Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:38 pm

LadyMaverick wrote:Please don't hate on me. I'm an early riser and it just happens.

I don't hate on you for the early rising.

The 63 SHE cards completed, on the other hand......

I just learned...
A Palindrome Day happens when the day's date can be read the same way backwards and forwards.


(Sorry, I couldn't resist. I shall disappear now and attempt to do one SHE card. Poof!)

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:01 pm

And now the completed SHE card count is at 71.

Homeschool is almost done. DS10 is finishing up English assignments. We aren't doing as well timewise as had hoped. Our goal is to finish by noon. But the History lesson today includes cooking Armenia dishes Gata and Fassoulia which took more time than a normal history lesson.

I am going to have 2 hours alone this evening. I am trying to decide how to spend it.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby lucylee » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:05 pm

Colored my hair, which was an accomplishment b/c it is overdue!
Called one of dmom's doctors for a refill on rx...
Called dmom's dentist to change appt -- I am NOT an early riser, and did NOT want to get up in time to get her to a dentist appt at 7:00 a.m. ON MY BIRTHDAY... switched it to the following day at 11:40. Much more to my liking.
Picked up dgs at school.

Waving to all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:12 pm

So good to see you, Helia. Know I've been MIA for at least a couple of days -haven't even tried to cuop. Been running dh to appointments. Yesterday's was at 8am, meaning had to leave by 7 and up by 5:30 in order to fit my meds in. Consequently I barely slept Monday night. Made up for it last night/this morning. Did stumble out of bed just long enough to take my thyroid med and collapse in the recliner (mainly so dh could have use of the bed for part of his exercises. -he would do it on the floor but I just can't see him getting up from there.) Speaking of whom, here he comes after he got his hair cut.

Well, this has set here for only about 6 hours. I've been to A ldi's to get a couple of thermal can holders. DS-R & ddil swear by them. So, we'll see. Then I went to cardiac rehab for a little over an hour. Now it's time to get dinner going. What am I having? No idea! Reminds me of the time I told DD & DDIL I knew what to have for dinner and then almost instantly told them, "I have no idea". Obviously if I'd thought of something it went right out of my head. :roll:
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:15 pm

hello hello

hi d lady!

hi d kathyrn

hi d helia

hi d elizabeth

hi d rose

hi d lucy

hi d dee
hi d everyone. I have a meeting soon but wanted to touch in and say hello.

dd younger is off w d mom to get a wide angle lens for her trip. found out she will be with this pilot and with the photographer Chris Burkard in an "ultra light" just like this. (at 4:00 min) She is so excited and all I can think of is Concussion girl is at it again I love her adventurous spirit but the worry. praying the trip is good for her.

Have to go. ta ta
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:57 pm

I am hoping I just found a contributing factor for the inventory fluctuations that have been plaguing our project these past few months. I have emailed the appropriate person, who is gone for the day. It would be really nice to get that DEALT WITH, and, more importantly, would cement my reputation as a top notch data person. Of course, it could have also been investigated already and determined not a factor. What it boils down to is a time delay in creating an order in the database and adjusting the inventory based on the order. We are talking a time difference of 100 to 200 ms. However, with enough users, it could happen that while user A is creating an order, user B is doing the same during that time delay. The numbers in the fluctuations and the infrequent nature of the problem are consistent with the idea.

I need a glasses adjustment. I was thinking I needed new glasses altogether, but when I put them on the counter this morning, they were obviously out of whack. Unlikely I can get them fixed until Saturday.

helia: DD16 does indeed have celiac, confirmed by intestinal biopsy, so there is no doubt. Right now, her doctor is concerned she is losing weight. This could be the adjustment to the new diet, the insane amount of walking we did on our vacation, or her thyroid is becoming overactive. She is on meds to try and prevent the latter and preserve thyroid function, but it may not have worked.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:15 pm

my dd can't eat gluten either d elizabeth bc of her pain disorder.
praying for your sweet dd! d elizabeth.

I had a session with d fly lady kat - my goodness she is a blessing!

time for dinner and then balancing checking account.

waving to all of you.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:18 pm

Congratulations, Ramblin'!

Sewing - I have no advice on classes. Wanted to get dd into some classes and couldn't find the right thing back then.

hi, Norma.

I've been rushing so much lately and just not getting to computer. Several trips needed as dd gets ready for the school year. Also a dr's appt for her as she had a sore ear. Turned out to be nothing but it's good to have a dr's eye's on it.

Finally got all the secretarial/treasurer calling/emailing/paying done and have a report on all that to take tonight. I've tried to simplify, simplify. I'll take two copies - don't know how many to hand out sometimes because we don't have clear channels or chain right now. In theory, I could make a case for taking 5 copies, but I'm avoiding that.

Also will remember the sign-up sheet and pencil holder. So I need to be early to do that.

Maybe a quick bite to eat. I've been loving my smoothies lately, but I hate to have one when I'll feel rushed because they are a pleasant relaxing time. So I'll wait.

The children come tomorrow. I'm slightly prepared for a craft for us. I just hate to miss craft time with them because I think it's more memorable than other things we do.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby Nancy » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:23 pm

Got in the shower. I can tell the overlap areas on the steps us giving good coverage so I am hopeful that the next coat will have it looking great! A two day time frame before it is done. But at least we can use them this evening bc of the early start I got yea for success. H is home now.

I made some progress in my art planner.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC - Make your own

Postby helia » Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:33 pm

Elizabeth, losing weight for unknown reasons sounds scary. The thyroid possibility is plausible. Dd22 has Hashimoto's disease, an auto-immune disease involving her thyroid. Her pedi discovered it when she was 12 years old and her celiac was diagnosed when she was 21 years old. I believe she's done some reading on this and it's not uncommon for thyroid problems to accompany celiac disease. Yes, her diagnosis involved a biopsy as well. The Doc who did the endoscopy said that he could see that her intestines were in really bad shape even before the biopsy results came back. Funny b/c she wasn't having a lot of symptoms.

Nice to see you Kathryn! I've been MIA for a year or maybe almost 2 -- I can't remember. My life has gotten busier.
Hi Dee and blessed and Harriet and nancy and lucylee and everyone else!
Very cool about the date palindrome, LadyM.

Dh has been feted. The kitchen is clean. The C family has gone home. I'm extremely tired. I'm going to bed. I'll have plenty more to do tomorrow.

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