The more we get together... Thursday

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:57 pm

hello again. waiting for a call any second.

scraped and painted one black lamp outside on back of house. Hoping it doesn't rain for a bit. not the greatest scraping job but its okay. It doesn't have to be perfect just clean looking.

d mom stopped by with lunch. sigh i ate 2 goodies she brought me. why?!!!!!!

dh went to bank, store for my milk

I will see how everybody is doing soon.
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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:47 pm


No, Harriet, dh had not come home but he is now. He has horse pills for antibiotics here. Surgeon from hospital is going to contact the orthopedic surgeon to see about dh having the shoulder surgery. Dh is waiting on a call from the stomach surgeon for follow up. The hospital said, "Oh you already have a 'follow-up' with him September 27th". That was already set up because of the bowel obstruction in May. A little long for this follow up don't you think? :D

Just went through our flowers from our anniversary party and trimmed them & sorted them out into two other vases. We were discussing our anniversary and going out to dinner. Told dh I am very happy with just going here to the Pub. He has to be on a fat free diet at this point and it's going to be challenging. They sent him home with a list and a couple of recipes. Actually he was given lasagna at the hospital which was superb and it's made with turkey. So going to try that recipe.

Our grandsons finished staining our berm today. Looks so good! Dh gave both of them a good 'tip' which they weren't expecting. Younger dgs13 had tears in his eyes. Know they're both being paid by our ds-A but felt we wanted to reward them. Sure dgs13 is learning valuable life lessons. The other dgs18 is DS-A's son & the 13yr old is DS-R's.

Ok, I'm going to take the next 15 minutes and work on our dining room. Off I go.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:24 pm

Was feeling puny so I finally surrendered and napped way earlier than I normally do but I do feel better glad I did.

Happy ann. LM & MR. LM.
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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby Sunny » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:38 pm

Happy Anniversary to Lady M and DH! Sometimes the quiet days are the best! :)

Dh and I have had a quiet afternoon. Dgd20-H and her Friend went to spend the afternoon at the Aquarium in the big city across the bay. The Friend took a short walk this morning to a small park across the big road near here and got caught in a sudden downpour. Dgd20 took her car to find and rescue him. Didn't seem to bother him much.

Dgd made stuffed cabbage for supper last night and there was lots left over so that is what we will have today when they get home...whatever time that will be.

Routines are done for today except to fold and put away a mixed load of laundry.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:54 pm

I finally hit enough of my morning routine list that the bathrooms are spiffed up a bit, including dh's shower stall. Routines have definitely been lacking around here recently.
DH and I went to the post office, I've talked to dmom on the phone, and the bug lady came and sprayed. This is like a visit with a dfriend b/c she has been spraying our house so long and now her son is taking banjo lessons from ds. I just follow her around the house and we talk the whole time she is here.
T-ball at 6:00 pm. We are picking up ds & dgrands, though, at 5:00 b/c they are having pictures made tonight. Only one game left after tonight!

I awoke early (for me!) and called ass't living place to ask if surgeon might send in bed order. Lady said no, but not to worry, it would all be fine if I got that to them first thing tomorrow. She said she didn't expect dmom to be there very early Monday anyway, and I told her no, that was definitely what we were thinking also -- surgery center pretty well told me dmom would be a later surgery, and we would likely be there 4 hours total, so I imagine it will be well after noon before we can get to the ass't living center.
I am sooo irritated with the doctor's office though. I just feel like it was airheaded of the receptionist to let this slip through the cracks!
Now -- how do I register my disappointment without just "showing out" as my granny would say???

Happy anniversary to Lord & LadyM, and happy (belated) anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Dee. I think I sent wishes to the Dees earlier, but seeing how your new year has started, I don't think you can have too many good wishes! I certainly hope Mr. Dee feels much better soon! And good for you, Dee, doing the rehab. I agree, 3 days/week sounds perfect, and I would think it will help with stress relief, which I bet you could use now too! (((BIG HUGS)))

WTG with your painting, blessed! I have so many projects like that I need to be doing around here.

WTG with your architecture and construction skills, Harriet! :lol: ;)

So glad Harmony at least saw my post last night. (If you didn't, you won't understand the first part of this post!)

Ha! Talking about "how long since you last had..." questions. Dmom couldn't remember when she had her last pneumonia shot, but finally she said, "Yes, I do remember... it was when Alabama was playing... who... in that last championship game? The one before this last one... not Georgia but..."
Finally I supplied the answer: "Clemson?"
"Yes! Yes, that was when it was, b/c I left during halftime of that game and went to get it."

(((Nancy))) You are doing sooo great with all your decluttering/etc. If you need to take a day off, it is well-deserved!

Waving to ALL!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:38 pm

Waving too!!! I had a great talk - too and got some other things done ❤️ I know I have to do dinner but I don’t wanna - 8-)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:13 pm

mr. dee welcome home!!! How sweet d dee that your grandsons helped!!!

d nancy... feel better

hi d lucy yay yay yay!!!
I am so sorry the receptionist made a mistake!

hello d sunny! how nice that your dgd made such a nice dinner. best wishes as you work on your laundry

hi d Harriet! how cool re: the cardboard house with flagpole!!! what a good grandmother you are! how fun. so happy you got a photo!

hi d harmony! thank goodness you had been there before and were caring the insurance information! (((poor 8 year old - sigh that she couldn't be a mother instead of being a reactor. sounds like someone needs parenting skills - hope the hospital mentions it to someone).
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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:14 pm

I know what to do but don't want to do. 8-) remember follow my routines!!! I am chanting that now.
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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:15 pm

It has been a good productive day - I even had a compliment re: a clean house - :shock: :D if they really would look lol. :lol:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: The more we get together... Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:16 pm

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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