Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:37 am

Blessed: the reason I think of this village as a tool is I can't count the number of times someone has mentioned doing something (like flipping the laundry) and I've realized I've got distracted from that task and am nudged back on-task.

Breakfast is done. This is apparently a one-step-at-a-time day. Next up, get dressed.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:40 am

Oh yes! Kathryn. Might fix those for dinner. Not sure what else we'll have though. I plan to go to P ublix sometime today for groceries. When I feel more 'up' to it than I do this morning. I was up at 6 with a coughing jag. Went back to bed at 7:15 (after taking my T-med). Dozed until 9. Now it's 9:30 and I still haven't had coffee or breakfast. Still in the process of taking my meds.

Things are falling into disrepair here and I need to find energy somewhere and put things back to rights. Especially the office. DD promised to help me with our taxes tonight. Would so like to get them sent off.

Need to get my PODA going for today and then will catch up here.
This is apparently a one-step-at-a-time day. Next up, get dressed.
Me too, Kathryn.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:44 am

I have a bit of light classical music on - we have had a beautiful, but a bit treacherous, snow fall - I think about 6 ". It is stunning especially with the sun hitting the snow - the morning sun taking over the night time shadows. lol so poetic 8-) :lol:

hi d kathryn thank you for the recipe
I also have an electric pot - I love it - a dear Irish friend recommended it to us. Love it
I totally agree d kathryn. I had just never realized it was the best tool of all!

hi d lucy - I agree with d kathryn's suggestion. dd's in the process of asking land owners (horse farms here) if she can take pictures on their property but they may say no. or they may allow her to park on the side road and take pictures as long as she doesn't say where they are from. I went with d mom to look at all her old homes and we just took pictures (but if someone were home I would ask - we did knock on the doors first)
great project.

d lady - best of everything to your d brother. I know your d brother loves having you visit while he is doing chemo - it can be so boring sitting there all day. thank you for starting us so thoughtfully and beautifully

Happy PODA day to you d Dee
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby CathyS » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:55 am


Tools. Dishwasher because I hate washing dishes by hand.

Computer. I now have a love/hate relationship with it. I love it because I found dh because of the computer. I hate it because dh is on it "most" of the time that he is home. He plays games for hours. When I go to kiss him good night, his kiss is very fast and more like a quick peck on the lips because his eyes are on his computer screen because he is playing a game. I guess if I was as hooked on games as he is, I would do the same thing.

Snow blower. I don't use it, but dh does and therefore I have a clear driveway most of the time. Not today, because the snow came over night, but I don't plan on going anywhere today.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:03 am


Most used house tools are my iPhone, George Forman grill and computer.

I have spent the last couple of days in the hospital for Seeetie. He started with a stomach ache late Saturday afternoon and after a restless night complained he had a pain in his lower abdoman. When I lightly touched the area he swated my hand away.

Told him I was pretty sure it was appendiciatis and took him to the ER in hi PJs. After a bunch of tests it was confirmed I was right and they sent him to surgery. The hospital staff including the drs were quite amazed withSweetie as it seems it very seldom a person of Sweeties age, 70, have to have this surgery. In fact a few of the older staff said this was a first for them.

The surgery was quick and fast, about 30 minutes. The surgeon told me Sweeties appendix was extremely large, part due to the fact he was an adult and the sever infection, and was at the point of bursting. After surgery Sweetie was able to eat some and I stayed till the super bowl was over. He was discharged yesterday afternoon and felt pretty good. Came home and the pain finally caught up to him.

Took the meds a while to work and he slept through much of the night. This morning he is up after a hot shower though I suspect he will find his way back to bed in awhile. The hospital staff especially the male nurses were amazed at Sweeties physical shape and ability to recover so fast. The male nurses were talking amongst themsevels abt this and I happened to overhear their conversations as I walked by.

This I Sweeties second visit to a hospital in his 70 year life time. The first was when he was a young boy and had to have something removed from his eye.

Today is catch up day for me..plenty to do plus play nurse maid to Sweetie. I don’t mind cause he has certainly spent plenty of time doing it for me.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:35 am

oh my goodness d Rose - I am so happy he went to the hospital! praying for quick healing!!! It must be hard for him to sit still. Wishing that he feels back to himself soon. He just has to stay ahead of the pain with the meds. We learned this w dd younger. I hope you have a very good day d rose while you take care of your dh.

hi d cathy - I agree the dw is a wonderful tool :D have a wonderful day.

I am actually sock 2 socks instead of s2s - I have my cooking shirt on which is something I don't worry about getting dirty when cooking or cleaning.
I have a apron but I still seem to get stains on my clothing.

Next hopes

Dailies before cooking
card file needs to be separated
I missed giving the stove a good scrub yesterday
today is supposed to be clean out the silverware drawer
focus for me still this week: my upstairs closet and laundry room.

think I will do the phone calls first and change appointments as dd younger and I may go to the Art In stitute for a lecture on Egyptian art on Thursday and we had originally had planned on taking the dogs to senior pool exercise.

hope: burn on dvd from photos
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:42 am

One of fav. Kit, tools is the old fashioned potato masher that I use to make deviled eggs with. My fav. Office tool is the new arch punch I got last month.

I need to s2s, plus fed hens & me.
Waving to every one I have done my early morning planning and journal routine. Decluttered one stack & put away two bags in the living room.

I like doing the swish & swipe at night getting up to the clean bathroom makes my day. It is like a sigh of relief with one thing I do not have to think about this morning! I did all the sinks ladt nighr after dinner yea me!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:42 am

Good morning everyone! I can't decide if my favorite tool is the dishwasher or the washer/dryer! I use the dishwasher more frequently, but washing dishes by hand is a LOT easier than washing laundry by hand! I did very little at home last night, too much jigsaw distraction and I could feel a migraine trying to form. This morning the migraine did show up, but meds have been applied and have worked nicely. Either the meds or the migraine leaves me a little sleepy, but functional. I did work on a crochet project that is in the finishing up and assembly phase (my least favorite part). My data cube is running.

lucylee: I like the newspaper letter idea. People who don't want to participate can simply not contact you. Others will decide it is a fun (and free) way to learn something of their house's history.

Wishing Ramblinrose's Sweetie a speedy recovery.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:57 am

I can live without a dishwasher more easily than without a washer. I know because I often have to hand wash my clothes while on the road. Can't imagine doing towels or sheets!

My washer is in action now with the load of towels. I'm dressed and fresh towels are in the bathrooms. I've also refilled the humidifiers and vaporizer. My in-box zero is back to 15 items which is half a screen full instead of me having to scroll. So I'm pleased about that. Edited a letter for CM and sent an email about the online donation company to the former treasurer. We need access to that account so I can change the email contact and hopefully send out an email to everyone who has donated to let them know that the second family is arriving soon.

I figured out why my watch wouldn't do 15s and fixed it. It would do one and stop because the repeat was off. Yesterday I finally found the right combination of buttons to press to get the repeat back on. I find that helpful since it reminds me to check if I'm on task.

Next task, paperwork. It has to be paperwork. I need to figure out where to put furniture in here but I can't while the living room and dining room are covered in papers.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:30 pm

15 minutes done in kitchen while listening to dianne in denmark (I needed a push)
dishes emptied and the few dishes put in there

I still have to wash the recyclables and clean the sink.
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