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Postby Elizabeth » Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:56 am

Good morning! Foster cat Lara was delivered to her new home yesterday and has come out from under the bed at least once. Not while the new owner was around, but it is progress. Briggs yowled a few times last night. I think he was looking for Lara. He would only chase her away if she came near. He did the same after Stratton died. DD16 and I did make church, but she was drenched in homework so no youth group. The church website was updated and LOLs put away. A few items from the sewing room were decluttered or put away.

Today at payroll will be homework from a meeting, then back to inventory problems. I am hoping to hear from a doctor about the cyst that refilled shortly after he drained it. It is making it extremely uncomfortable to sit down, particularly for carpool. I have no idea what my evening plan will be, but will figure it out sometime today.

I think Harriet properly diagnosed my arm pain as being from a tense drive. They are pain free now.

DeeClutter and blessedw2 are making me grateful that I am no longer married to my perfectionist x. Such a wet blanket on all that is pleasurable.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:12 am

No, lol!, my sweet dh is far from a perfectionist but also have set ways as he gets older but so do i lol - actually really kind- He is though quirky (as am I :lol: ) about his cars and other things.

your dd has lots of homework - is it finals time d Elizabeth?
glad new kitty is coming out from under the bed! Also glad you are feeling no pain!

hi d twins
oh awesome about the genealogy DNA match!
that is my maiden name as well!
sorry pain is hitting you and keeping you from a good nights sleep. Hope it's better tonight.

hi d nancy I can imagine your d dog so happy. yay on your work last night. cheering you on as you do your bathroom.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:24 am

time for me to get s2s for errands with d aunt.

dh and I had a little tif bc he wants to use my car this afternoon and I won't be home and dd younger won't be home so he has to stay home.
He knew well ahead that we were going out but he hadn't counted on snow and he doesn't take his car out in snow. (he thinks it will be hailing)
he has an antique car and his current car which is spotless.

dd olders car has been coming out of his account - he wanted it set up this way - and she pays him every month for the payment but now he wants to get rid of it. And he has even made up something no one in our family would ever say - he said dd said that she can "see the money in his eyes" oh my goodness if that isn't dramatic and a bit of martyr; not even close to what she said. She asked if he could wait until she sent an invoice out that needed doing. He is just angry that taxes come out today and he put my brakes on his debit card. Almost 1K. He could have said wait but he is convinced that the rotters would have been affected but that is how dh is.

He called me today by my maiden name ;)
We both have great things from our families and bad things from our families as well. :D

He is just mad that he doesn't have a car today. He knew ahead that we were going out of the house today. So I am okay with it. I am being Firm but kind as Kat says.

i did the dusting around the house today for my home blessing.
laundry flip flopped
most of my morning routine is done except swish and swipe and s2s
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:26 am

Dishes are going m bedroom is spiffed up, a m routine mostly done. Sheets are in the dryer and I have two fabric bags & linings seamed up ready to go together.

We are contemplating going to the dump if it dries up a bit, the rain has stopped.

My granny did that with the surname for middle name for my uncle.

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Postby Harmony » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:39 am

Ha! We have Alexanders back a couple generations in my maternal side. 3 generations from me I think. Maybe we're all related!

We weathered the storm ok. It was interesting. The earlier service at church was very full they said. I think people were trying to get their day in before the storm hit. We had grey sky and hard winds all afternoon. I watched my mulberry tree sway a lot :shock: it is very flexible type of tree.

Rain hit between 5 and 6 and it came down so hard it was the hardest rain we've had in a long while. I couldn't believe what was coming off the roof at the end of our downspouts. But about an hour later it began to clear. I've never seen a storm that hard come and go so quickly.

News kept reporting about Greensboro NC today. Evidently bad up there. And they kept pointing out the snow and ice over Michigan. I wonder what helia got? Anyway, that is all over now except for the cleanup and we were lucky to not get any worse. I had garbage cans out by the road for pickup this morning and was glad they did not blow over. Course, I had them way loaded down with all that paper.

Harriet, pictured your DH out in the rain with the tractor. Impatient drivers should have been asked if they also wanted to help? Made me think of DH out in Hurricane I rma in his yellow rain suit wading over across the street to the stalled car over there to make sure there was no one in it. He was right to check. At old house we had big tropical storm and guy turning up our side street got into our swale and stalled his car. Waded out there and asked and no he didn't want help, had called someone. Apparently no one came and he had tried to run his car during the night and water was up over exhaust and he ended up deceased. Police came next day when we discovered and called and took him away, car and all. Death was alcohol (he was drunk and was drinking in the car) and carbon monoxide. :?

I wish everybody with mouth pain would feel better. I still have not called to make the appointment to get my wisdom tooth removed. I'm chicken. Bak Bak Bak.

Wondering if Booksaver's friend attended the sewing weekend with mystery menu? I wouldn't have gone.

I gave up on wool rug. It just wasn't drying. DH checked and said this was ridiculous and we rolled it up and took it out to the back porch and spread it out on backs of the chairs and the table, propped up by a board. Brushed some o xy in it and we hosed and hosed. Came out really brown :oops: and it is still out there drying. I was wanting to cut it up and dispose but DH is getting more and more frugal in his old age to the point of exasperation and wants to see if we can salvage. It is still drying, having dripped and dripped... and then the storm came and soaked a foot of the edge.

And now my left arm is sore the exact place I had the "lump" checked. There is something definitely wrong there that we haven't determined. Heavy stressing of the arm and the problem shows up again. I told DH I wasn't fussing with this carpet ever again and it should be done 2 times a year and he was shocked :shock: . He has no idea what I do to keep this place clean.

Other carpet is dry and new looking again except I'm seeing a bit of wear and fuzziness.

I am going to work on the living room floor tile. Now that rug isn't there I can move the couch and love seat out and clean behind. And do the one small rug in the master bedroom. Then go to the bank. Driving the dump truck again as friend took the car back out to his place from church yesterday to put in the part that finally came. He has to take the whole dashboard out.

Sorry this is a book...

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:58 am

Some two steps forward, one back. I scheduled a dr appt for tomorrow - the only time I could get in this week - so have to reschedule appraisal at dmom's and reschedule the guy picking up stuff at dmom's. That's a problem because my mouth hurts when I talk also. I also talked to Hospice nurse about dmom - issues with wheelchair now and about phone call from social worker about possibly moving dmom, which seems to be a misunderstanding.

I still have not s2s-ed and now the online discussion is in 20 minutes. I'll do what I can now....
-comb my hair
-try to call the appraiser guy
-try to call the guy who needs to pick up his stuff
-make the bed

I also took another of dh's meds.
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Postby DeeClutter » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:59 am

Well, Elizabeth, dsonil is definitely NOT a perfectionist in most areas. Except I guess when it comes to vehicles. He's a packrat and tends to be a s l o b. He is a perfectionist when it comes to his artwork however -much to a fault. ;)

Need to get ready to go to dbil/dsisil's for a little bit. Going over there for an hour or so and then heading for my appointment at B est Buy. Did get out my receipt for when they replaced the battery. Maybe they'll try another, but I doubt if that's the answer. Think the phone itself is just plain dying.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:25 pm

My dh can be quite fussy about some things but is definitely not a perfectionist.

Did online discussion group. Also:
-left message for the appraiser about rescheduling
-contacted antique guy and rescheduled to Wed a.m.
-extended our federal tax return. I need to make a state payment to Tennessee online also.

Need to s2s now and walk the ddog and then head to K-town.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:42 pm

You can't be a perfectionist about a car interior here. Too much salt, sand and snow gets tracked it. A proper detailing is over $200 so I spend a few hours, once a year, doing it at dd's place. The carpet and floor mats never get stain free but they are clean. We have 2 levels of mats in the car (except the driver's seat) in order to catch things, even in the summer. That saved me one time when we had milk spill in the cooler and the cooler bung was out. It dripped onto the top mat so we put that into a garbage bag until we could get it cleaned.

My desk window is now only 1/3 covered in ice and I think it is only rain falling now. We are still under a freezing rain warning but for now the temperature is warm enough that it is just rain.

Ds showed up unexpectedly. Middle of the day, after an overnight, meant something was up. We asked and he was out 'adulting.' He has several work 'moms', nurses who like to mother him. I guess I'm too hands off (whoda thought, with me doing his laundry for him?!?!) and one British nurse, F, has him over for roast beef Sunday dinner quite often and if he buys land without a house, has offered he move into her room over the garage while he builds his home. No rent, just occasional babysitting (her boys are 16, 12, 10) and chores around the property. So he is very close to her. She got word during her shift last night that her boyfriend (who lives in England) died suddenly from an infection and so she was scrambling to get home to him.

Overnight, he helped make flight arrangements, drove her home, got her house ready to leave, then to the pharmacy to get tranquilizers for her (she was hysterical), to her ex's to see her boys before she left and then to the airport. He helped her check in (again she was hysterical and with the weather, the flights weren't on time so she may miss her connection to Manchester.) He had grabbed a nap while she was packing. Just as they were leaving her power cut out but was back on in a moment.

He came to our place to get his clothes and was going home to sleep until friends are off work, then he'll get a friend to give him a lift to the hospital and take her car back to her house.

After that, dh invited someone without power to come work here so I scrambled to get the apartment tidied and ready for guests.

Now I'm on the phone with my sister.

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Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:11 pm

this is why we can't have black vehicles. Dust from very-small-gravel driveways. we do best with gray/blue/brown. :) Also why I like my Husky Liner mats for my own car.

Ya'll are confusing me on the name thing. Don't seem to be talking about the same names but maybe I'm missing something.

Kathryn, yes that window would be disconcerting to listen to. Oh! That poor lady!

For a household who got their taxes to the preparer in late Feb, we sure are doing a lot of running on April 16. I went by the office to pick up and was surprised to find they expected both of us to be there to sign and it would be e-filed rather than us mailing. With tomorrow being 6 hours caring for toddlerC, I knew our household had to find a finish line. So I just kept on going, drove the paperwork to HRH and right back to their office, combined further errands to pharmacy 1, pharmacy 2 and PO. :( and Mondays are supposed to be my recuperation days!

the photo of my first cousin's son standing in front of the giant uprooted tree considered to be a 150-year-old perhaps (some exaggerating to 200), has been making the rounds here. It's a very sad photo to me (and him, and his sister, who lost her porch to its fall (but thankfully nothing else). Personally, I reject the various ponderings going around of who may have planted it, because I don't think any are of the right time frame, and I think it could have volunteered so long ago that none of those being named were old enough to understand. I do have another thought of someone they've forgotten, who may have planted it, but I'm not getting into it.

The sound of chain saws is all around.

Everybody's still got a headache from the barometer. Well, the tax preparer's office has stress headaches, I'm sure. I said to the admin assistants, "I hope your day is... ... calm" and one answered, "that ship has sailed!" :)

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