Friday Fifty

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:06 pm

We've found Klara.

After leaving the dog park, she decided to go climb trees. We went to the specialty mothering store. We rested, used the washroom and the play area and dd bought dgs a better hat.

When we put him into the stroller we realized Klara wasn't with us. We searched the store left a note and dd ran back to the park searching high and low. No luck. We left the store and searched again.

Klara is dgs' stuffy and he doesn't go anywhere without her. She is no longer made so dd lives in fear of losing her.

Thank heaven (and Andrew, who I was praying to) someone had put her up in a tree, save from the dogs. Dgs is asleep holding on to her now.

We're at a patisserie having croissants while he naps, then off to the Old Port for crepes for lunch.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:06 pm

I'm home from trip to town. I've stocked DD with her needs and spent a few minutes with DSIL in ICU. He is having high levels of pain so they have his fairly sedated but he did wake up and say a few sentences to me.

Now I need to start my day from the beginning again. I skipped many of my normal doings so I could get out the door quicker this morning. I am going to start DS9 and DGD7 on their homeschool lessons and fit the other things in here and there.

50 things -
*** 50 days of homeschool completed (multiple times)
*** 50 nights of being up with DS9 (multiple times)
** I have more than 50 reasons to be thankful.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:24 pm

Sunny you are ahead of me bc you are showing the place.

I am back from delivering donations and got my meds. glad to enjoy the morning a sunny day.

Sheets are back on the bed. I have had lunch.

I guess I need to work on the next round. I have sorting to accomplish, at least one more basket.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:45 pm

DH asked me to order some ink cartridges for the church. I need to know if generic cartridges are okay or only name brand (HP) so I sent a text to the owner of that printer and am waiting on the reply.

DS9 and DGD7 are busy working on their assignments. Both have completed their daily xtramath and are working on Math worksheets.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Lunch is done. I'm stuffed more than the crepes were!

Dgs ate well. He was delighted his crepe had peppers in it. They are his favourite.

We've walked 4 miles so far. Now to go down along the river for a bit and look at the ships.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby lucylee » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Happy anniversary, Sunny & DH!!!! Fifty years is a great accomplishment, and a wonderful blessing!

Fifty things I have done?
I have had 50(+) birthdays…
I have colored my hair 50(+) times…
I have told my dgrands I love them 50(+) times…

LOL – it is hard to think of things. :? I wish I could say I have * done my morning routine 50 days in a row * and * exercised 50 days in a row * ... but that just seems overwhelming right now. I can't seem to manage SEVEN days in a row! :oops:

Yes – wishing good travel to Kathryn and others on the roads today! (((Blessed & dd)))

I bet my dmom would say she has waited 50(+) hours on her ac man. He still has not arrived, so I’m glad to see you are getting your troubles fixed, Harriet!

Nancy, you are doing great! Just keep on keeping on, one step at a time!

Cathy is making me think… what do I need to FINISH today?

You have done GREAT this week, too, Twins! You deserve some down-time!

LadyM, you (and your family) have been on my mind constantly since your post last night. Continued prayers for your dsil and all of you.

** I have more than 50 reasons to be thankful.
Yes, and thank you for the reminder, LadyM.
It has really been a good couple of weeks in Lucyland, for the dgrands with swimming, and ds in general, dmom cooking for us...
all except the Alabama Chainsaw Massacre of the holly bushes.
* Shaking my head *

DH is REALLY just absolutely CERTAIN that I have killed them, and soon we will have a huge brown and/or bare spot on that side of the porch. He says it looks like crazy people live here. He was just grumbling about it last night when we came home and he got a good look at them (again) from the driveway.
They do look pretty ragged & dry right now, and it is extremely difficult to get a hose around there to water them... but I just can't believe they are that easy to kill. I looked online, and people are TRYING to figure out how to kill them... round-up, hard pruning, NOTHING seems to work. And it takes a tractor with a chain to pull them out of the ground! So I just can't believe I cut enough off to do permanent damage.
Finally, dh said, "Well... it's my fault. I had sorta a cold feeling when you said you were going out to cut them, and I thought, 'I should go out there and help her,' but I had already made up my mind that I was going to clean the garage, and I said, 'no, just let her do it...' so it's really all my fault."
I just LOL and LOL... and I told him I was glad we had settled that, if it was his fault, I wouldn't worry about it any more.
(But I kinda am worried about it.) :? ;) :roll:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby lucylee » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:43 pm

OMM... what do I need to finish today -- or in some cases, START...

[ ] S2S, wash hair, "morning" routine
[ ] Pictures to computer
[ ] Dust bedroom & kitchen
[ ] S/S guest bath
[ ] Cook supper, s/s kitchen
[ ] Exercise

I haven't been exercising, meaning "walking away the pounds," this week, b/c I have * TA-DA * exceeded my step goal for at least three days in a row!
My goal however, is only 7000 steps. :oops: One day I was over 9000, and another I actually hit 10,000! So I'm about to re-set my goal to 8000 -- but I have to keep being consistent with it.

DH says we may go to a movie tonight later. However, he says we can't leave in time to see Gotti -- which I didn't even know was a movie, but when he told me I wanted to see it. He wants to see it, too, but says the Braves game won't be over in time. :roll: OTOH -- I just saw that it is NOT getting very good reviews. So, maybe just as well.

Anyway, I guess I better get busy. Y'all have a great afternoon/evening!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:53 pm

Toys are sorted and I took out 3 more tee shirt market bags full of donations. Laundry is folded. I made one more market bag.

I need to decide where ro put the plethera of empty containers to reuse that have accumulated in the living room.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:14 pm

On the train home. No dinner for me. My veggie sticks are more than enough. Dd is exhausted so I am taking dgs except for now during his dinner which is quiche.

Our train is late but only a few minutes so we should be home in 50 minutes.

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Re: Friday Fifty

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:09 pm

I "found" my desk, the mirrored dresser, and rolling cart surfaces in the creativity room. One black bag of trash is nows ready to go out I have sorted at least 50 piesecs of papers. It looks better but still needs attn. Pupa . H is not here yet so I am taking a breather from paper sorting. I need to get out and water again in a bit.

H is on his way. I will be back down stairs working on the basement next round not sure when that will be however.

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