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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:34 pm
by Harmony
I took all the covers off the plants across the front. Still have to do the trees. It is supposed to be only 40-70 and they haven't had sunshine on them for a couple days now. I'm glad I'm not in SLC.

Some paperwork done and check to the mailbox.

Quiet day here, DH out working all day except for the phone calls he makes to me I have the day to myself.

Saturday subject? Um Home economics and reading I guess. Remember when we all had cooking and sewing classes? I had them in 7th and 8th grade. Some gals took home ec in HighSchool but I didn't. I still remember some of what I learned. In high school they had a club, Future Homemakers of America. I'll bet they don't have that nowadays.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:45 pm
by blessedw2
kitchen dailies done except the dishes left in the sink. vacuumed and rinsed floor
emptied a bit of the fridge
composted what was needed...
counters etc. work done
froze soup/etc. for future meals
finally finished washing out the old shampoo etc. bottles from the bathrooms and recycled them
finally washed the brushes and combs. I told dh I would wash his if he wanted but he didn't bring them down. - I will get them when I do the bathrooms again on tuesday.

enjoy the sunshine d harmony
glad you are having a nice quiet day. lol on toddler being too much help! so cute!

hi d nancy - indoor camping - the best! yay you on your work.

Next: dining room straightened.
switch laundry

today is baking day. nothing fancy.
I wasn't feeling well this morning so I missed my weekly visits with my d sil's - I missed them!
I do have a bit of a headache again (it's been a background headache all week) move on!!!


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:45 pm
by Lilac
Harmony, dd1 was in FHA all through high school. Her senior year, she was the president of her club. I spent the whole year after she was elected in the late spring of her Jr. year to the end of her Sr. year, dreading it, when they had the ceremony for the new in-coming officers. What I dreaded was that she and I, each had to give a speech. I had no worries about her, but I am no speech giver. Not one day went by that, that it wasn't on my mind. I wrote and rewrote that speech a zillion times in my head during that year. Somehow, for her, I managed to pull it off and I could have done cartwheels off that stage when it was over. She was an officer all 3 years. Every month there was an evening meeting, that was a potluck, at an officers house. So 3 years in a row, we hosted a potluck. Since she was an officer, I helped with various activities while she was a sophomore and junior. When she was the president, I had to go to all the potlucks and help with all activities. I enjoyed it. I also went with them to state convention the last 2 years. When dd2 was going in to high school the FHA sponsor wanted her to be in FHA. I know it was because she knew she could count on my help, but dd2 was having none of it and would not join. I know as each year passed, the parent involvement was harder to come by. They still have FHA but it has a different name now, but I can't remember what it is.

Gotta go. It is nice out and dd1 wants to walk.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:46 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
4:15 Sunday and on the bus to hiking.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:48 pm
by blessedw2
did they merge with FFA? I know when dd older was in FFA they had the home care programs as well as Farming and Animal care.

Hi d lilac - enjoy your walk!

hi d kathryn.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:55 pm
by Twins' Mom
I am home from the history fair and dh and dd have taken my car to get her table. Next year I'll get a table there as a professional, the folks there who did genealogy for others were kind of all over the place.

DMuffin had another accident while I was out - this one is at least on the bathroom tile floor. So I have two to clean up, one on a rug outside on the back porch and another on the bathroom floor.

RR, I am watching the weather. The storm is supposed to be done by the time I land there tomorrow around noon. I got an email from American airlines about the winter storm, but no delays at this time. I'm going through Dallas, which isn't experiencing the storm at all. So I'm hoping it will all be okay. ONce I ck in, I need to go to a nearby grocery and stock up on some things.

Just checked in for flight.

-start a load of laundry to hang dry
-make the bed
-clean up dog poop in bathroom
-start pulling out what I need to pack, get out the suitcase
-sync my iPad to my computer


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:45 pm
by Twins' Mom
Not going to try to workout this afternoon with M, but she did suggest Imodium for Muffin. I gave her a small dose, she's eaten a little pumpkin but doesn't seem very hungry.

Next round:
-check bag with toiletries, add to groc list if I need to replenish
-water plants
-reboot laundry
-write out info for dd, who will be staying here with ddog
-Put away 10 things that are on my desk


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:53 pm
by Nancy
I have done 30 min. on ex. Bike. Made up mac n cheese for the guys lunch. Fetch mail, hens are on free range time. Chicken pies are in the oven. I am taking a breather before doing a round of spuff up on the counters. Breathe diap change up next.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:06 pm
by blessedw2
(((muffin))) oh history fair - I would love that. how lucky! you do a lot in your day! well done.

great work d nancy. enjoy the breather.

dining room clutter managed (well most)
quick duster, vacuumed surface, swiffer rinsed the surface.

now for family room put away. I need to wash the dogs bedding today. (blankets) washing now. vacuumed the area rug. quick swiffer duster around room
done - feeling like this :? but will keep a positive outlook :D
I have 3 things that need to be put in a space not figured out yet. (dd youngers present - in box still - meant for kitchen), sewing machine, and large spinning wheel - I don't care for this one bc its looks old but I know it has old parts but the wheel could not hold the thread if it wanted to. It's made to look old. d mom gave it to me as she had it in brothers shed for years. She would never forgive me if I got rid of it but... I am thinking of letting it go still.
flipped laundry (bright coloured cloths are in dryer, dog bedding in washer)

Next: front room put away.

Truth: I have 5 baskets of cloths to put up stairs to put away. Also have new cleaning supplies that have to go up stairs


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:01 pm
by Twins' Mom
I am continuing to plug along. I am going to see dmom just before her supper at 5 p.m. - just run by and say hello and give her a hug. I think that dh and I will probably eat out. I have to be at the airport ready to board at 6 a.m. and I am not looking forward to that.

This time:
-reboot laundry and fold sheets that are in dryer from yesterday
-write a note to mother's neighbors, thanking them for Christmas card and let them know she has moved
-refill vitamins and meds
-purge refrigerator (inside and garage)

That's it for this time....