Thinking Cap Thursday

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:02 pm

I need a 'not thinking' cap!

My ADD is incredibly apparent with this concussion. Since my brain is on the go all the time and I hear 'voices' narrating my life all the time, it is almost impossible to completely shut it down. They say doing so is very important in the critical period of 24 - 48 hours after the injury but it took me almost that long to figure out how to turn the 'brain dial' down (off isn't possible!) Lying down in a dark room with an eye mask helped but I listen to voices to get to sleep (specifically BBC announcers) and so had to have some sound on in order to shut out the voices in my head (and the 'vibration' in my body, I felt like I was a snow-globe that had been shaken and things were floating around randomly inside me.)

So while I always knew sound was a major distraction for me (as well as smell, and the obvious sight), I didn't realize how bad until I started to react with symptoms while just sitting on the balcony, doing nothing but drinking tea. Noise cancelling headphones and dark glasses reverse the symptoms (dizziness and nausea) with sound being the biggest issue.

The first night I said to dh that I couldn't manage reading while the radio was on because it was 3 inputs and at most I could handle 2. He asked what were the three and I said reading (sight and sound) plus the radio. The voice in my head that I 'hear' while reading was a full input to me! So from the beginning, I need to make sure if I'm reading anything, I'm blocking out all other sound.

Last night I was excited because I was handling 3 inputs (mopping, listening to a podcast and brain composing the email I had to write so the voice in my head was 'on' as well as the voice on the podcast.) It didn't make me sick so I am getting better.

Anyway, today isn't particularly good and at the moment there is live, amplified, music downstairs coming up to distract me. Even with the headphones, I can just barely hear it. So will have to give up trying to do anything and just lie down and close my eyes. Too many inputs, too much stimulation.

I had a hard time getting to sleep and was up 2x in the night. On the other hand, I had no symptoms this morning. They came on after about an hour (just like yesterday.) I got dressed after ds came by (he's sleeping here) and was back to bed at 9:30 after flipping his laundry. Got up at 10:30 and did our ironing and his plus folded and put away his laundry.

Aside from that, and emptying the dish drainer, I've done nothing today. Should make my lunch now.

Oooh, the music has stopped. I knew it wouldn't like last long since it was live. Dh offered to go downstairs to ask them to stop but to be honest this is the best time and they are not being inconsiderate at all.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:20 pm

Thinking — I’m just thinking that I am just tired of having something to DO all the time. I am just burned out and frustrated and TIRED.
I know I was all excited about trying out a new planner, but once I filled it out, it just depressed me.
The house is being overrun with dust bunnies... I can’t remember when I vacuumed or dusted last — it’s on a card but it will be embarrassing to look at — and zone cleaning is just a joke.
Still running errands for dmom...
Sitting at the car dealership right now and probably going to stop by a tire store when I leave bc dealership doesn’t patch or repair tires...
I need a week on a beach. Alone.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:40 pm

I am home again and without a manicure. I'm trying again tomorrow a.m. (like I said I wouldn't) with an "appointment." This place is short handed and with the winter coming on I'm sure they don't want to have to hire. Almost all the employees are family and I do like going there.

I had a great lunch with this friend - it was so nice to catch up with her. She's still dealing with her husband dying in July so it was good to get her out for lunch. And I'm still dealing with my brother and then selling dmom's house. I think I kept so focused with getting her house cleaned out that I didn't process dbro passing sometimes.

I'm giving myself to 15 minutes to :15 before the hour and getting busy again. I treated myself to a walk through of an antique mall type of place. Got a book (about Andersonville Civil war prison - what weird taste in books I have) and a bud vase.

I have a list of stuff to do today...also need to fold two loads of laundry.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:47 pm

I have been here almost TWO HOURS —
All they were supposed to do was reset the sensors on the tires —
The waiting area has cleared out TWICE —
And I’m still HERE!
I am ready to SCREAM!!!

The Man says he is so sorry and he will check on it ASAP.

Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:54 pm

Finally — out of here.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:02 pm

Lucylee, if it helps any, I'm still sitting here in front of the computer.

I forgot to say I got my car washed while I was out. And it's raining now. :lol:
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:20 pm

( K in C ) So sorry you are having issues.

I am 75 % done with my list today. Thought of a few more things.
I have walked the dog, and spaded the next section on the garden yea it helped my sinus issue too.
I got the vacuuming done under the couch. I decluttered excess ice chests, and water coolers out of the shed and got them cleaned up,
And ready for donating. It would apper we collect them. :lol:
New moon week. I had hormonal issues on top of other stuff first week of the mo. Ack can you say over whelm!
:idea: Last night before I drifted off I realized the realtor mis-communication issue was NOT MY fault!
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:08 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:25 pm

Hi everyone! I have eaten today's frogs: I made an appointment to get the estimate on the car damage and I have called about a refund when we were denied entrance to Zozobra with our paid for tickets in hand. In answer to Harriet's question, the hard hat is coming along nicely. However, I now have to make two. No, it's not twins. Another friend is expecting. I never heard about a wedding, so I hope there was one. The boyfriend that I met at last year's Halloween party was well liked among the animal rescue community. He was pleasantly surprised that he knew so many people at a stranger's party. I made my party clean up list and it is a long one. This weekend's frog is the invitations. I have one more DPC to make, but cannot make it until I collect some buried information.

Last night was fairly useless due to a migraine. I did do LOLs and put about half away. The two new cats came out of the sewing room and met Briggs. It was tense and they got too close for my comfort, but no hissing or growling. Chelsea was another story. She was very vocal in her displeasure, but, to be fair, they had accidentally cornered her. I put them back in the sewing room. I will start letting them out more, supervised only.

Kathryn: You mean there are people who do not hear a book as they read it? And people who can read with a radio on?

Nancy: About Tuesday's frustrations: Never ascribe legitimate anger or frustration to hormones. Wouldn't a man have been aggravated as well?

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:28 pm

KWYM, LucyLee. I just finished printing out 1 page with calendar like blocks on it for the remaining time we're supposed to be here. There's very little white space I might add. Then someone called and wanted dh to winterize their RV on the 26th. I was trying to get his attention. Uh.....You have surgery on the 24th! "Oh, why didn't you tell me?" :shock: :? So he called her back and asked for it to be moved up a little. She consented to the 27th. Like he's going to be ready. At least he has a guy helping him this year. This guy will pretty well do it alone on that day, especially if dh doesn't get to come home right away. It's going to be very tight over the next 50+ days. That's all we have left before we're supposed to head south. A lot will depend on when he can have the heart stents put in.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:44 pm

Okay. Now I'm getting off my tushie?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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