Tantalizing Tuesday

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:02 pm

Best wishes to all our ((patient patients)) today, preparing, healing, getting well!

~~~ "enticing" ~~~ - lol, blessed.

Shopping has a tantalizing effect for me

:? :? that's both good and bad for me, Nancy!

Crafting/creativity has been tantalizing me for sure. :( Always just out of reach, on the other side of RESPONSIBILITY. The children were here today and it was raining and dark. We looked out the window at the DAY OF NO OUTDOOR FUN. We had been SO good and quiet in the house for long enough!

We decided we'd throw caution to the wind and MAKE something. So I grabbed the shaving cream and food coloring and we made a
fancy mess. :shock: We did that same Marbled Cardstock craft dd19 had shown me, so I could have some pretty cardfile cards. Came out gorgeous for the children - that was unexpected! We just used the most ordinary 3x5 cards - the ones that are blank on one side. So the under-side of our art has index-card lines on it. We made bookmarks. The children are used to Grandma making bookmarks out of anything that catches her eye - I'm sure these go home to a stash of others! Dd came past us on her way to work and snapped photos of gluing, so if she got anything understandable I'll post in A, C and N.

Truly getting hungry - pasta and pesto I think, and throw in some broccoli.

Desk Day should be up next - we'll see if I can get this house straightened up first.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:22 pm

I have made the store run, found the planner pages I wanted. They did not have other stuff so I stayed on budget yea! Got more pens that I ran out of yea. Sorted out more pens to declutter, cleared off another shelf in the pantry. :idea: Watching a how to pack to move u tube. Some good tips. Walked in the park w out ddog she stayed at home.

Hydrate hydrate hydrate!

Am watering the yard now.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:40 pm

d harriet :D :D :D !
that's both good and bad for me,
:lol: me too!
I hear you about wanted to do something creative and crafty. (I keep telling myself that I need to adult today :shock: :lol: )
how fun to do crafts and fun things with your d grandchildren - I always loved that. how fun!
cheering you on this afternoon for desk duty.

yay on staying on budget, finding your planner pages, sorting out pens, and cleaning a shelf - yay d nancy!!! have a great afternoon.

I made gluten free pasta (must be pasta day :D ) for dd younger and the freezer.
I was going to vacuum and wash my kitchen floor but dd younger is sleeping on the couch in the family room (next to the kitchen).

time for lunch :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:15 pm

I watched a kids movie. Back to adulting now. My neck was out. Sigh...

H is home. My tablet says it is 105* outside now. Ack! And it is breezy out.

Hone phone has been ringing a LOT today, then it dawned on me we had just filled out our mail in ballots. So campaigns are doing the robo call thing sigh how irritating I will be glad when we disconnect it. Seems to me last time I turned it off.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:38 pm

gosh i hope you neck feels better d nancy. 105! my goodness!

I took a long nap! :shock: ridiculous ;)
had a little headache

"I refuse to give up" she says cheerfully 8-) i want to finish the kitchen floor!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:11 pm

I don't know WHAT tantalizes me... hmmm... George Strait? (He does make me smile! :oops: )
Sleep. Sleep makes me smile.
Dgrands make me smile -- except when they are running through the house screaming after I have been awake 24 of the previous 26 hours...
A clean house with all the laundry done makes me smile. (Being the one who produces it, not so much.)
Seeing the scales drop a number... ooohhh... that REALLY makes me smile!

Rewards -- yes, I could make reading time a reward, as well as time with the OTHER "other man" in my life, Tom Selleck. I sorta do that now anyway, telling myself I can't watch Blue Bloods unless I walk away the pounds while I'm watching.

Today, I smiled b/c dmom let them take her, in her wheelchair, to the dining room for all three meals! AND she did the singing activity they had, and something else. So I think she is doing well. She seems a little groggy, but that is probably b/c she is on pain meds for the first time in quite a while. And she is having a terrible time trying to use her cell phone. She just can't get used to the smart phone and needs to go back to her old flip phone. She sent me a message just now (she never sends messages) and this one says: "Wax igjbbjunj." I wrote back: "I agree."
I tried to call her but it went to voice mail. I'm going to take her a regular phone tomorrow -- she can plug in a landline there -- and that will work much better, although she may be calling me more than I want, LOL!
Also -- smiled b/c she has had visitors -- her preacher and his wife, AND dbil's girlfriend! That sounds so odd, but I think I told y'all, the girlfriend's dad and my dad worked together and were friends for probably 25 years, so when the girlfriend found out who I was, she and I hit it off so well, and she told dmom she just wanted to come meet her and renew old acquaintances. She even brought her a gift, a devotional book. She is definitely a "keeper" for dbil -- the first person he has dated since his divorce. Her husband passed away about 4 years ago.

Blessed, I'm sure you looked fine at SB this morning. I, on the other hand, am definitely looking shaggy, and finally felt I could schedule a trim -- but hairdresser is at the beach! Maybe next week...

Happy Wedding Day to your dfriends, Rose!

Nancy, I would find shopping more tantalizing if I could ever find ANYTHING that (1) I like, that (2) fits and (3) that I can afford.
The girlfriend looked sooo nice today. She always does. And there I am, in blue jeans and sneakers, a tank top with a sorta chambray (?) shirt over it. Crazy, scrunched hair, but not scrunched like a model or anything, just messy. Dmom said I looked nice earlier, but the girlfriend (like dxsisil) is just always so polished looking, if you know what I mean. I will NEVER look polished or sophisticated or anything remotely similar...

Oh my... 105! Wow!

Harmony, yes, the surgery was yesterday.

I hope Mr. Harmony and Mr. Dee got good reports today, too!

(((Twins))) for AC woes...

Harriet, I really should make some of those marbleized index cards with dgs. I never thought about making it a craft project with him and dgd. They'd love that!

Well -- off to t-ball. I'll try to ci: later and let y'all know all my ta-da's for today! ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:04 pm

Oh I'm sorry, Lucylee, I totally misunderstood your post last night. I had wondered why your DMom went to the a. living place before the operation, and I thought you were just getting her settled ahead of time. Sometimes my brain takes a vacation.

I wish I could take a vacation with it!

Heart dr. today was interesting. Left us sitting in his office together looking at each other....ah, why are we here....ah why did that dr. order this test..... no everything is normal from what he did at the other office...hmmmm well, we'll try a stress test anyway and just see for the heck of it... and DH tells dr. he probably can't walk on an incline with his stiff ankle that no longer bends... and nuclear stress test wouldn't be approved because there's no reason for it... so ok we'll see what you can do and give it a try.

I'm just surprised (and pleased) DH is willing to go along with all this unnecessary nonsense and do it anyway! And I will quit worrying needlessly. Always good to have a base line, right? And we liked this dr., he seemed very nice.

Made a big pot of chili to eat; tasted good despite being hot outside. It's so warm most of the time I just don't wait for winter for soups and chili.

Lucylee, what did the dr. say about the operation? Does he think it was a success?
Dee, what did your DH's dr. have to say?

Ok, time for bed.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:48 pm

I have sat down several times and CUOP but I keep getting pulled away before I can post anything. I keep telling myself the kids won't be this time-intensive forever.

Today's TA-DA's
** DS9 and DGD7 care all day
** Finally finished DS9 CAT test and have them graded. I am very relieved and pleased with his progress. I know everything is tailored to his way of learning but I am not a natural or educated teacher so I don't take anything school related for granted. I'm doing a BIG sigh of relief while gathering up my courage to tackle another year of homeschooling.
** Took the kids for snow cones to celebrate having the test done.
** Took the kids to library summer program. Then went to the library and they picked out books to read this coming week.
** Cooked the instant pot full of country ribs, onions, and sweet potatoes. YUM
** Watched the kids swim while vacuuming the pool and then backwashed and shocked it. Those weekly chores are easy to do but it is just a matter of doing them.
** 44 SHE cards completed today.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:00 pm

Phone has quieted down yea! We've had dinner. H. Does not have to go in extra early that was a relief for him. It is just now beginni g to cool off a tiny bit. I need to do hen chores next.

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Re: Tantalizing Tuesday

Postby Sunny » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:38 pm

Hi everyone. I'm checking in on my phone. Haven't had the computer on all day.

I was happy to hear that Harmony's DH had a good report from his doctor. My DH also had an appointment with his cardio Dr. He did get a good report also and another appointment for six months. Wondering how Dee's DH is.

Happy wedding day to Rose's friends.

After the Dr. visit we took a ride to meet dgd20 and her friend to have a tantalizing dinner at our favourite restaurant in Tarpon S.

Tomorrow is errand day. We have to pick up RX refills at two pharmacies, get a few groceries and pay our gas bill downtown. Probably won't get anything done except daily routines.

We just had a thunderstorm.... and I better stop rambling and say goodnight.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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