Friday firsts

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Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Friday firsts

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:10 pm

Taking a break, my Ta-Da's so far:
Morning stuff done
Sheets changed-put off from earlier in week
Meds box filled/called in refill needs
Next week's budget made/bills ready to go out
Next week dinners are planned-put off from earlier in week
Scheduled Vascular surgeon appointment for Dh-he would never do it if left up to him :roll:
Took Cranky Ddog for a walk around the yard a couple times,(he is 14 and lets it be known what he likes and dislikes with taking a walk being on top of list)
Up next: Basic Cleaning
Windex sliding door/mirrors
Wipe switchplates/door knobs
Vac Carpets
Sweep/Mop floors(entry-kitchen-bathrooms)
Be Back Later

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby CathyS » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:16 pm

Hi everyone!

TMI ahead regarding septic system/toilet.

Anyone with any suggestions or hints and tips for dealing with my septic system? Dh is calling around to different companies. The earliest that one can get here is Monday. He has even called our house insurance company. Dh can't shower because of back up. I can't even wash my hair in the sink. There is gurgling in the pipes. As far as flushing the toilet, we only do that now if one of us goes number 2. Even then, we put the lid down because a second flush is required the next time we walk past that area. We had the system inspected in August of 2015 and everything was fine. There are usually just 2 of us here other than dd coming here a few times a year. Dishes are not getting done and now that the weekend is upon us, it's time for at least one load of laundry. What do you think about the hint I was given about putting 2 tablespoons of yeast down the toilet once a month? I also suggested that dh go and talk to our neighbours this weekend to see how their systems are doing. Dh has also been asking "old timers" that he knows and farmers.

Just when I thought I could be a country girl...
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:33 pm

I finished all the Homeschool lessons plans for next week. Everything is organized by day (monday, tues, etc) so all I have to do is grab that stack and get started on school. I am starting to feel confident about homeschooling. Ya'll deserve a medal for putting up with my learning curve over the past 2 years!! Thank you!

Now I am running late. Gotta grab the shrimp/seasonings and make the drive to DGS21 apartment. *POOF*
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:37 pm

((((((Cathy))))) BTDT with the septic system two times. It isn't fun!

The septic systems are HIGHLY controlled by the government here. The only thing we are allowed to do without government inspection/approval is to pump the septic tank. All repairs/replacements must be done under the guidance of health dept. The plumbers will lose their license if they do anything on their own.
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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:51 pm

Kitchen sinks are clean, I have swept and shook out throw rugs in main part of house, corn bread is in the done now house smells yummy. S2s happened. Waiting on my knitting show painting show on now. Considering a facial masque mud or mint trying to decide now. Happy Friday Everyone!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:06 pm

Cathy: when was your last pump out? It sounds like your field has failed/is frozen and the tank is full. I'd keep phoning around looking for someone who can pump you out today. It won't solve the main issue (septic systems should never do what yours is doing. Period.) but it might get you up and running and buy some time.

In the meantime, get ready for a huge bill. Ours was over $25K and we put in the minimum system. There was no visible sign ours had failed (our field, not the tank) but when they dug down to do the inspection, they couldn't find it because it had sunk and failed and the crap was still under the ground deep enough that there was no difference in grass colour over the field than beside it.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:10 pm

I'm having my tea and chocolate now. First load of my laundry just finished. Dh has unpacked his suitcase but I haven't started mine, just my carry-on. My regular small purse was so dirty I decided to wash it so I guess I'll use my travel purse over the weekend while my purse dries.

I'm exhausted. Hoping the tea will help.

We need to grocery shop today. Just making a list to replace everything in the fridge is an overwhelming thought. At least it is down to temperature now so we moved the milk and yogurt in off the balcony.

I've watered the plants and returned them to their homes (I put them together in the living room when I travel to make it easier for the person watering.) I've also swept up all the leaves and dropped blossoms.

I might buy myself some flowers when I'm out since I no longer have flowering plants here and have got used to seeing flowers everywhere during the trip.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Harmony » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:47 pm

Cathy, how old is your house? Older homes here had that awful cast iron piping (drains) or clay pipes that are notorious either for rusting out or disintegrating, and when that happens the waste water/stuff backs up instead of going where it should. I'm surprised you had it inspected and they said it was ok if it is doing what yours is doing. We just replaced a whole cast iron pipe drain in a house which meant digging a trench through the house and removing the pipe.

Do you have trees nearby the septic tank or the drainfield? Roots will travel to where there is water and keep things from flowing. Snaking drains will chew up the roots in the way, but I think that's a temporary fix as the roots will regrow. Some drain specialists can come and put a scope camera down a drain and look around and tell you what's wrong with the pipes.

My best guess is it's a problem in your pipes or the drainfield has failed. Pumping out the tank is a temporary fix. Yeast isn't going to fix your problem. I see it advertised but when I asked DH he went :roll: a good working system doesn't need such things. We don't put stuff down a drain we don't have to, like stuff in the kitchen, even if it's small.

Is yours a gravity system? Is it lower than your house so everything flows to it or do you have a pump somewhere to pump it up. We have a pump and if our float switch fails it doesn't pump things into the tank. We've had to change ours twice already.

I sure hope you get some relief with it soon.

Welcome to Donna!

I've been working on emptying the 2017 stuff out of the files and getting it ready for the 2018 files. I'm about half-way through, don't know why it's taking so long this year.

Kathryn, I'm curious what happened to your house too while you were must have been something.

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:54 pm

Hi everyone! I have not been here since Tuesday, but did CUOP. I have had an incredibly productive week at payroll, interrupted by meetings. I was forced to take a break when I found an error in the database. I can't make a report on bogus data! A database addition I requested so that there won't be waitlist problems in the future has been implemented and I need to adjust the waitlist report accordingly. Frustratingly, we have our quarterly department meeting this afternoon, the ENTIRE afternoon, meaning that I will be stopping mid-stream on useful work. Gotta make top notch notes. Next week, yep, more meetings. I can go for months without any, then bam, there they are.

I found my coat at the dance studio. While there, I talked to the owner about a friend's crocheted scarves, which can be relabeled hip scarves for the dancers. She liked them and wants friend to contact her about selling them in the studio. The other dancer who saw it was interested in buying one already. Win for studio owner, dancers, and my friend. I determined that the broiler on my less than a year old stove is working fine. I also wrote and mailed a letter and caught up on home emails. Work emails are backed up because I have been productive rather than reading email. Tonight, I am having dinner with a group of church friends.

Someone mentioned yesterday was Rudolph Day. Is that the day you make sure all the Christmas stuff is put away?

Welcome to Donna!

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Re: Friday firsts

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:03 pm

Quick ci: before heading out to College Town.
On phone bc dh has computer tied up, trying to buy Braves tickets.

Donna, dh here makes NO appts for himself. I am totally the secretary in that respect. He has a cardiologist appt Monday. 2017 was like ... you-know-what year for him, no heart problems before but last Jan he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He had an ablation in Oct and he has felt a million times better since. Monday is a 3-month checkup.

Septic problems... ds had that same problem. Exactly what Harmony is talking about — old house, tree roots. Had to dig up the lines and replace some pipes. Nasty job. Hope you get some relief soon, Cathy!

Sorry to hear about the refrigerator problems, too, Kathryn.

Waving to all! We’re headed out now — stopping by Bank for dh’s replacement card.
Tomorrow is another day.

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