready mode rather than the finished mode so many find themselves in today. Just can't think about it.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:54 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I vacuumed the apartment, dusted most of it (still having living room to do) and did the weekly kitchen chores. You can tell I'm putting off writing my sermon!

Dd didn't wake up until 10:40 so was scrambling to get ready for her lunch guest.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:20 pm
by Twins' Mom
I walked twice around the block with Muffin and dfriend M and R uby, and M's sisil and her two dogs.

Need to head out soon, might try to empty the dishwasher before I leave. No one ran it last night, so I had to start it this morning.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:28 pm
by Norma
Good Morning - or Afternoon. Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day. We certainly did. Had a really great meal and we all decided to go back for Christmas Eve. (What was really great is that we all got a $25.00 reward certificate to use at another visit.)

Very recently Mr. Guy and I lost a very dear little friend - and Rosie and Sweetie lost a wonderful companion. :( Her name was Sadie The Wonder Dog and she was 15 years old. I asked Rosie if she was going to mention it on here and she gave me permission to tell you. So, I am. RIP dear Sadie and we will see you at the Bridge. :)

Now it is time to think about getting the tree up and a few decorations . As I get older it is less appealing to me to do it, but I really need to do it to feel like I am still part of Christmas. Today I am preparing for our turkey and dressing tomorrow along with my own homemade Pumpkin Pie. Again, it is a struggle but Mr. Guy needs his turkey at home with his favorites.

They keep telling us here in AZ that it is cooling off. NOT! Yesterday came 1 degree away from breaking the record. It was 87! Next week they say is "cooling" to the mid-70's. We shall see.

Have a wonderful weekend. :D

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:40 pm
by Nancy
I have swept deck patio carport and driveway to cleaf leaves away yea me! Swish h swipted bathroom when I was up nite. Making progress. Laundry is current.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:02 pm
by Lilac
So sorry to hear about the loss of Sadie the Wonder Dog! Thinking of you RamblinRose.

Last night we all went back to dd1s for sandwiches, etc. and desserts. We had a great time. Some were playing games, me I was holding babyK. He is so precious. About 9:30, dsil headed home with the kids. Dd1, dd2 and I went shopping. We hit P enney's, T arget, WM and D ick's sporting goods. By the time we hit each store the rush was over. Dgd21 had read on FB that there had been a fight over someone trying to take something out of a cart at WM. Crazy.... We didn't get home until after 2. Then I talked to dd2 on the phone while she drove the 22 miles home. I got to bed at 3 and woke up at 9:55 when the phone rang.

Guess I better get a shower and get my day started........

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:30 pm
by Harriet
Oh, that makes me sad, but what a wonderful life and place (also place in heart) Ramblin' Sweetie and Willis gave Sadie. thanks, Norma.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:41 pm
by lucylee

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:48 pm
by Nancy
Have been out doing leaf duty, another 30 min. Done with half of the back yard taking a break now. Payroll for begins me at 3 .

Getting ready for round 2 dson picked up the chairs, table cloth, low sugar jam, and hot pad, requested deviled eggs bc I have the hens. So I have boiled and peeled the eggs I will wait till the morning to finish em so they do not get eaten.

Well this post sat here a while.

Re: Fantastic Friday

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:12 pm
by Sunny
Oh, Sadie, I am so sorry about Sadie The Wonder Dog! (((Hugs)))

Yesterday we had a nice meal and visit with ds#2's dfamily and ddil's dmom and ddad and her dbro. Dinner was ready a little after 2 pm, we had dessert about 4:30 pm and we were home again at 5:30 pm. We had rain here off and on all Wed. evening and yesterday. It is still overcast here today and cool at 66*. Ddil and her dmom sent us home with enough leftovers for a few meals. Everything was so good! Ddil's dmom is having a dye test on her carotid artery on Monday to see how much it is clogged.

I have no plans to brave the crowds today for shopping. However, DMinnie has a vet appointment for her yearly check up, shots and license renewal in about 2 hours. I spent some time this morning giving her a good brushing; she is into her fall shed now and it's a wonder she has any hair left! :lol: But she is nice and shiny again now.

Ds#1 had to work yesterday, but we talked to ddil, and ds#3 called last evening so were able to talk to him and dgs15. Sunday we will go to visit with Ds#1 and dfamily for their Thanksgiving dinner. Looking forward to seeing our dgchildren there.

It is 2 pm here, we've just finished lunch and now it is time for me to get ready for the trip to the Vet.