Wednesday - reset the week

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:21 pm

Did get hair washed before bed in the shower. Washer twins are going. A M spiff and pupa accomplished. Waving to all ddog is trying to get me to take her on a walk need to scoot.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:34 pm

hi d lady!
I know how frustrating that is! I am sorry you had to get up so early. next time text her and ask - telling her to call when she is on the way.
I had that happen to me when babysitting. I waited at 7 am (the regular time) - no child - 10 am I was heading out the door and they came as I was leaving.

so happy that you had a great school morning!!!

hi d elizabeth - I think it is okay - there will be a time where you can live your life without the anger about him - that you work on your life to be full and joyous. Once your dd is older it might be easier because you will have less and less to do with him on a weekly basis. Has he apologized to you for the hurt and lack of trust that he made you go through. Same with your friendship - the less you have time for her and the more people you surround yourself with encouragement then she goes on the back burner. Wishing you peace and feeling better day!

My husbands aunt had her best friend next door (loose her husband and then married dh aunts husband). he moved into her house next door.

hello d Harmony!
Over the years I have let go of a lot of hard things. It doesn't happen all at once, but if I have the spirit of forgiveness, time does help also.
powerful.. time does help.
have fun working with the stuff your d cousin sent you on family

hello d Dee! I am glad you slept in... good for you!!! have a great morning

hello hello d nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:42 pm

okay - 8-)
my upstairs home blessing is done.
more laundry is folded
bathrooms upstairs spiffy but nothing great.
dining room home blessing took 15 minutes
now for the family room daily vacuum and put rug down- now waiting until dogs are brushed
front hall stairs swiped front hall swiped
kitchen blessing done
vacuumed the family room AGAIN 8-) :o :D

now to fold more laundry
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Harriet » Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:57 pm

Thanks, blessed and Twins' for concept of reset, and reminder of forgive/understand that brings centeredness. Breathe. Let it go.

Reset news - I have had my happy middle-of-the-month reset by submitting the church Desk Day reports. Yay. I like to do it on the 15th but do not beat myself up when I can't. Most of the time it's because of info for which I'm waiting. Today I had the last question answered at noon and several folks know it took that long (no one's fault), so I'm pleased to have managed the 19th.

So "Mother May I Take A Giant Step" toward creativity? Yes! :D

Harmony, I had wondered if you would be part of the time with cousin. That's cool. Tell Mr. Harmony that LIGHT on the subject would be nice :idea:

Elizabeth, well, it was not just a bump in the road! It did sort of turn your life upside down. Still you would probably be surprised how much you have forgiven and forgotten about them up to now. You've seen their lives didn't turn out to be a bed of roses, anyhow. As you find things you can let go, do let them go, and free yourself/your time up. Just because we forgive, that doesn't mean that our level of trust changes - nope, we are still aware and cautious. We can't help that we know if others aren't trustworthy, but we can give ourselves a break on being the library of exactly how they lost trust. We only have so many brain cells, and we have a right to be selfish with them. You're right about "her loss" with your friend.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:01 pm

Well done d harriet!!

Oh my gosh I loved this! I love your wit and your imagination and positivity:

So "Mother May I Take A Giant Step" toward creativity? Yes! :D

It put a smile on my face!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:25 pm

Still not up to par on my stomach. I did manage to eat some peanut butter crackers, but the thought of what I actually packed for lunch was off-putting. I only ate the crackers to avoid the migraine, not hungry at all.

blessedw2: Of course, he has not apologized! In his mind, it is all my fault for not being a perfect wife. However, he is the sort of person who is never satisfied with anyone or anything and considers himself the one who gets to determine when, how, and what others need to improve. And what do we need to improve? Improved communication means anticipating and taking care of his wants without him actually telling anyone. Improved consideration of others, defined as putting our life on permanent hold in case he decides he wants to do something with our time. Etc, etc, etc. Was I a perfect wife? Nope, scattered among all his criticism and perfectionism were a few valid complaints. But he taught me not to bother with trying to please him because there was no point. He also taught me to look after my own needs and desires because I sure couldn't count on his support.

Harriet: I know they have not landed in a bed of roses. The problem is that I actively desire evil for them. I live in hopes of hearing their marriage imploding with cheating and divorce all around, followed by whatever cheating partner they find deciding to abandon them. I want to see them socially isolated and friendless and I want the whole world to laugh at their folly. I also truly hate that they are rolling in money while I am not and, if it did not affect my daughter, would like to see them have to live on a very small budget. I sincerely hope that she is a lousy retirement investor (he never does such mundane tasks, that is for his wife/secretary/slave). I should be a better person, I am not.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:49 pm

Made it through today.

I did get the template for my pen-free to-do list made.

Then dd called because dgs wanted a video call and I invited them over and she came rather quickly (I mean as fast as she could considering she lives so far away by bus.) I was just finished getting dressed when they arrived. Dgs and I played a while, then he announced another potty time, then food time, then we played, then it was potty time and nap time. Dd and talked for a few minutes but she put me down for a nap as well since I would drive her home.

She was just ready to leave as dh arrived home with the car. So we took off and I got her to her midwife appointment with time to spare since rush hour hadn't begun in that direction but we could see how, at 3, it was already stop and go for my way home. I dropped dgs at home with his daddy and then took a convoluted route home. Staying on the highway would have probably worked but I abandoned it for less frustration and then side streets so I didn't have to worry about parked car door flinging open, etc. Still, I'm rather overwhelmed and will settle down for a rest for a bit.

The new car seat is super simple to get out of the car so that's a bonus. It weighs 20lbs which feels heavy. They are going to buy a cart for it so they can wheel dgs through airports, etc while strapped in the seat.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:57 pm

Just as I was getting ready to post got a call have a showing tomorrow in the morning. So I need to get laundry folded and put away and erase foot prints it is not too bad bc we just had the open house.

The laundry I did earlier is folded and put away today's work clothes are in the dryer now. Dinner clean up has been done. I decided to dust tomorrow upstairs when it is daylite, I will do downstairs this evening.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Sunny » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:00 pm

Wishing you a Blessed Yom Kippur Twins' Mom and dfamily.

Well, all is quiet here at the moment at my home. Dailies and Dinner are done and kitchen is cleaned up; no Duds today. I was hoping for some rain today, or at least shade from clouds, but that did not happen. At one point dh told me is was 87* with a feel like temp of 97*, and that was before lunch. He did not go for a walk outside for P.T.

I had the most wonderful day yesterday. It started out normally with all the stuff I do in the morning, then I finished getting ready to meet my dcousin for our lunch date. We arrived at the Greek restaurant on time and as we were walking towards the entrance I saw someone who looked a lot like my dsis. Yep, it was her and I was thrilled. I haden't seen her for many months. And, yes, my dcousin knew she was coming. We all had such a nice time catching up on family news and the talk turned naturally to our ancestors. We caught up on some things there and dsis brought me some more info she had received from another dcousin. Today I had a phone call from dsis and we talked about long gone relatives some more...very interesting.

I took some time this afternoon to make some notes in my planner, so that is up to date now. Tomorrow is a visit with the INR nurse, then we will probably stop on the way home for some groceries.

I, too, have had to learn forgiveness, both for other's sake and my own transgressions. I think most of us have had to do this at some point in our lives, but there is a good feeling of peace and contentment when forgiveness is experienced.

Oh, my, I am tired now, but I must stay up until at least 10 pm so I can let dMinnie out for her last walkabout. Good luck tomorrow morning, Nancy.
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:49 pm

Thanks Sunny.

I cut up another or. Of old jeans and seamed the leg fabric togeter added em to the dogs blanket. :mrgreen:
The desk out s cleared but now my to sort box is full again now. :roll: I guess I had too much fun playing in there today.

I am so glad I did the cobwebs Tues.

My reset this afternoon was listening to a talk by a well known Christian speaker woman on brain activity. While I did some tasks in my office.

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