Fortunate on Friday

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:51 am

Good morning everyone. It's official, DD16 has celiac. This means of the four creatures in my house 75% have a special diet. I am the only one who does not, but DD's doctor believed I should be checked for celiac even if DD did not have it, based on my own history. Turns out my brother's son is also off gluten. Not sure of the diagnosis or whether they are pursuing fad diets. I have lots of gluten free coworkers, none with celiac. They keep telling me to get her off sugar and carbs and go paleo. Um ... not for a growing kid! Especially one who already has a thyroid condition that leaves her prone to becoming underweight. Sugar may not be especially beneficial, but it is not toxic or addictive and there is no gluten hiding in it. Carbs are beneficial, but sometimes have hidden gluten. The only good thing about this dietary fad is that people with REAL medical conditions are finding it easier to eat.

For Girls' Night Out, DD wanted to stay in and sleep. However, she has a project due today. I let her sleep a half an hour, then got her up for dinner and project. I am not sure how much progress she made. I don't think she read Harry Potter fan fiction though. While she did that, I typed up notes from the vet on Lara for her adopter. Also LOL and collected books for my friend, but did not do much of anything else.

LadyMaverick: If the student is a visual learner, Spirograph may be of use in learning remainders Also least common multiples. See this link: I learned those concepts around the age of 7, but didn't have the words for them until later. I used the term "leftover" for remainder. They talk about counting the gears, but the number is on most of them.

Kathryn: A fire extinguisher may not be accessible in time to put out YOUR car, but twice the one in my car has helped someone else out. My xMIL received the benefit of several extinguishers belonging to others for a brake fire. The brake line was acting just like a candle wick. GFIs are DIY installs.

Harmony: That valve may not be working properly. You may have a hiatal hernia. These can be incredibly painful down to symptomless.

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:04 pm

Re acid I knew some one with thise trouble turned out that she had an ulcer, others had galbladder probs.

I have paid attn to a m stuff, now I need to do some home blessing I break mine up these days like Mon. Trash day, doing one chore each day for varoius things like mop on Tuesday, vacuum Wed. sheets Sat., laundry Thursday, freeday Friday ~ when I was young w small kids in the house did it all on the same day.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:12 pm

I know it isn't the best of news d Elizabeth but at least it is something she can work with! Glad you finally know.
my d mom had an overactive thyroid and around her 50's had her thyroid killed. I don't know if they do that anymore.

hi d harmony I am sorry that the reflux has affected your gardening. regarding hernia - I have had one (umbilical). very painful. hope you don't get that pain! Yay on getting your morning things done! Stay safe on Sunday when the weather comes.

alright more on the journey:
swish swipe and swiffered the 3 bathrooms surface - took 15 minutes for all
My morning routine is done.

I have my front room project to do.
I have my dining room blessing to be done today.
Fitness routine and personal care to do
wash dog blankets
dejunk 1 thing
kitchen heavy cleaning 15 minutes: wash doors
if weather cooperates 10 minutes outside weeding
I still have to check in my car for stuff. It needs vacuuming still but it looks like rain is coming and it is cold again.

clutter check # 1 not done just marked as I feel lazy

d Nancy thank you for sharing that!
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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:34 pm

The dog took a (not plastic) spoon upstairs for me, and carried a fork home on one of our walks. Some times I give her mail to take to h.

Back from doing a rock drop, took all the rocks off the pitiful leaning one and moved them to the new shelf.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:52 pm

I had thought about suggesting to dd that we go to Magic Kingdom Sunday after church, Harmony. But then I saw that severe storms are forecast for the afternoon. Sure don't want to get caught in them. (It would be dgdZoe's 7th birthday and we try to go drop something in the water in memory of her in It's a Small World. Don't think it will happen Sunday. Not even going to mention to dd that I was thinking about that. She'd try to figure a way around it.)

Drove over to dbil/dsisil's house earlier but there's no vehicles at their place of her dsis' house. Couldn't figure that all out and came home.

DD is taking her dmil out for dinner tonight. I elected not to join them. At least I don't think so. I'll see when dd gets home from work. DD's principal talked with her yesterday about her final evaluation. Told her, "You're irreplaceable, but if you get hired at the high school I won't keep you from it. They'll be lucky to have you." Always nice to have the positive.

I'm trying hard to figure out what to do when in the coming weeks. I've procrastinated on so many things.

Slept terribly last night. Hoping for better tonight. I know I'm tired (literally) of just dragging.

The remainder of my meds came in the mail. So, I went on the website, changed our address to up home and ordered the meds dh needs.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:41 pm


feeling a bit strained after having to do declutter decisions. I realized my coffee table was too heavy to move and I emptied it and it was filthy and full inside. It took me 90 minutes to go through, wash down and all the put away.
I also help dd younger with a questionnaire she had to do.

washed towels and dh put them in dryer - so those are working on drying the towels.
he took my cloths and threw them on the chair in the dining room :shock:
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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:45 pm

hi d dee
how lovely for your dd!!!
I hope you sleep better tonight!

hi d nancy lol re: dog carrying fork home. so sweet about her getting the mail for your dh.

part of me feels everyone around me sitting - I have to push myself as I am easily affected by moods of others especially dh.
I am sure the dreary weather is affecting him.

Family room: He did come in while i was working on the coffee table drawers and mentioned that he could move the rug for me - later.
rug vacuumed and straightened
swiffer dusted as well
took curtains down for cleaners
put away again
all books except one that I am reading put away
This surface cleaning and blessing of this room took longer that I expected. Normally short.
I did not clean under couch.
(dejunking was a heavy cleaning time instead).

As I didn't do a home blessing yesterday I will do one in the dining room - it shouldn't take long.
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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:40 pm

Elizabeth, hugs to you even though you and dd were expecting this, are already so aware and have such good common sense! Um... no, coworkers don't deserve a listen over your/her own nutritionist(s).

This means of the four creatures in my house 75% have a special diet.

:) Elizabeth

Nancy, your dog is going to be ready for commercials!

Harmony, you're quite right of course that not letting yourself get too full is a help. And yes how much one weighs makes a difference. the spot that once bothered me was left side below ribs, so I can see why my dr referred me for the barium (?) drinking thing since in theory that area would be revealed. Still a mystery pain, though. Just think how much better off I probably am, never to know what hurt. ;) I was released... I ran.

blessed, no I never saw her again - not at all my own physician. No, I really don't have any problem with reflux any more. Only if I break my own rules (like spaghetti late).

HRH took off for early lunch and went with me to make the second deposit, since he also wanted to run by the healthy foods store that is that bank's neighbor. So a couple more things done! We brought their buffet style food home to enjoy with new episode of Young Sheldon. I just love actor Lance Barber - how I hate that the viewer knows in advance we lose him/George.

Back at home, report to denomination prepared, copied, filed.

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:46 pm

glad you aren't suffering from reflux!
yay on getting a couple more things done d harriet!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fortunate on Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:48 pm

did a 10 to 15 minute home blessing in the dining room like I originally planned for yesterday. It didn't take long.

tomorrow is a hair dye appointment.
dh is happier once he got out of the house. He loves his daily book store run.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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