Friday Friendship

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:27 pm

I am in another one of the places that kids love and I detest. Flashing lights everywhere and music turned up so loud you have to read lips. Ugh. I remember thinking Chuck-n-Cheese was annoying but it seems like a quiet, calm oasis compared to here. There are over 100 kids in here screaming but the music is so loud that it drowns out the screams. Urban Air is offering half off price today for homeschoolers. I told DS10 if he worked hard this week that I would bring him. DS10 did his part so here I sit. DGS21 came with us but he has no interest in participating in Urban Air activities so he is sitting with me in the Cafe area. He is working on his BuJo. I brought my laptop with intention of doing some planning for next week but the flashing lights are ANNOYING me. I can put up with the LOUD MUSIC but ignoring the flashing lights is harder for me. I have found a place in the back corner and have sat with my back to the room to get away from most of the flashing so it is tolerable. #FeelingMyAge
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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:15 pm


Was in bed 2 hours and slept for a good portion of that (lay still listening to a podcast when I wasn't asleep.)

Woke up to an urgent accounting email so that is dealt with for now. I'm confused at the request, I thought we were allowed to expense meals when on the road. It isn't as if we can run home for dinner when in Australia. The large travel expense account triggered the question but of the $17K, only $350 was for meals, the bulk was airfare. It may not cost too much to eat in Australia but it does to get there!

I think dh is ready for a walk now. I'm going to put in some earplugs since it is windy outside.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby lucylee » Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:27 pm

So thankful for all of you and your friendship!
Definitely sympathize with you, LadyM. Chuckie Cheese is enough to make me crazy!

I am having a much better day today. I did order a few books from amazon just now — Burt Reynolds’ autobiography, which I got for $5, and 3 children’s books — sequels to Harriet the Spy, which I just discovered and since the original was one of my all time favorites as a child, I thought I had to have these. Also bought two DVDs — WW and the Dixie Dancekings, and The Last Movie Star, so my Burt Reynolds mourning period ;) is taken care of.

We are on our way to college town and hoping to surprise dgs with a tour of the locker room. Everyone is in a good mood, so all is well.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Nancy » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:12 pm

I have picked plums washed and bagged them up I got the ones that fell to the ground burried so as not to attrack the skunks. I napped. I watered a bit it dried I was going to mow but it is getting quite warm and smoky outside now.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:23 pm

I have arranged the cat transfer and put in for Christmas vacation at payroll. They also wanted to know our Thanksgiving plans, but I never go anywhere for that. When the x and I lived in TX, for a while we tried to do T day travels. I put the absolute, utter, never again kibosh on that after we (1) drove 14 hours to his parents place on Wed (2) traditional feast Thursday (3) Friday drove 4 hours up the road to his great aunt, ate lunch, then turned around and drove 4 hours back (4) attempted to recover Saturday then (5) drove 14 hours home. Very not worth it. I also don't have DD16 for Thanksgiving so there is no reason for me to waste days off for it. I will cook myself a delicious turkey and all the fixings I like (and none that I don't). Gotta get past Halloween first!

I have finished a distribution query and have one more. There are also two emails I need to consider.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Harmony » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:49 pm

LadyM, I probably couldn't do that place you've been in. I can't do loud noises at all and I never do flashing lights especially strobes because they're supposed to be bad for people with brains like mine. I've never had strobes affect me, but just knowing they can makes me stay away or cover my eyes if something similar comes on tv. How does all that affect your DSon? I think it would make him crazy!

Ah, Harriet the spy! They made that into a movie and I just recently watched it; had no idea there were books. Something else to put on my lists. I went to the library Tuesday and came home with another 6. I read mostly while sitting on the couch and a lot of the time the tv is going; I can just tune that out. Sometimes I read in a quiet room if I'm all alone and then I really get into the book. I do hear the voice when I read but don't know if it's separate voices or not.

Customer was here to sign papers for that draw request and I ended up printing spreadsheets for him and explaining where we were at. Along the way, all my papers fell out of my big binder and it took a while to get that all in order again.

It has been storming and lots of rain. We have a gutter downspout completely blocked up with something. I see ladder work in our future. We put another 2 lug bolts in the truck wheel because 2 were broken while they were putting on those new tires. Me Thinks Someone Is Tightening The Lug Nuts Too Tight. :roll:

Another reason not to want a brand new car: nitrogen in the tires. Sensors to have to have someone reset. We check our air quite often and inflate if necessary with compressor in the shop. I can't imagine going to someone to do that chore for us. Even if it isn't flammable, still that's a time waster.

Elizabeth that Thanksgiving trip sounds really awful! I don't blame you for wanting to stay home. The 3-hour trips we used to make up and back were quite enough for us.


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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:03 pm

Dh and I walked to the store and bought stuff to add to our supper of homemade burgers.

Saw the super in the lobby. His wife had let me know he has a 3 week 'no leave the complex' stretch coming up so I told him I'd have them up for dinner so they can 'go out' for dinner one night. I'll also offer her rides places once I'm a bit better. She doesn't drive and can't walk far so takes the bus places when he is on call for long stretches like this. But still, that doesn't really give her freedom to run out for a coffee or to a store just to window shop.

Dd called and we skyped with dgs for a little bit because he was missing us. I think she was missing us too. It's been 11 days now since we seen him. Monday we are all going to dinner together so that's when I'll see him.

That reminds me, must make a reservation. Now.

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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Lynlee » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:44 pm

waving from Saturday

My dbro is driving 6 hrs today - coming to get me, take me to his farm - estate sale w everything to go is next w/e, a visit to dm, me home, then him home.
I've packed Tmeds, lunch + , a change of clothes and toothbrush in case I end up elsewhere tonight.
Prayers for the day. and the people in it.

Mum has sold part of her farm, and needs a new driveway before she puts her home and the rest back on the market. Or maybe she just stays there until its time for whatever happens next.
I wish there was a bus that would stop at nearby tiny town/village/ whatever.

flashing lights are well known for causing issues for some brains.
I've been interested reading Kathryn's rattled brain experience. Much to identify with there.
If your head is shaken around, there is more than a fair chance your neck is upset too. Which can cause lower back issues if ones neck is 'out'.
life's internal commentary and inner voices seems to be another commonality here.
reading so sucks me in. I take out up to 10 library books at a time.
Anything that turns out annoying, I just put down and pick up the next one.
tv show viewing, I usually do without actually watching. courtesy of my high school bedroom ajoining the tv room and following through the wall.
Mindfulness training would say there is great value in just doing one thing at a time, otherwise we are not actually living, in their view. An aim even if I don't do it.

anyway. perchance a shower today or storm this afternoon.
sleep was dashed to intermittant snippets so I hope I survive ok. OK I will survive, and I just need to do that.

to the dishes. then maybe grab 'travelling' apples? I was mostly ready an hour early. Mustn't let those last minute to do before travelling things make me late.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:05 pm

I can’t do strobe or laser lights any more... found that out the hard way. Went to a concert with a friend several years ago and all was wel until the last band blasted the concert hall with a laser light show. I had a migraine within two minutes and spent the rest of the night in the back hall out of the lights. Couldn’t go to work/school the next day because of the migraine. My teacher friends teased me abt it.

Can’t remeber where Sweetie and I were recently... ahhh remember now, a music show that added lights and I spent a good part of the show with my hands over my eyes and Sweetie shielding me with his hands at times. Strob and laser lights are known to cause seizure in people as well.
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Re: Friday Friendship

Postby Sunny » Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:56 pm

Good evening everyone; and good day to Lynlee and Kasalia. My little laptop world clock says it is about 9 am there. Lynlee, wishing you a good visit with dfamily today. I am thankful and appreciate all the friendships I have found here.

Harriet, yes you did catch me peeking in the other day. 8-) I try to look in whenever I can, just can't always post at the time.

I got my weekly cleaning done this morning before PT Riza came this afternoon; tomorrow I can concentrate on whatever needs doing. Actually she was supposed to be here between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m., but didn't pull into the driveway until 2:30, then sat in her car on the phone for another 20 min. --- talking to a doctor's office about another patient. Anyway, dh had a good workout.

(((Dee))), I hadn't thought it has been nine years already.

LadyM, Urban Air seems like a fun place, especially for the younger set. I don't think the lights and loud music would bother me, aside from the fact that I don't care for doesn't sound like music to me.

I love to read books when I take the time to do it. I never thought about it, but I do hear the characters talking in their own voices. It is especially easy to hear when the author has given a good physical description and the people are really real. Those are the books I want never to end.

We had our usual "dinner music" today (a thunderstorm rolling through just in time for supper).

Ds#2 will be here tomorrow after his half day of work to mow and trim. I think he will also connect the digital cable box to our living room tv. This is an old set with the large picture tube. I managed to get the box and cables hooked up to our bedroom set, which is digital, and even programmed the remote controller.

See you all tomorrow....
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