Steady Sunday

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:58 pm

avast ye hearties - this scallywag is going to have to get to planning.... shiver me timbers. arrrr don't you know - I don't know what I am doin' . I might have to walk thee plank. Common ye maties lets find the treasure - what ever that may be at your house! arrrrrrrrrr 8-)
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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Sunny » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:45 pm

Good afternoon, everyone. I've just made a pot of tea and a sandwich for my lunch; dh is making a cheese and spam omelet and tea for his lunch. We are going to settle down and watch the AFC playoff game = Steelers vs Jaguars.

I can't recall when I last posted and I know I have several days to cuop. These last three weeks have not been the most pleasant or steady or productive for dh and me. He is still fighting his cold thing after three weeks and I'm one week behind him. I spent most of last week in bed and this week barely able to keep up with a few basic routines. The kitchen and bathroom just had to be kept clean because of the home health here four days each week. The nurse came an extra day to check on dh because of his being sick. We only went out once during this time to pick up RX refills and get groceries, a much needed trip. This is the first day I really feel I have any amount of energy to get started on something. I have one load of laundry in dryer, one is the washer and three more waiting.

Dee, I really hope you can shake your illness and feel better, same for your dh. Not good to have it hang on for a long time like this. (((Hugs))).

(((Hugs))) Harriet. Hope all works out well for your report and meeting.

It is sunny here, temp is 55*. When I got up this morning is was 36*.

Our Christmas tree is still up; have no idea when it will be put away. We do enjoy having the lights on in the evening, though.

Family news: I felt heartsick whenI saw this on FB last night and we talked to ds#2 this afternoon when he called us. Ds and family traveled to Orlando Friday night for the dgds to take part in the Highland Games. Dgd16 high school band was competing, the Dunedin City Band is competing and the girls were in dancing competition. Saturday morning they left their hotel room to go to the fairgrounds and discovered that dson's truck had been stolen during the night. Thankfully dgd16 had brought her high school pipes and her own personal pipes up to their room, but both girls lost their uniforms and dance outfits and the city bands snare drum that dgd22 plays...all told about $4500. plus the truck lost. They were able to borrow enough clothes for the girls to enter their competitions and one of their dfriends started a GoFundMe drive for them. Things like this should not happen. This dfamily puts so much love and effort into their schools and city community and family life. But the saving grace is the many friends they have in the community that have come to help our dfamily! Please send up prayers/good thoughts, etc. for Ds#2, Ddil-Y and dgds.

Ahh, now I feel drained and my teacup is empty and the washer and dryer need changing again....
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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:59 pm

horrible that someone stole their truck with their uniforms in them!!! I know dd older used to do irish dance and those costumes are expensive. I am so sorry! So sorry d sons truck is gone!!!
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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:56 pm

((((Sunny)))) OH my! What a time you and DFamily are having! I hope you and DH continue to improve. No fun being sick! How aggravating for DS#2 and family to experience such a huge thief. I'm glad they have such a good support system of friends surrounding them as they deal with all that is involved.

DSon and family just pulled out of our driveway. They should arrive at their home around 10pm. DSon has to work tomorrow. It was a wonderful visit and I treasure each moment of it.
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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:09 pm

(((((Sunny, dh and your ds & family)))). Sometimes life isn't fair. As you already know this 'bug' or whatever it is is very determined to just hang on. Will pray for your ds's family. That's always been a fear of mine when our car is parked at a hotel while traveling back and forth. I'm so afraid of putting valuables in the car. Know we should take them all in with us. Have to figure some safer ways to travel.

I just finished going over our annual reports and have made as many corrections as I could find. Sent off to our moderator hoping she can find if there are any more. As soon as I hear back from her I'll send it off to the secretary. That'll give her all week to get it done. They should be handed out next Sunday -forgot that little aspect. Our annual meeting is the 27th. I'm so glad it's done considering all that's going on here.
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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:28 pm

((Dee's dsonil)) How difficult for him. So glad your dd is by his side.

Oh, ((Sunny)), I am sure your two dgds know there are folks at many of the Games they have attended who would be heartsick for them over this lousy thing to have happen in their young lives. And even though it may not sound so personal a loss, I'm sure your ds is beside himself over the truck being stolen. Yes, can be replaced but the feeling of violation is rough. Gratitude that the pipes were spared, and then some lending allowed the competition after all - very kind.

Enjoyed ds and the children for several hours this afternoon. He sat and stared at a spreadsheet I'd finished. I know it sounds crazy, but it's oddly comforting to me that he is interested in what I've been doing and dealing with. And of course he does have a vested interest as his membership resides with our church.

Ds decided that flu news was so rampant he kept the children at home this a.m., so they missed their church and SS. Our green-eyed boy had attended a big bday party yesterday with 18 other children. Ds said as he looked around at what was turning into a bigger and bigger group, he was thinking this was already maybe a bad flu-season idea, and the SS group is all different people, whereas these were mostly the same children who were together all week, anyway, so time to slow the contact down.

Ds and another dad (who didn't know each other) had a neat attack yesterday and cleaned up the bday boy's parents' house! :lol: No, it wasn't a classic mess or clutter. All the children were given silly string and somehow the message to be outdoors with it didn't get through! (Or maybe parents just accepted the situation.) So, 18 cans of silly string all going off at the same time in the front rooms of the house. I admit to ignorance about silly string clean-up, but evidently it has a coating that will stain unless it's removed fast, plus the string substance can be ground into textiles like carpet. So while bday parents took the group to kitchen area for cake and supervised there, ds and the other dad cleaned (and, he says, cleaned and cleaned and cleaned!). :roll: :D

HRH was telling him that the days are coming soon when he'll look back and be sorry to have a less crazy, child-filled life.

This afternoon is Gunner's one-year-old bday-puppy party. The children made him a hat, and have big plans. I'm sure there will be film on fb.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:55 pm

Just finished watching black hole apocalypse on nova / pbs fasinacating.
Did a store run.
Subway take out meal.
Time for meds then fed hens h check on eggs put up roosts.
Check laundry.
Bed is made.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:02 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Halfway through the month. I am simultaneously in mid-winter slump (due to extreme cold and early sundowns) and January ease (because yay the expectations related to holiday social gatherings are behind us). :? :?

It just occurred to me that, although we aren't hungry now because we had a late lunch, I could start a pot of vegetable soup and that would make a good supper. It is definitely hot soup weather.

Let me go throw that together and I'll be back to cuop. So far behind! :(

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:14 pm

So nice of ds and the other dad to clean up all that mess, Harriet. I don’t blame him one bit for keeping the kids home this morning. We went to church, but attendance was very low.

And I am still suffering the sore throat, while dh continues to sound like he is going to rupture something coughing!

And my other symptoms —J&C — well... nothing more at all since first thing Friday morning. I think I’m going to be very watchful for the rest of the month and see how this goes, recording and dating any future occurrences. There is no need to go begging to be biopsied if this condition has totally passed. Blood was bright red, when it appeared, which makes me believe it was more superficial — not a sign of serious disease. Doesn’t that sound logical?

(((Sunny’s ds and family))) That is so terrible! I hope they find that thief and justice is sure and swift!

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:43 pm

Lynlee: I'm sorry it is so hot where you are. I'll be in for it on Friday - Monday (the forecast is not 'good' as far as the heat goes, 102 on our hiking day.) I'm actually hoping dh doesn't do the Kings Canyon hike but I don't dare say that to him. I don't think Kili was this hot. And he refuses to drink enough water. He doesn't get thirsty so says he doesn't need as much water as others.

Sunday it was about 82 for our hike. I drank 3 cups on the hike, another 3 after the hike in the car (I had run out of water) and another 3 when back at the house before we went swimming. Dh had 1 on the hike, and 1 in the car, then 2 at the house.

The back of one arm burned where I failed to apply sunscreen properly and I finally have some colour on my neck. My nose was a bit red at one point but we reapplied. My arms still look pretty pale.

I went out this morning (Monday) and bought hiking pants because my capris are just not working (they are way too hot to hike in because they don't breathe well and they don't have pockets, and it is too wet to put my pedometer in my bra.) Ended up with men's size XXL which was demoralizing but they fit pretty nicely and being men's pants have 3x the pockets the ladies hiking pants had (really?!? why the heck can't women hikers have pockets?!)

I'm tired of having to put maps or my clip sunglasses in dh's shirt pocket and stopped carrying a camera because it was too much trouble to pull it out of my backpack each time I wanted to use it. Again, I don't understand why I can't have a pocket just because I have ovaries.

I also picked up a pretty hiking shirt as well (ladies) that has 2 tiny hidden pockets (at least it has pockets but I had to take it to the counter to have them show me where the pockets were and they had trouble finding them!) It was a small fortune but I was pretty demoralized at having to buy men's xxl pants so bought the feminine looking blouse. My clothing allowance for the year is now half spent. I should be OK though because I bought underwear last year and have more than enough other clothes, I'm just missing technical hiking clothes.

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