Just Another Manic Monday

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby Lilac » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:26 am

Dee, when I have a bad cough, I drink powered lemonade mix (I use Countrytime) in a cup of hot water. Usually that will settle me down enough that I can sleep.

The little girls don't have school today. Dsil will be bringing them around 11. Dgs13 has a game today so I will be fixing supper for dd2, the little girls, dh and I. Tonight's menu is mini meatloaves, cheesy potatoes and can bread. The can bread is a recipe of dsisil. You mix the dough up and then put in 1# coffee can to rise, then bake. It is delicious. I have 4 1#coffee cans that I have saved to use for this, since you can't buy 1# coffee in cans any longer. The recipe makes 2 loaves.

Last Thursday while I was grocery shopping, dsil2 called the house phone. Dh isn't great about answering it but he did when he seen who it was. Dsil was about 35 miles from here when the transfer case blew in his pickup and he was broke down beside the road. He had called his 4 local brothers and 2 were out of town and the other 2 couldn't get away due to meetings. So he called to see if dh could pick him up and take him home, so he could get his feed truck. While he was waiting for dh, a highway patrol pulled over to see if he needed help. He told him he could tell what the problem was by the amount oil on the highway. The pickup was a 2007 with over 300,000 miles. It had gotten undependable and they had spent a lot, the last few years, keeping it going. So dsil is getting a new 2017 something that is located elsewhere and will be delivered this week. We are so glad that now he won't be leaking fluids, mainly oil on our driveway when he comes over.

Guess I better eat breakfast and shower before the girls get here.........

Kathryn, is this senior friend the one you have been close to for so many years?

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:28 am

lilac and donna lovely to see you this morning!

I am thinking of d lynn - waving to you ~
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:35 am

hi d dee!~~~
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:37 am

I am struggling with the feeling that my brain is wanting to go off the tracks instead of being focused - so I will leave the computer for a while and pull out my cards and timer for today.

I also have to do 2 errands - cards for dd's (already got dh's card) for valentines day.
I need lids from GFS
time to start my day and time for wishing you a wonderful day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:46 am

Lilac wrote:Dee, when I have a bad cough, I drink powered lemonade mix (I use Countrytime) in a cup of hot water.

Dh does that too. He was given Neo Citron as a kid so he has that and then I give him a decongestant as well or a tylenol, if he needs it as well, but the hot lemon drink seems to work on its own (probably placebo effect.)

Dd called. Dgs has a doctor's appointment at noon. Turns out dsil was so tired, he left the hospital before the doctor was through with dgs so they came home to a message on their answering machine asking why he left. Dd is now kicking herself about not going but she was so exhausted that dsil had dgs in the hotel lobby so she could sleep and then came up to say he was going to the hospital and all she could say was fine and then go back to sleep.

The rash is now all over his body. Dgs doesn't have the word Ow so he just moans all the the time he is not distracted.

On the plus side, while at the hotel he learned what a public washroom looks like. When he sees a bathroom he signs 'poop' and dd is never sure if he has to go or just saying 'bathroom' to her. Now, just walking by a door with the man or woman symbol on it, he signs 'poop.' He also learned where the elevator was on their floor of the hotel and lead them to it when they were going out.

Dd as a child (around 10 - 13) spent a lot of time exploring large hotels because we'd be doing conferences and the kids would go off and explore when they were bored. She said walking around the hotel in the night while trying to get dgs back to sleep reminded her of those times with her brother.

Because I'm not feeling 100%, I'm waiting until the doctor sees dgs before going over. That might be tomorrow (I have a nice dinner planned for tonight so need to be home to cook it.) If she gets overwhelmed, she'll call but she said they all slept a bit better last night than they have for a few nights.

I've had my breakfast and tidied the kitchen. I watered the plants and wound the clocks. The sheets are in the dryer so folding them is the next task.

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:59 am

(((for your sweet dd and her dh and dgs))) its so hard when little ones are sick. D kathryn - I am thinking and praying for them.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:05 pm

card file is out on my cart - Hoping I can work on these

Normally today is laundry room so I am trying to catch up as I missed this last week
Focus - is storage (continuing work on upstairs closet and stuff in bedroom that should not be there)
dailies and weeklies pulled
white laundry gentles (dd younger has some great sailing shirts)

errands - italian deli, valentines day cards 2,
Kitchen specials: 1 refrigerator shelf - 1 per day of the week
cabinet fronts slip shod
clean the trash can in kitchen (monthly)
15 minutes decluttering
clean shower doors
see if there is any garbage in my car
ask dd younger for 2 of her migraine meds to put aside in case of emergency
add charges up from last week (I missed that yesterday)
Photo project
text friend for lunch, text one of d sil for lunch

I have a new once a week card: How's that working for you? it's been enlightening - I can see what is working and what is not working.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:27 pm

Have done that round, plus called my brother, walked the dog and rebooted the laundry. I am picking dbro up around 1 p.m. to see dmom today.

-Make the bed
-take books upstairs to my office
-pack up dog invisible fence batteries to send back
-sync my phone to computer
-start a packing list for trip
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:28 pm

I can remember most of our dks having Roseola, Kathryn. Usually by the time the rash was in full swing they would be getting over it. Know there was always a fever with it.

I did the 'dreaded' thing and made a reservation for dh to fly S west on March 8th to Rochester from Orlando and return on the 13th. He was extremely disappointed he wouldn't be able to attend the fire department banquet on the 10th. One because DS-A is now chief and two because the County Sheriff is speaking. It's usually held in April so dh had figured he'd be able to attend, no problem. I paid more for his ticket to fly into Rochester than if I had booked F rontier to Buffalo, but I was very unsure about people being able to pick him up and take him back to Buffalo. So guess what, he's getting a surprise Valentine's present. I've put the confirmation and his passport in a brown envelope and put an endearing message on the envelope. No card this year for sure. This will more than suffice. I'm sure he has no idea.

Dh and dd left about 45 minutes ago to take DS-R and ddil to the Port of Tampa. I chose to stay home. Got the dishes done and did dh's reservation. Now I'm exhausted.

Did use my inhaler this morning. Only trouble with that is that it makes me so very shaky for some time after. Think I'm finally good now -about 2 hours later.

Hmmmm.....think I'll go open that envelope and put the card with the invitation for the banquet inside.

Thanks, Lilac/Kathryn. Have to see if they have sugar free.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Just Another Manic Monday

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:45 pm

Have a quick question, what type of system do you use to accomplish what I call projects? For housekeeping I do use Cards, but for projects I have tried using planners, a basic notebook(using now)have noticed apps but have not gone there, bullet journals look way to complicated but D-Lady seems to be doing well with using one.
Also forgot earlier to wish those who are ill or caring for ill ones, feel better soon, sending hugs.
Dh is home ran out to get large trash bags and boxes to place items for G-will.
Be back later:)

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