A clear mind Monday

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:58 pm

I was surprised that it took less than 2 and a half minutes to take the sheets off the bed to get them downstairs... they are washed and in the dryer now. I sorted a box of papers today feels so good to get the daily paper routine completed. I did my 15 min. Of zone work today yea! Having yesterday off helped my morning go smoother.

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:29 pm

so glad it took such a short time on the changing of the sheets d nancy

hi d harmony great on filing and getting the statement out

hi d rose great on your paperwork and organizing too!

hi d dee (((oh my!)) I know she won't like it but she has to have someone take care of her bills now. I think the money will come out of her house sale - that is what happened to d uncle. nursing home - If his d mom had stayed in the hospital and not had hospice then she could go directly to a nursing home. But if she comes home it is not as easy. She also would have to put her home up as the payment or someone in the family would have to pay.

does she have a will...how long can she stay in home and will she have a caretaker - again money. I know it's the hard questions but dealing with this a couple times its important to deal with them now. Also is she on morphine yet - liquid or pills. Again so many hard issues. (((my love is with your dd and dsil))) and of course his dear sweet mom.
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:35 pm

the one thing that has been weighing on my mind is done :D - dd youngers room has camera equipment together and the room looks nice. She is a hoarder and I think she will have to learn to be a minimalist to keep herself organized.

It is extremely gray and drizzly outside. Now to play with d dogs because they laid around all day long yesterday because I was asleep from my migraine.
play with dogs :D

dailies in kitchen - so far emptied dw from last night (finally ;) ) but after emptying (not cleaning) the fridge I had another load to wash (which is going on now) :D
put my cooking shirt on - i used to wear an apron all the time but I still got oil etc. on my cloths (sleeve etc) so now I have a shirt I wash daily or every other day.
emptied the 2 baskets from dd's room :D :shock: :lol:
rinsed off counters and stove :D
flip flopped laundry - towels in washer now. :D
thinking I have to wash the dogs blankets/bedding more often


make dinner early (yuck) early
but first bring one more laundry basket upstairs :D :D

feeling a bit cranky :? but no headache

my basic monday chores are done
dejunk something or take care of something you have been putting off... repairing a purse. :D

sometimes my routines bore me to tears

after all that foot stomping my dailies and the weeklies I had planned didn't take that long. ;)

we went out to eat yesterday and I just can't see spending that money when I have the stuff here.

I still have things at the bottom of the stairs - I will put them in our bedroom until I work with my timer (starting tomorrow) putting things away.. another job that I am making bigger than it should be. dh took one and I took one.

went into dh's bathroom - why can't he wash out the sink himself - he doesn't see it. I wash it once a week and if time is available I swipe it but this week I didn't. It's small stuff and he does so much for me that I won't make a stink.

ordered stuff on the computer that I needed - done.
found out where I can get dd's purse repaired. put that in my purse calendar book so i will plan it for errand day.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:56 pm

i need to do some quotes (sorry lol) to inspire me: :roll: ;)

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

routine is an intelligent woman is a sign of ambition

the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

mine: everyone hates their routine once in a while but keeping it makes the job lighter. (after watching my d sis in laws.)
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby helia » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:31 pm

Well, I'm done with payroll for the day, so that is one thing accomplished that will help clear my mind. I'm off to Hebrew class in 20 minutes. I haven't done any translation work yet, but I don't think it will be my turn to translate today; I translated last time and we seem to only get to 2 students / class. I'll do 20 minutes worth anyway.

I would like a day I could spend at home doing stuff around the house. . . That's not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:33 pm

have a wonderful day d helia. so lovely to see you!
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:35 pm

I timed putting the clean sheets and blankets back on the bed just for fun. 6 min. I need to get out my pom pom!

Back from walking ddog. Found an apple outside the horse pen for the hens! They are on free range time got 4 eggs! Saw 2 wild canieries, still watching for robins. Got rocks they are washed drying to paint later.
Watched how to plan with post its. Now watching how to color code review vid.

Chicken br is thawing for dinner.

Waving to everyone!

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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:13 pm

rah rah rah d nancy! waving to you too!

the weeklies in laundry room slip shod done but still done. (all done) :D
cleaned top of washer and dryer
cleaned top of sink - not great but doable
swiffer dusted under the wire shelf where I keep all my extra kitchen stuff and cleaning stuff, then swiffer rinsed under there
vacuumed the room and dog rug and swiffer rinsed the floor and the door jam.
took the duster and went behind the washer dryer - not all the way down but it brought up some dog dust.
cleaned the door knobs in that area - in and out.
swiffer dusted the walls
took a swiffer rinser and surface rinsed the walls and doors
It took 20 minutes and that's all. :D

Next I don't wanna but will make dinner but will. I want something cheesy good and bad for me. Like lasagna from biaggi's
getting nervous for some reason about dd flying...don't know why - maybe it's the angst of her future and her being home after a month and what she will do might be the reason.
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:40 pm

Phew....boy did I get a lot accomplished today. Three grocery bags filled to the brim with stuff I threw out, plus a bag for g will.

Did under the cabinets and drawer in both bathrooms and ended up putting liner down. Hadn't planned on that. Also did a very large four drawer dresser in the guest room. Took most of the day, but its done and done right.

Thanks to Sweeties bose portable speaker he had given to me for my birthday last year I was able to listen to 30 songs, plus three full albums while working. Boy did I enjoy that.

Forgot, I also decluttered two large kitchen drawers, I mean when you're on a roll, you're on a roll.

Of to start supper. Hamburgers and tator tots for Sweetie. Easy peasy, but I planned it that way. Should be on the table by four. Found a great recipe for stuffed chicken breasts and will do that tomorrow. Haven't done it before so I'll let you know how it went.

Waving to y'all. Good to see you Helia :D
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Re: A clear mind Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:13 pm

how awesome is that d rose - rah rah rah for you too!

the meat that d mom gave me to use was rotten and I had to toss it. So tonight we are having left overs.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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