First Friday of the last month of 2017

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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:31 am


I had my migraine treatment on Wed and this time not only did I receive 6 shots on each side of my skull but 3 in each of my shoulder muscles that lead to my next. That’s new. And though my dr numbed them before the procedure, I felt them as the meds were released into my body. I was surprised but my dr said she inserted them an each deep.

It usually takes a day to recover and yesterday was no exception. Still had a mild migraine which is normal, but my body really hurt at the injection sites in my shoulders. Decide to sit out of work today as well. My student teacher whom I have great confidence in was on her own... she still had two assistants with her so it was sink or swim situation. She is handling it well. This is a very difficult class with just 7 kids but each has his/her own emotional problems and melt downs are always possible. When we started in mid-oct we had to call in the security guards and school cop... the real deal kind at least once a day. However things are much more harmonious these days and we are actually able to teach acedemics now.

My son loves Tigger and I have been giving him a Tigger Cmas orniment for the past 25 years. My new to me daughter collects Barbie orniments so I bought both and will mail them this week. My kids already have their tree up so I figure they would like the orniments now stead of later. I also by a Japanese puzzle box...which is a wooded 3x4 wooden box that has slides to open it. It’s where I put my sons money. Each year I buy one that is more difficult to open than the previous one. This box has 21 steps to open it and my son can always figure them out without looking at the directions. Sweetie is the same way. Good thing cause I need Sweetie to open it so I can put the money in.

One year I didn’t get a puzzle box for my son and after we finished opening gifts he asked where his puzzle box was. Won’t make that mistake again...seems opening his puzzle box is the Cmas tradition he really looks forward to.

Sweetie is really sick with a cold. He seldom gets ill but one of our friends we at thanksgiving with was also sick with one and I guess he caught it. I remember thinking as she climbed into our car if I was that sick I would have stayed home, but she didnt. I’m just staying away from Sweetie as much as possible and sleeping in our guest room and doing a lot of hand washing as well.

I’m going to take being off today as an opportunity to make a Wally World run and then will put up my decorations during this weekend. Most of my gifts have been bought... I love the internet for that and I seldom have a problem with a mazon. However we have a large distribution center n our area and sometime when I order something in the evening it shows up the next day.

Waving to yaall and wishing you well including those of you under the weather. Off to get my second cup of coffee and start my day...
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:48 am

One paper work issue resolved, another in the mail coming. Glad I called it helped! :mrgreen: feeling better about this. H is feeling better too Cheesecake is thawing. I have meal plan for the weekend. Found out the timing needed for todays meal.
A funny cooked chicken scratch yesterday just for fun hens loved it, having fun with my new cookers!
But 1st s2s x It's amazing how much that helps hair is still damp.
On my radar getting another vacuum.
Cleaned my purse found $ forgot was in it always a good thing. Yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby CathyS » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:39 pm

Kathryn did you see the Food Basics flyer with all the stuff for 99 cents? I also saw an ad online from No Frills leading me to believe that a box of tissues are 3 cents.

Music is loud here, and I have been working around here. I really should get my hair washed.

We are going out for Vietnamese soup tonight.
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:58 pm

Nice going, Kathryn.

I've put a "below the knee" type of brace on today and I'm (quietly) saying it really seems to be helping more than the total knee brace.

I put away yesterday's clean dishes and have done up the dishes from last night and today. Picked up a few things on the office closet floor so I could put things back in there in order. Put up dh's meds for the next 2 weeks and I've spruced up the office. I should go sit with heat on my knee and then take it from there. I surely want to feel better and be able to get back to exercising. Know it's just not practical right now. Hate seeing that step count so low. We parked in handicapped last night and then walked in and walked halfway around the arena to get to our section. Knew dsonil said our seats were supposed to be on floor level so I wouldn't have to do steps. Ended up going up a flight of steps only to discover our seats were down that section and went down those steps -very troublesome I might add. Actually our seats were the first 2 on a riser above the floor. I helped catch more people tripping on that step either going up or down last night. Then of course we had the long walk back to the car. It was nearly 11pm by the time we got home, but a super enjoyable evening. One additional bright spot was when we entered the arena there stood a Lakeland police officer whom I recognized immediately. He's the dh of one of my favorite people at dd's old school (and she calls me "Mom"). He's also the officer I pray for each day (our church let us pick names for "Shield a Badge" probably about 3 years ago). Gave me a hug and we talked briefly about him and his dwife. She's now actually moved to be the principal at a new school in northern Lakeland. Got a 'hug' from her a few weeks ago via dd who had run into her at a conference.
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:08 pm

Good morning!

d Rose good morning! I am so sorry you have had to go through treatment like this - I really hope it helps!!! I am saying my prayers. Migraines are horrible. ((()))
I will also pray for your student teacher... nothing like being drenched right away ... not a bad thing as it will prepare her for her future knowledge. I also will pray for the kids and hope that they have hope and are able to figure out their future in a positive way.
Also I hope that your d sweetie starts to feel better fast.

I love how you say "my new to me daughter" - really great! So sweet!


d kathryn good morning!

Good morning d Cathy!
Darn I feel so productive today!

d nancy good morning... I agree with both d Kathryn and d dee - we lost d mom in law (my extra mom) early this year and it has been difficult. Be gentle on yourself. I agree with letting this be a healing Christmas.

Good morning d dee i hope your knee feels better.

Good morning d twins - have fun tonight! the best to you as you work on our d mom's house. I will pray for your d brother

Good morning d lady - Enjoy your Friday!!! (((ds9))) Is it hard for you to go to this even if she doesn't show so that you can both assume she just won't be there and if she is then it's a bonus. I hope she comes through for both of you.

Thinking of you d harmony and everyone!

We have to leave at 1:30 I think. dh is doing dishes and I will do floors.
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:21 pm

Good morning everyone! DD15's test at the hospital got cancelled due to an insurance snafu. Did they call us in advance? NOOOO. They just expected us to show up with $2000 in our pockets. And the referral was from one doctor in the practice to another. We are not happy, especially DD, who had psyched herself up to just get it done. The x is in no way responsible for this, but I have come to the conclusion he is an absolute nut anyway. Last night, DD and I did eat at the expensive Chinese place, then we went to H obby L obby, where she found a book she wanted and some yarn. She paid for the book out of the cash her father gave her. When I dropped her off, it hit the fan.

x: That money is for snacks, lunches, and emergencies! I give her $20 at the beginning of the month and that should last her the month. She should not spend it all at once and not on that sort of thing.
me: Perhaps it would be better to give her $5 a week instead. Some grownups can't handle monthly paychecks either. And this is supposed to come out of her allowance anyway. All the money in my checking account is allocated. Just take it from her allowance like we used to do.
x: I PUT THAT MONEY IN HER SAVINGS ACCOUNT! She has to learn how to budget. My parents gave me money for gas and food and that is what I will be doing!
me: What good is an allowance if she never sees it?

He did admit I had a point, but it is not likely he will do anything about it. He is not happy unless he is controlling every aspect of the life of everyone around him. But that isn't even the nuttiest thing I saw. He had a camera in his car and it was on. I thought it was a backup camera until I realized it was filming forward. I asked him why and he said, "When someone pulls out in front of me and tries to kill me, I will have evidence." It would be laughable if my daughter didn't have to live with him.

So now, I am in late and I will have to go out for lunch because I did not fix mine last night. No big sacrifice, there is good Chinese in walking distance. Some people might think Chinese two days running is too much, but Chinese people do it all the time!

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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:43 pm

all dishes are washed or are washing themselves (thank you for doing the bulk of the work on those) :D
table, rolling centre, counters, stove top and cutting boards bleached and rinsed :D

Next: kitchen floor - thrill a minute
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:57 pm

hi d elizabeth
I am so sorry you had to go through that!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:58 pm

bucket in hand, along with small vacuum cleaner - time to tackle the kitchen floor - done! used just a touch of bleach - I think it needed it. :D
still needs doing: cleaning the stainless dishwasher and refrigerator front
Meds taken :D

Next: what I want to do: car
what needs doing: dining room - vacuumed and hand washed the dining room floor :D
still need to manage clutter in dining room
laundry is drying towels and washing darks :D

things I won't get to today:
bathrooms are bad - its amazing what happens when I miss a week.
front hall needs to be managed and vacuumed and washed
stairs need vacuuming and washing
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: First Friday of the last month of 2017

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:23 pm

Baking is done. Dh is on his way here now with W & R. The apartment is as tidy as it gets.

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