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Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:50 am
by blessedw2
hello again!

Hello d lady! you are an energizer bunny! I love it!

Hello d Harriet - have fun on Errands with HRH! great job on the front of your house.

Yay d Helia!!! both on sheets and ww. and all!

D twins - I am so happy you had a lovely time! I was thinking of you during that crazy hail storm!
We did have 3" of rain here in Chicago (in one hour)
I agree - it's been so nice to have both d twins and d kathryn

hi d dee! cheering you on as you start! you have got this!

hi d nancy! great job on the start of your day!

Hello all that aren't here yet - I am thinking of you all! Wishing you the best!

Dd youngers birthday is Sunday and I haven't gotten to the bookstore (little one that is her favourite near work) - I love that they have authors there on a regular basis. I am a huge children books fan which was probably started when I had children and after years of taking care of others children and preschool. They have a great selection. I indulge this hobby by once in awhile buying a book for my sil s preschool class. I used to go all the way to Anderson books to see authors but this is only 45 to and hour away.

In that area is a gluten free bakery and I might look at that for dd. For her birthday she would love chocolate dipped strawberries instead of a gluten free cake. nothing much.

She is headed to yoga - I can't believe she can do stuff again. it's awesome. this is where she is going for a photography vacation. See you soon all! I have to go only because of the chances of illness or brain stuff, dr. recommended, for her so I am going to look to something for me an hour away as there is nothing available for me there. I thought I could vacation at the ranch as well but it is closed down for this class. MMM the possibilities. My biggest fear is the horses and her brain. They have other ways of her getting to the areas on the ranch but if they don't gallop she should be okay. She can go on the trails if they are just walking not running or trotting.

oh well, I sure talked a lot! wishing you all a great day - time to get to what I need to do. errands to be finished first.

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:52 am
by Elizabeth
Good morning! I need to finish reports and items on my todo list. That list has 2 DPCs, multiple LOLs, put away sofa bed, move stuff from laundry room to make it usable, B&B with checkbook balancing, print some statements, lookup someone on Facebook (Facebook = yuck), and assemble donations for delivery tomorrow. The last will help clear the laundry room!

DD was not hungry during Girls' Night Out, so we worked on her existing shelving to make way for the new. Large trash bag of donations + some trash. Not much of the latter, but I don't care how it leaves the house! Some other things to go to the shed. It was threatening thunderstorms, so we did not clean up the new shelves. We let the new cat out and she did well. Briggs has filed her under "not a threat" and Chelsea is just slightly annoyed. Gypsy favors the guest bathroom, a location that interests neither of the other two. I had dreams of flooding - not scary but impressive.

My stomach is back to my normal, which is not the same as everyone else's, slow but functional.

After yet another person told me I need a boyfriend, I have determined I should name the next male foster cat "My Boyfriend". Like my friends' boyfriends, he is likely to cost money, do nothing around the house, demand all of my time, resent friends that come over, expect me to feed him and take care of him while not returning the favor, etc etc etc. It would be an even better name if I fostered dogs. I could get an old slow senior dog, name him, then I could also call him a lazy SOB.

Harmony: My mouse at home gets full of cat hair. Once I remove it, it works a lot better. It's also the led type.

blessedw2: Perhaps the ranch would make an exception if you told them it was a doctor's recommendation? They don't want brain injuries occurring during their class either!

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:03 am
by DeeClutter
She is headed to yoga - I can't believe she can do stuff again. it's awesome.
Excited to hear this, Blessed!

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:10 am
by LadyMaverick
I have had my exercise for the day although I wasn't wearing the fitbit so I get no credit for it. I worked over an hour in the hot sun cleaning the swimming pool. Sweat drops were a frequent occurrence for about 45 minutes. But that allowed me to check off 4 more SHE cards as complete..
** Skimmer hair net replaced (daily)
** Add chlorine tablet to the floating container (every 4 days)
** Backwash swim pool & add DE to pump (weekly)
** Vacuum swim pool (every 10 days)

Helia - It is so very good to see you posting. I learn so much from you just from your daily doings. Our dog situation just seemed to happen.
** Buddy = Great Pyrenees. My dog about 7 years old.
** Yotee - Great Pyrenees/Hound dog mix. DS10's dog about 1.5 years old.
** Peabody - Mini Aussie. DH's dog about a year old.
** Sam - Greyhound. A hand-me-down from DGS21. This dog is about a year old and has managed to become a favorite of everyone.
** Rainbow Cloud - Great Pyrenees 2-month-old puppy that belongs to DGD7 and visits us when DGD7 stays here.....which has been about 75% of the time.
I might need intervention. I seem to collect dogs. I AM AT MY ABSOLUTELY LIMIT though. I am not adding any more dogs NO MATTER WHAT>

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:23 am
by CathyS

Not stateside, but I hope North Americans qualify!! LOL!!

Emptied dishwasher and refilled and now it's going.
Emptied sink, refilled and now the stuff in there is soaking.
Made a phone call. Replied to a text. Neither one was DPC/DTM.
Took some stuff out of my trunk and put it away.

Just about to mention supper and remembered that I need to phone and make a hair appointment for dh for tonight. We will be eating out somewhere.

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:20 pm
by Twins' Mom
She is headed to yoga - I can't believe she can do stuff again. it's awesome.

This is wonderful news!

I am done with that round and taking off.

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:26 pm
by Harmony
Hello everyone.

LadyM, I didn't know you decided to keep the greyhound yourself! But I'm not surprised, either.

Blessed, I'm happy to read about your DD doing so well. Good for her!

Today was my dailies and then a long desk day. Finished up all the spreadsheets for July so I am caught up once again.

Interesting how 2 sentences can take up the whole morning, but they do.

Ok, off to get something accomplished. It's too hot to work outside that's for sure.

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:37 pm
by Elizabeth
Well, my DPCs are done, but not with success. The hospital accounting dept is looking into why I have not received the bill due 8/20 and how much it is and how to start getting notices. My parents' vacation desires differ. Dad wants to do Zion again, mom has done it five times already with middle school field trips and wants to go to Europe or even Boston for history and museums. I suggested DD16's dream trip of Costa Rica as a cheaper than Europe but not Zion again compromise. Unfortunately, they do agree on one thing. Neither wants a Caribbean type vacation! Two things I guess. Both would love it if DD and I go with. I guarantee that DD will like Dad's idea of vacation more than Mom's, having done both types. Then, I got a third DPC! My financial advisor is retiring. This is good because it means that financial planning company has good products (he is not very old). Bad in that I will have a different person now. My goal for the day is to NOT have any more DPCs!

I didn't know a Great Pyr + hound could even occur due to the difference in size. Like LadyMaverick, I have an animal collection problem, only with cats. I solved it by turning foster. I'd be willing to bet there is a Great Pyrenees rescue org out there.

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:18 pm
by lucylee
Y’all are all so BUSY! I am impressed!

I however, am only s2underwear... :(
But I have clean hair and shaved legs, so that’s a plus.
And I washed the dishes that had been in the sink for two nights (only 4 plates and 4 cups).
Trying to get dressed/pack toiletries for overnight trip...

Re: Friday Finish

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:54 pm
by Harriet
bittersweet, I neglected to tell you how impressed I was with the link you shared to the place that tries to preserve heritage breeds of chickens. Looks like they have a good life there, too, so that gives them an A++ from me (along with you adopting).

Elizabeth, the name "Beau" comes to mind. As in, 'my new Beau is so athletic'.

I have a casserole in the oven.

I make this statement because you all may want to write it on your calendars, due to the rarity.


It's pretty. I took a photo. I am evidently very susceptible to the new wave of "is your meal photogenic?" fads. (Well, in fairness to me, it's one way dd38 and I communicate our daily lives.)

blessed - great link to the vacation site!

Twins' - great link to the Garden!

Twins', this is no ordinary eewwww. "Aged Sharp Artisanal Nutcheese, traditionally cultured from creamy whole cashew milk" from the Par mela Creamery. Tastes pretty good out of the bag. Over the top of the casserole, it melted less than I would have expected, but looks attractive. Will report if HRH will touch it. Off the top of my head, I'd say no. :lol: Ds and ddil will enjoy, though.