Surprise, Saturday!

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:35 pm

Good article in Time magazine, "This Year's Flu Virus Could Be Worse Than Usual — And the Vaccine May Not Help" but to get to it online there are many ads, both pop-up and video. So, try if you are brave. Anyway, it first explains that the World Health Organization makes its best guess at a moving target - each virus is changing all the time, plus they are guessing which one will become prevalent. Then (and this is the point of the article) there are changes made to the virus itself by the drug makers as they try to get something they can grow for the necessary 4 months. Sometimes they have to change it so much to be able to do it that it doesn't combat even the exact virus it was made from, and that seems to be part of what's happened this year.

Lilac, I hope your dgs gets well soon. Wow, that sounds dangerous about the kitchen sparks and sputters!

The morning has gone well, but I still feel behind. General straightening and cleaning is the ticket, and I will do by room, not chore - hitting the front rooms best I can.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:53 pm

Finished cleaning the kitchen & doing the dishes. PUPA in the living room. Talked for about 10 minutes when a friend (who is down here until 3/6) from up home. She wants to get together if/when we get over this 'whatever it is'.

My focus during the next hour of time (12-1) is to PUPA in the dining room and get 3 items from the garage. That's mainly my file basket & another bin with pictures in it. Have to decide FIRST where I'm putting them! :?

EDITING @12:22 -Did that focus and since I'm pooped, will wait till later in the day to put those things away. I also brought in a box that was unlabeled & it turns out to be several of dsonil's matchboxes, etc. Will put that back out in the garage in a different spot. Have room just inside the garage from the hall to put it on a low shelf.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Sunny » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:29 pm

A quick post to check in and say hello. I think my last post was on Wednesday.

Tuesday dh had the last visit from home health for PT. Thursday he had a doctor appt with primary Dr. to go over the blood test from last week. She was very pleased with the blood work. His A1C was 6.6, Cholesterol (both LDL and HDL) was in the good range, and Sodium was good. The only thing she wants him to work on is the iron; he has had some anemia for a long while now. So now we have to make sure his diet includes iron rich foods.

After the doctor visit we stopped at W-M to pick up RX refill and a few groceries, then another stop at Publix for RX and liver, which the other grocery didn't have. (Strictly for dh, I don't like liver!) Yesterday afternoon I needed a nap and slept for almost three hours. :shock: It seems when we have an errand day like that where there is a lot of driving, walking, etc. I have to rest the next day.

Anyway, I'm ready to go again. Today is my busy cleaning day, so mopping floors, vacuuming carpets, bathrooms and kitchen focus. One extra thing I have to attend to is the laundry room. A few months ago I noticed a water puddle in front of the washer after some times of use. Twice last week the whole floor was flooded and I had to sweep the water out the door into the driveway. Ds#2 came after work last Saturday and checked the seal on the door (front loading machine) and found it was cracked. He took the serial number and model and said he would check for us. Later he called and said one place he checked was $79 and another place was over $100. I thought about it for a long time and decided I'm going to try to patch the slit in the seal with some duck tape. I hope that works as a temporary fix so I can get caught up on the wash.

Before I start on that I need to fix some lunch, wash lunch dishes and clean off the dining room table. Will try to check back later.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:53 pm

((((Twins & Dee)))) I've heard several here be told by their doctors to not take cough meds unless absolutely necessary. A cough supposedly helps with keeping the lungs exercised and clear They are more concerned about getting pnuemonia than a cough.

I am very thankful that we have all dodged the flu.... so far. I am approaching crazy & weird person status on my efforts to keep hands clean and aware of what is touched when we are in public. Yesterday I was wiping down the car steering wheel and door opener when I realized how much more I was missing. I realized that I used my Credit card, the pen to sign the digital pad, then put CC back into my wallet. I then touched my car keys as well as the car blinker switch. So I sanitized the credit card, my wallet, the car keys and the blinker switch on the car. I am 100% sure that there are other things that I miss. It is hard to think of every single thing I have touched after touching things in public.

This morning basketball game went smoothly. DS9 has a really good coach and it is an excellent environment. Lots of positive encouragement as well as good exercise. Next week there are 3 games/practices so that means I have over 8 hours devoted to basketball activities. There are only 2 more weeks left in this league so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yesterday, DGS21 asked me to teach him to sew. He wants to use scrubs to make pillowcases for his apartment. I told him we need to involve the master sewer in the family = DMom. Yesterday I took DMom one of the scrubs and explained to her what DGS21 wants to do with them. That gave her some time to think the best solution and the steps needed. I'll take my sewing machine to DMom's house this afternoon and meet DGS21 there. He is very creative and loves the idea of making something useful from something that would otherwise be thrown away. The scrubs are from a coworker at DGS21 workplace (vet clinic). She decided she didn't like wearing those scrubs and gave them away. DGS21 thinks the material makes a great design for pillows. I applaud DGS21 effort to live within his income.

I put together a huge pot of salsa ingredients. I have it in the instant pot to simmer all afternoon. It tastes amazing now so I can only hope the end results will be even better.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby CathyS » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:04 pm

Hi everyone!!

Surprise!! This is the first time I've been on my computer all month!! I had errands yesterday which kept me off the computer. I also did some straightening in my library yesterday. Dh needs to repair one entire section, so I had to move all 50 Stephen King books and some others. I also moved some books in the area where I have humour. (Garfield, Herman, Erma Bombeck, etc.)

Dh and I went to Costco and got a cart full of stuff because I needed to go there for paper towels. We had supper there. I also had a lot of samples.

Of course all of the stuff we got needed to go somewhere when we got home. One shelf in my pantry is just for Costco sized packages of toilet paper and paper towels. The I watched Jeopardy with dh, and then we watched a bunch of cooking shows together.

As of yesterday Wayne and I have lived together for 3 1/2 years. We have accomplished so much in that time.

Oh, and apparently there is a some kind of football game tomorrow, so that involved 2 Costco sized bags of tortilla chips so dh can have nachos for supper tomorrow night. I will also have nachos, but mine will be made separately without the spicy chili, etc.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:50 pm

Back from walking the dog! Short shift today hanging out downstairs till laundry is done in the dryer & sheets can go back on thr bed. Play area is bigger downstairs too. I am grateful for the play gate. H is enjoying the upstairs TV. The dog bailed on us and is back upstairs. Got the kit counters when I did a m routine. Dusted the rec room some. They brought somr toys with them today to ploay with. I hope everyone has a happy and productive Sat.

I need to think about a groc. List going for the next store run not this weekend. I have a meal plan for today and tomorrow.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:46 pm

Managed to get started with T urbo T ax and had just about all of dh's W-2 info in. Came to a screeching halt. There's a box to check for 3rd party sick pay but I don't see where I can enter the amount. So I've shut down for now and will have dd help me maybe tomorrow or the next day. Had good intentions of getting it pretty well done, not to be.

I've got to go back and look at the last time dh had sick pay and see if there's a special form.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby lucylee » Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:24 pm

Our surprise was dgs getting sick. He started running a fever last night. I went out at 10:30 last night and got children’s Tylenol for him. He felt much better this morning but he’s asleep again now. Ballgame isn’t till 7:00 and he wants to go, but I wish he felt better.
Talked to ddil and she didn’t opppse the idea of taking him to the game — I’m just sorry he feels so puny.
He’s had a few sneezes, but no other symptoms (except the fever.) No thermometer here, so I don’t know how high it is/was.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:14 pm

Home from spending time with DGS21 and DMom. I think DMom is doing amazing to be able to sew with parkinsonism shaking her hands and head. DGS21 is sooo very happy with his new pillows.

I am starting my Sabbath a bit early by putting my feet up and relaxing. I am listening to Dr. Bernard speak about food/health. Too bad just listening doesn't make me healthier, but maybe it will help with some decisions.
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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:06 pm

Surprise! I spent 3.5 hours on the audit of the church books before giving up. I'll be going back on Wednesday in the evening.

In the meantime I have the 2016 books to go over to try and get a sense of what the previous treasurer was doing so I can help figure out what happened this year when the books were handed over in October.

I had lunch at 2:45 at CM's place. Unsurprisingly it was wonderful to spend time with that family. We sorted through refugee clothing donations.

My car is full of things that are the wrong size or not modest enough.

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