Friday Finishes

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:44 pm

We had 15 flakes of snow today, then it melted. I can see snow all around us. Cooked eggs and deviled them. Cleaning the kitchen was good for my hands. No jury duty for me! Got the notice today a letter to keep. Yippie! More in j & c on this.

Back from walking the dog.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:58 pm

Cathy: my son is heading into your weather. Sigh....

We had a good morning. Neither dh nor I are sleeping well so we're both dragging but we were ready for 9 when ds showed up.

We drove the 45 minutes to check out the house. I was able to translate/discount the photos on the listing to imagine a reality that was very close to IRL reality. In fact a few rooms felt larger than I expected and the house was brighter than I expected (yet dh and ds found it dark.) The view of the water was there from both floors and in general it would be an OK place to live. Ds doesn't see himself living there so that's that.

He and I started with the cellar, looking at the bones of the building (size of beams), how the addition had been added, insulation between the stone foundation and the first floor (my father's childhood home used to be banked each winter, with bales of hay added around the outside foundation to insulate the cellar.) No signs of dampness. It is a wood floor over dirt. Checked out the furnace, sump (dry which is good considering how much melting has been happening), hot water tank and electrical panel. Noted the water pipe now entered the house much lower than before (good so the line won't freeze.)

Only after looking at the unexciting parts did we got back upstairs and look around.

The agent MF recommended was excellent. She had the selling price from 10 years ago. The family paid $5K less than they are asking which means they won't hit breakeven after paying for the new windows and the sales commission. So this is not an investment house.

There was good and bad but it doesn't matter since ds didn't like it.

After we left, the mortgage broker phoned to say he'd been pre-approved for $25K more than this place. Not that ds will find anything better even with a larger budget.

I'm still struck with the location of the house. Small lot but great view and two blocks from the centre of the town. The street is in flux - two tiny houses, some small but well kept homes, several very nice houses but still one rooming house on it (I counted 10 electrical meters) and the house next door is likely a duplex rental unit although the lady was nice (her dog came over to visit us as we were looking in the back yard.) As I told the agent, I don't mind ds living in an area with low-income neighbours, but didn't want him surrounded by low-character neighbours.

The process has yielded a good agent to work with plus a mortgage broker. It has also lit a fire under ds and I to get some finances in order. When he gets back from visiting in Cathy's area, he and I will start work on a financial plan for him with some life goals.

I also have to figure out if it was just this house that disappointed him or if he isn't cut out to own a century old home. Some people (like my dad) are, some people (like dh) aren't. My Dad was always buying older homes, fixing them up while he lived in them and renting them out, using the investment in one to secure a loan on the next place. He cashed out in the 1970's coming out almost $100K ahead so a reasonable nest egg. Ds is very much like my father so I need to fill him in on that part of my father's life financial strategy.

I've been zoned out ever since. Dh slept in the car on the way back. I need a nap I think before the theatre tonight.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby CathyS » Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:10 pm

Kathryn it is 7 degrees here. Everything is melting and the main roads are all clear. We live on a "rural access road" AKA no access to the highway or anything else too exciting. and we were plowed before 9 a.m. Within a 5 minute drive of my house, there is the lake, a distillery, a legal grow op, numerous vineyards and a couple of wineries and a craft beer maker with a field of hops right beside the brewery and lots of orchards and an orchid grower and 2 pussy willow farms.

Dh is home for the weekend. We are headed to the Falls soon to go grocery shopping. There is an absolutely awesome family owned 100+ year old Italian grocery store across from the Great Wolf Lodge just off the parkway. We are going for the pork ribs that are on sale.

My sister wanted to move to Hamilton a few years ago, then discovered that this awesome space that could be an artist's studio and a house and her husband could commute on the train into Toronto ended up being beside a bar. No deal. She wanted the neighbourhood, but not the type of people that would be around her.

Time to get off of here and get ready to go out.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:19 pm

I had a flurry of productivity. I got a month-long todo done and made a list of the babysteps for the taxes and printed off a list of donations so I can make sure I have the receipts.

Then we went for a walk to get a bun for dh to have with his dinner. Only 3K steps but every little bit counts.

Now to reheat our leftovers for dinner.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:08 pm

This afternoon I have been working on completing the home blessing for this week. I swept hall and kitchen, dusted, cleaned the sinks and bathroom porcelain, got under the china hutch fridge and stove, and stairway to the basement. It felt great to do that stuff.

I finished knitting up a sage green round dish cloth.
Finished dusting the return air to the furnace. I need to dust a bit in the storage zone yet. No payroll for me so taking advantage of the time. Played a bit w rubber stamps.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:03 pm

I hit the floor this morning at 5:02am fully rested and have been on the move since then. It has been a good day.

Big Rocks -
** Homeschooled with DS9. We had a shorter homeschooling day than normal but it was highly productive. Win-Win
** Got all the daily house chores done with the main 5 rooms being company ready.
** Meet DGS21 after he got off work at noon and we spent 5.5 hours together. He is a fun fella to be around. We went to 2 thrift stores, 5 other stores, and spent a couple hours in a non-chain coffee shop which included playing a game of chess.
** DGS21 & I meet DH and DS9 for lunch at a buffet place. I successfully found food that matched exactly what I wanted to eat. It thrilled me to be able to do this.
** I did a couple returns to brick-n-mortar stores of online purchases.
** dropped off a 50 gallon bag of items to our donation place.
** found a couple of tall chairs that match perfectly what I have been wanting to find for the kitchen bar. When we moved here 2.5 years ago I bought some inexpensive wooden bar stools so we would have something to use while I searched for the right chairs. I am thrilled to have found them today but even MORE thrilled with the price. They didn't have a price tag on them so I asked how much. They called the manager and he seemed busy and distracted. He said "How about $10 each?" I couldn't believe the find and kept looking all over them checking every angle trying to find what was wrong with them to be so inexpensive. I can only guess I was at the right place at the right time.
** Ordered 1000 CD's and envelopes for the church recordings.

What I didn't do well today -
** My OA homework. Eeeek! I have to do it before going to bed.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:40 pm

Everyone arrived safely, and we've had many hugs. ToddlerJ immediately held his hands up for HRH, so that was a happy grandpa moment. They had all decided to go to the zoo today, with dsonil taking care of the boys through the morning until dd was finished, so they had 3 letters of "field trip" reports for 3 teachers to send by email.

Found out that dd was speaking at the OSHA Summit today - having nothing to do with the zoo, really, except that their facilities can handle such a large group. So I got that wrong. I figured her audience was zoo management or something, but it was the whole attendance of the summit.

Can't even tell you how I worked today getting ready - good grief. Still working, really, after they were here. So much to do. I realize now that they have gone to bed that I neglected getting clothes out of my room for tomorrow. Oh well! How 'bout that. Dd will be gone tomorrow mid-day to her aunt dfirstsisil's to go through her grandmother's things with other family members and the rest of us will keep the children here. Ds will do the same Sunday.

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Re: Friday Finishes

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:10 am

so happy that everyone arrived safely and that there were lots of hugs d harriet!

hi d lady, hi d nancy, hi d kathryn, hi d cathy, hi d harmony, hi d everyone that was here before my page wouldn't let me see any more.
but I think of all of you!

I had a lovely lovely time with d friend! always lovely.
I have had a hard time with my one shoulder and yesterday it finally hit hard. No clue why. so Monday I will call dr for an appointment.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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