Thrilling Thursday

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:32 pm

Hardly time to CUOP because dh is home and underfoot and the smoke detector is beeping now and then and he's trying to track it down. It's been going for several days, very intermittently and we can't figure it out. Asked him for model no so I could ck instructions but we're hoping he's fixed it by now. Ddog muffin is sooooo stressed out I can't move without tripping over her - that and she hasn't walked yet.

I am heading out for therapeutic massage at 10 a.m. and have promised Muffin a walk when I return and the day is warmer. Twenty-one degrees and feeling like 11 here, but the shower and hot water are working for the moment. The guy returned yesterday to fix it but I thought he was coming back another day so I was running errands. :roll: So dh arranged for him to come at 10 today without checking with me or checking the google calendar. (Why does he do these things?) And dh has the TV going so I can't hear myself think. I do sometimes use ear plugs.

I have a list going for the dad but used the wrong page in my planner last night with the Wins and Lessons learned from yesterday.


Ack! Just got back home and found this on the computer! I had the massage and feel "balanced," dropped off at Goodwill and did a Lands End return at Sears. Home again!
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby AustinGranny » Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:38 pm

Watching the Weather Channel and sending warm thoughts and prayers to all my East Coast SHE friends.
Horrid weather when they have to invent a new name for it: bomb cyclone. Wow!

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:40 pm

Good morning everyone! The bane report is not showing the bugs I feared. It and the physical vs available inventory report have passed quality assurance and are out to the business for approval. The main thing that messes everyone up is the misuse of inventory adjustments. There is a procedure for receiving goods from the feds or other warehouses. There is a procedure for distributing goods and for marking someone's distribution as not received. Neither of these involve inventory adjustments, which are for things like expiration, spoilage, shipping or receiving the wrong item, receiving donated goods, etc. They should be infrequent and related to non-standard events. The next report in the queue is the inventory adjustment report, which will show exactly who and when these bogus adjustments are being made.

I took a break after that and checked airfare for the Mardi Gras trip. Not cheap, but cheaper than Christmas travel. I left a message with another person who is supposed to be joining us. The xBFF told me she may not come due to her school schedule. I am not sure if this is true or if xBFF wants the whole trip to be cancelled because it is not the way SHE wants it. (In the past, when I would not rearrange a group activity to suit xBFF, she convinced a number of people not to come. The remainder of us carried on as usual and had a good time. I think she expected me to change it to suit her right up until I left!) She probably expects a revised invitation to Mardi Gras that includes the boyfriend, but not gonna happen. If our invitation is not good enough because it is not a romantic getaway, tough tooties.

Last night, I decluttered and organized every drawer in my kitchen except the silverware drawer, cleared off and cleaned the top and front of the fridge, and cleaned the top of the kitchen cabinets. I did not do the remaining table and counter yet. All prior work is still being maintained. Several LOLs were run and put away. One was not dry when I went to bed, so could not be put away. I got groceries and did some cooking for lunch, but none of the planned chores. Really must get them done! In addition, there is a DPC tonight. It is also Girls' Night Out and it is payday, so maybe our favorite Chinese place. Then, bills and budget, which will likely result in no more eating out for the next two weeks. I should eventually put away my suitcase from the Christmas trip.

Briggs and Lara probably need a vet trip.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:48 pm

I am back from errands. Yea cheering you all on with my pom pom on a stick the only thing I bought at the thrift store. I dropped off donations yea! Store run done.

Pay roll split shift tomorrow. Glad to have errands done & groc. Put away.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:26 pm

Finished research for my brother and am going to get the query for the new report up and running. It is similar to others I have done.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:52 pm

I have completed all but one of the activities outside of the house. DH said he will take DS9 to basketball practice so I don't have to breathe the cold night air.

I have DS9 working on a couple worksheets. He had done well with focusing and giving his best effort today.

My body is tired. I've pushed myself enough for the day and plan on taking a slower pace the rest of the day.

Dinner will be Alfredo chicken, green salad, spinach and beets. I need to get started on prep.
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Lilac » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:01 pm

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I was not worth much. I seemed to eat, sleep and watch TV. I did manage some laundry each day and dishes, other than going to the movie on Tuesday and an afternoon walk with dd1, I didn't leave the house. I went to bed at midnight instead of 2ish and got a good nights sleep. I finally feel like I have recovered from the Christmas rush. Tree and decorations are still up, but will start on them at some point.

Today baby K was to have his MRI. They had dgd21 feed him and then they (the medical people) thought he would fall asleep. No he wanted to play. They swaddled him and he was wiggly and managed to get an arm out, so they have to stay another night and try again tomorrow. They plan to sedate him then. The last I heard, they were still waiting for their instructions on what to do tomorrow. I will be glad when this is behind them. They are staying with his cousin who they both really like. They both appreciate not having to stay at a hotel. They were going to a mall this afternoon, so they could get some exercise and babyK can get some stroller time.

I ran 6 errands this afternoon. Tomorrow I will just have to go buy groceries at WM and the grocery store.

These 40 to 50+ temps we are having feel like a heat wave after all those days of freezing weather. Nancy, I too have noticed that it is getting light earlier and staying light a little later.

Dee, I hope these coughing episodes cease. I know how scary it is to be coughing and feel like you can't catch your breath. I used to have bronchitis and that would happen. I would drink hot lemondade made from the powdered C ountry T ime Lemondade mix. It would sooth my throat and the sourness would calm the cough. It's too bad your dsil won't go to the dr. and get something, to help him get over his crud.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:09 pm

I guess I will be thrilled if I ever get all this Christmas put away. I started about 3 hrs ago, but have had a million distractions — dgrands here, and “helping.” Then ds/ddil cake in to get them and visited awhile. I have the mantle cleared and all the lights and decorations off the tree. Doesn’t seem like much but I guess that is the worst part of it.

I’m going to make an after-Christmas card for next year that says:
Start taking down decorations the MINUTE that the dread of UNdecorating begins to overtake the joy of the decorations.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:31 pm

Hah! The Inventory Adjustments report is complete. All that remains is format and grouping changes. It is cold cold cold in my office.

Tonight there is one DPC I must make.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:34 pm

Bleary-eyed peak in from Friday morning.

It is early here but I'm up and having tea now. We were in bed for almost 9 hours and my back is complaining about that. I slept until midnight, pee break, back to sleep until 4:30 when a screeching bird call woke me, turned on a podcast, back to sleep until 5:45 when the birds woke me again but this time there was daylight.

Our friend is an early riser so I hear them having coffee on their veranda. The automatic sprinkler system is going as well. So lots of sounds outside the window.

I need to shower soon but am doing the odd stretch here or there to get me steadier on my feet before getting into the tile shower with no grab bars.

Today we go for coffee around 8 so that will be a morning walk. At noon we pick up our rental car, then pick up the passport and drive into the big city (Perth as opposed to Fremantle) to visit our friends. Groceries have to be picked up somewhere in there so I have lunch fixings and snacks for Saturday.

Hopefully another early bed and then a very early rise tomorrow since we have a minimum of 8 hours of driving to do.

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