Just Do It Tuesday

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:07 pm

list for today (oy. :roll: )
walk the ddog
make the bed
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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:48 pm

Good morning all! My evening did not quite go as planned. I ran out of sugar for my tea yesterday and got a blood sugar related migraine*. I did get the errands run, but decided to eat out - a nice balance of waffles and syrup with bacon. (I know - no veggies, but I had those at lunch). The food + meds fixed the migraine, but left me very sleepy. The meds are non-narcotic and not supposed to be sleep inducing, but always make me tired. I was sensible and did only grocery put away, daily necessities, and 15 minutes declutter/cleanup in the MBR. Did not do any crochet or sewing room work and went to be early.

Today is Girls' Night Out with DD15, which will likely be IN with homework. I need to plan table decorations I am providing the church and get what I can done and of course work on the crocheted koala. I would like to do another 15 minutes in the MBR and also the sewing room. Sometimes, I can get the daily essentials done during homework time, leaving the post-DD time free. I just realized I have a plan of 5 items, so I will list them:
  1. Plan/do table decor
  2. Crochet
  3. Cat records
  4. 15 min MBR
  5. 15 min sewing room
Any one of these things are things I need to just do.

*Do not tell me I should cut out or reduce sugar or carbs to prevent migraines. Not only does it not work for me, it has been proven counterproductive. My doctors agree that I should continue consuming them in the amounts needed unless other problems develop. There are no signs of other problems, they check regularly and I remind them to do so. I am not an addict, I have different biochemistry than those who benefit from low carb/no sugar. I do not consider those people to be weak or faulty or substandard in any way for having bodies that differ from mine, they should do me the same favor. The word addiction should be used for people with real problems. Descending from soapbox now.

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:49 pm

(((lilac))) I hate those kinds of reminders!

Dgs is finally asleep. He had an "I need my nap" meltdown but I knew it was coming so was ready to make it as short as possible. It was heart wrenching to listen to the little sobs after he first fell asleep!

Dd will be here any moment. Maybe we'll do lunch if he stays asleep.

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Sunny » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:40 pm

Just a quick check in to say hello. I will have to cuop yesterday and today later.

Sunday dh and I went to visit dfam#1 for the afternoon. It was a nice time with them and ddil had prepared a Thanksgiving dinner because dson had to work on Thursday.

Yesterday dh had his follow up visit to cardio doctor from the recent events. This turned out well, I think. Dh had an EKG, which was good. The doctor changed some of his meds and wants to do an ultra sound on his heart; dh is due for one anyway and it is scheduled for Dec. 12. Dr. told us that the report from the cardiologist at the hospital showed that dh had an event called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which is not a true heart attack.

After the doctor visit yesterday I drove all the way up to Clearwater in rush hour traffic to pay our gas bill which was due. We made it to the county office with ten minutes to spare before they closed at 5 pm.

I am still tired from all the busyness of last week and I guess from all the stress of the past month, so today I am just trying to catch up on some miscellaneous tasks. I did talk to dsis yesterday and dh talked to ds#2 about the same time.

See you all later.....
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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Nov 28, 2017 2:38 pm

<SIGH> My new report looks lovely. Too bad it's not also *accurate*.

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 28, 2017 2:43 pm

Sunny's rush-hour 10-mins-to-spare state of existence is just about where I've been for a week. i hope both of us can calm down and smell the roses.

And even today, dd19's installation deadline had my household/kitchen/oven/schedule in disarray this a.m. and her ddad had found her sculpting down into the night last night, too. You don't want to know what my dining table looks like - the theme is marine pollution and looking at the table, you think to yourself, "oh, there it is".

I've been to the bank for part of this week's work (Thanksgiving has two offerings to be kept separate) and to order new checks, which they couldn't handle today. A banker has to be available, and the line to see him was long. Maybe it's for the best - tomorrow I may be able to go to the branch that seems a little more "on their game" and closer to home, and be sure I get this done right. I also got some mail out.

Ordered online last evening for an Angel Tree child whose needs are too specialized to make clear in a few lines on her card. Her card hadn't been taken from the tree, and I could see why, plus that card shouldn't sit there another week without progress (other waiting cards can be satisfied in local stores). Dd and I zeroed-in online the best we could, and it was ebay where she finally found the right items. This way, there are no worries if delivery should take a while.

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:31 pm

Whoohoo, dh has made our reservations for camping Memorial Day weekend at a lake about 260 miles from here. Dm's db always camps there. For the last 7 years duncle, dm and her 2 sisters have taken turns cooking the meal. They eat it along with duncles dw at a table set with the ironstone they went together to buy for dgparents 40th anniversary. They do this the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Other people can be there but only the 5 of them eat together. 2 of my dcousins decided that our generation should do the cooking for them from now on. We had planned to go the first year dh retired and even had reservations but dh had surgery right before that. The next year he had a broken ankle and this year we didn't get our reservation in, in time. We found out then, that you can only make reservations for 6 months in advance. For a holiday weekend you have to stay or at least pay for 4 nights. We are staying 5. We'll go on Thursday and come home Tuesday. Seeing as how we will be towing our Jeep, we'd rather not be on the road on the busiest days of the holiday. No one has made reservations in the area that they camp in, yet. Dm will be thrilled when I can tell her, yes we have our reservations.

With 20-30 mph winds, 50 degrees feels cold. I need to pay more attention and try to stay home on the windiest days, while it is cold.

I've had lunch so I need to get my fall stuff put away and clean the living room and dining room. Then we can put the tree up. It is one that doesn't get flattened when it's put away and looks nice as soon as you put it up, but I still like to put it up and let it breath, so I can start on it the next day.

Better go..................

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:11 pm

Dd was almost an hour longer than she expected. But their clinic appointment went well and she sounded happy. They will let her nurse through the first stages of treatment as long as she continues to work on weaning. Today is day 3 of daytime weaned but another molar or cold could change that!

He seems to have forgiven me for babysitting but I couldn't touch him after his mother showed up. This is just the third time I have taken him in his life so he did fine.

We had lunch and then dh and I went to see Goodbye Christopher Robin. It was wonderful. We are on our way home now in rush hour traffic.

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:21 pm

Fall stuff put away....Now go clean the living room......

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Re: Just Do It Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:16 pm

I am trying to remember how I did the tree last year. So I can do it again this year. Trash can is back in from the curb. It felt so good to get the floors done yesterday in the main part of the house. Glad I remembered to drop off the donations. We ate at the table last night yea! It was nice.

I left a Elf on the shelf rock for kidN when I saw her mom this morning.

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