This minute Thursday

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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:59 am

I did that last night swept and mop. Yea. Today vacuum is up. Breakfast next. Hens have been fed. Yea! Did my daily planning. Looked up a word. I have learned something already today. I need to make some progress on the yard today even one thing do something that it my goal! I have big branches to load that we cut kind of like logs I can do it early when I have the most energy! There are three of em.

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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:06 pm

Dee... Sweetie is going pretty well although he tires easily. Not taking any more pain meds either. He gets up for a while and then lies back down. Willis like to keep him company by snoozing with him, so I have to watch and make sure he doesn’t get too close to Sweetie, and he’s not liking it much at the moment ;)
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:08 pm

Love it. I was dreading doing the microwave and did it IMMEDIATELY! Thanks, LucyLee -a good mantra. Need to print it out!

Thanks for the instant reply, RR. Glad he's doing well. That's so scary, especially at his age. My best friend in Jr. High died on the operating table from a burst appendix. Think I cried for days and maybe weeks. Her brother was in dh's class and eventually committed suicide. Sad story all around.
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:12 pm

oh d dee so sad - I am praying for that family. How hard!
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:13 pm

time to throw the whites in. (I didn't do them Monday - don't know why)
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:22 pm

Hmmmm, conflict.

I'm dreading paperwork but the logical next thing is vacuuming since it is out and will only take 20 - 30 minutes tops. Then mopping the floor (20 minutes, tops.) In other words, the apartment could be a lot cleaner in just 40 - 50 minutes. Then I could have lunch.

The dining room is rearranged. It is looking spacious at the moment but there's obviously room for what is coming.

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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:27 pm

Gave up and took some cough syrup just a bit ago -at least now the cough is 'productive' and maybe I'll stop for a while. Keep thinking I'm on the edge of this. DDIL posted a pic of dgs13 on FB -at urgent care with sore throat, fever, etc At least they know it's not strep. Unfortunately this is Thursday and DS-R and ddil leave Saturday for down here and then a cruise from Tampa on Monday. DS-A's family is keeping dgs and his family just finally hit the well mark since all being sick since Thanksgiving. DS-A seems to get bronchitis every winter and they've all had something going round and round.

Incidentally we just found out that dgd18 who was attending college on the other side of Rochester -a long commute every day- dropped out after the first semester. She had a 4.0 except an "A" in one subject. But that subject was in spite of differing professors throughout and she couldn't get the courses she needed/wanted for this semester. She was afraid to tell DS-A & ddil that she was dropping out but it's all good. She's actually applying for the fall to Brockport State which is 10 miles or Roberts Wesleyan which is 6 miles. And she got a promotion at work -she works for P lato's C loset and is set to go to Syracuse shortly to open a new store -so obviously doing well there. DDIL works as an instructor at Roberts so she could get a 'break there' and I think Brockport is tuition free. I sure got off subject there and rambled a bit. But all to say, we're proud of dgd! And dgs18 is taking engineering at Utica College. Turns out he L O V E S IT!!! DDil said he spent most of Christmas vacation in front of the computer doing engineering just because he loves it. DD told her -guess what -when he gets a job in engineering 'he'll never work a day in his life'.

Your position at the moment, Kathryn, would make me shudder. In fact things from dsonil's dmom's seems to be finding their way here. DD so doesn't want her home to become the landing spot for all this 'stuff'.
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:40 pm

sink is shiny, counters cleaned, banana bread cooling, white towels are washing. I got a bit Naggy at dh for not washing his egg dishes again - 2 days worth and they can go to 5 days if I don't ask (I had been doing them and he never noticed - he doesn't use anything like spray or butter etc. on his eggs he cooks in the microwave and they are so hard to wash and feel gross to me - who knows why :roll:) I know he doesn't like to be told/nagged but he just leaves it there no matter what I do. So he is washing the egg dishes now - thank goodness. I want to try again not washing them and see what happens but I don't want to be passive aggressive and put those dishes in a box until he runs out of his egg dishes but I sure am thinking about it 8-) ;) it's that evil side of me.

I don't know but I am feeling stressed maybe because I can't get everything done. I have to let that go.

hi d dee (hoping that cough goes away)!! ((((dgs13))))

d kathryn hoping that paper work won't be such a pain

this sounds so silly but I am so proud of myself. As soon as I took the banana breads out of the pans I soaked them for 10 minutes and then washed them right away! no dishes in my sink and it is shiny. It was easy to wash bc I did it right away.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:45 pm

Good morning! I am still a Benadryled zombie, but my skin is less red. The next antibiotic they gave me gives me a bitter taste in mouth. Yucky, but not hazardous. Last night, I picked up meds, ran LOLs (but not yet put away) , delivered cats to "camp" at cat coordinator's house, ate dinner with her family, and did a grocery run. I never got to that DPC and stayed up way too late, computer jigsaws again. "Just one more small section".

Tonight's essentials:
  • Pack - I guess this means I need to finish UNPACKING from Christmas
  • Figure out traveling crochet project
  • More LOLs
  • DPC
  • Gasoline

One complication is that DD15 will be coming tonight. She has the day off, because her finals were done. She wants to celebrate by eating at the expensive Chinese restaurant and getting ice cream. I have okayed the plan. But it takes a bite out of my available hours.

blessedw2: Listen to your evil side. It is showing good sense.

Doesn't sound like DeeClutter's DGD18 has dropped out of college at all. Sounds more like she is finding a better fit for herself at another college.

I wish I could wake up.

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Re: This minute Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:26 pm

Wow, I slept past 9 a.m. this morning. The clock went off several times and I finally turned it off and just slept. I had a lot of fresh air and exercise yesterday, and slept pretty well.

Today, I'm trying to pick up where I left off yesterday

-get ancestry dna kits into the mail to paternal first cousin and to dh's first cousin once removed
-also dog invisible fence batteries, since we don't use it anymore
-groceries (remembering we're out of town next Tues - Sunday)
-load up corrugated cardboard in my car to recycle
-easy work out at the Y today
-a couple of hours of writing on a research report

Right now:
-into clothes and wash up
-walk the dog
-make the bed
-find envelopes for mailing and get those done, including writing up instructions
-load up corrugated from the garage

Agreeing with Dee:
Your position at the moment, Kathryn, would make me shudder.
I assume this is in reference to furniture getting moved into Kathryn's home. That's how I feel right now about all this corrugated cardboard. My new desk was very, very well packed with corrugated and styrofoam, and dh had also bought a piece of art in FL that got shipped here and was probably double or triple boxed with added peanuts. I have to separate the styrofoam from the corrugated to recycle, and styrofoam cr@p takes us a lot of space in the garbage. And I still have styrofoam both corrugated and styrofoam upstairs, in addition to the garage. I never seem to get much traction in garage clean up because it feels like another wave comes in, bringing flotsam.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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