Thursday Ta Dahs!

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:12 pm

I have CUOP several times today but haven't stopped to post.

I am off schedule because We decided to take today and tomorrow off from homeschool. Our homeschool schedule is year round which allows us to take 5 days a month off of school. We have only used one of September days so we decided to take off 2 days this week and 2 days next week. It seems strange that we have to make sure that we take enough days off. A good problem to have!

I have used my "extra" time today to catch up on several things that have been waiting for some time. Some were productive and some were just for FUN. One of my fun things was taking a tall glass of iced drink outside and sitting there to read a book. I only read one chapter before I had to stop but was wonderful.....and I am hoping will be repeated again.

A real-life incident from today.....DGD7 managed to go from doing excellently to being in trouble in a span of 30 minutes. DD told me that she received an outstanding report on DGD7 at the parent/teacher conference. The teacher said that DGD7 scored higher than anyone in 2nd grade. And the teacher was very pleased with DGD7 conduct in the classroom. DD was thrilled with the good report and was sorta walking on cloud nine. Then 30 minutes later, DD text me that she had just received a call from the principal. DGD7 and a cousin were in the principal's office. These 2 girls had a disagreement. The cousin knocked DGD7 to the ground and DGD7 jumped back up and hit her cousin on the back. Then the teacher stepped in between the two 7-year-old girls and sent them to the principal office. Both girls got off with a stern talk from the principal and lost their privilege of playing on the new tetherball for the rest of the day. From the punishment the principal gave, I know the "dust-up" was fairly innocent but it was enough for DGD7 to also lose privileges at home.
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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:21 pm

I found the distribution list for my entire building and sent out the party invitation. There is one person who accepted and two tentatives that I can't match a face to the names. So far, I have given invitations to DD16 to distribute to her friends, friend N who has approval to distribute to people she knows, and work. Tonight, I should get the animal org volunteer list, and add a few folks who are not on it, but associated with animals.

Other useful things to do that may or may not get done: master bath is gross, hallway is almost done and can be completed in < 15 min, declutter some more magazines.

I am still banging my head on distributions and the changelog. I found that one of the distributions that should be in my results table is missing. I have only 5 minutes left at payroll, so I just made good notes of where I left off. Still totally turned off by the thought of food.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:18 pm

For today's master bedroom zone work I moved one dresser it is on wheels vacuumed under it, one more to do the same with tomorrow in that room on wheels, and one w out wheels I will take drawers out of. I determined I was not going to let the showing throw me off track. Dust still gets under them even though I am decluttered. H went to bed early early shift tomorrow so I will need to vacuum that tomorrow.

I cooked stuffed spagitti squash, h was not hungry I said no worries I can just freeze it for freezer meals. The house smells yummy!
:idea: I am listening to flylday talk on getting prepared.

I got pages cut and punched and in a cover with discs on them.
I sanded on my newest walking stick, trying to hunt up the oil I use for that.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:32 pm

My ta-dahs:

Spent an hour on Skype with dgs before my breakfast. He has a cold, as does dd and so he was up at 4 and she was looking for a break. We chatted a bit while he played in view of the camera, then she took 10 minutes to herself and I sang to him. My brain lost some of the lyrics. Sigh... It's hard enough remembering children's songs without having the lyrics disappear when you start singing.

Washed that grey right outta my hair (speaking of singing, there's a jingle for you.) I have a new henna to use (from India instead of the US) and it is much easier and quicker to use so, despite being tired after breakfast, I figured I could manage it.

Cleaned the bathroom, did two loads of laundry.

Cooked a lunch for myself (ham, cheese and veggie omelet) and tidied that up.

Napped for an hour.

Had dh drop me 3 blocks from the hospital and did my blood test for next week's annual physical.

Walked 2 miles to pick up a parcel from the post office (with dh.)

We went out for dinner because I haven't been planning meals or making grocery lists (that requires brain power I don't have.) We ran an errand for dh and I picked up pretty binder clips for this project I'm working on. In classic SHE style, I'm putting the energy into the setting up instead of the using and doing.

I answered emails in the evening (more refugee stuff) and will head to bed now.

Dee: You had me go look to see if that was something that I had wrong. Nope, but it is one word, not two. Deek, on the other hand, as in "I deeked in the same direction as the kid on the bike and so she hit me" is apparently a word I've made up. I discovered that when I didn't know if it was spelled deek or deak. The answer? Neither.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:35 pm

Hmmmm... my ta-da for the day was probably getting s2s and washing my hair. I mean, I slept LATE. I mean REALLY LATE, even for ME. :shock:
DH didn't think I was ever going to get out of bed. I was just totally wiped out. Spending the better part of two days with the dgrands just about does me in.
Tuesday, we had dgd for an hour or so, then both of them when dgs got out of science club... then we all went to the nursing home for singing... then I went to the steak house with all of them (dh came home to watch Braves game)... and then dgd spent the night.
Wednesday, she was up fairly early for our standards, and she and I ran some errands and went to the elementary school parade... then picked up dgs... then they were both here until church time.
And THEN... after church... dh and I went to a late movie. So when we got home, I collapsed.
(The movie was good, btw -- Unbroken: Path to Redemption -- the "sequel" to the Louis Zapperlli story -- the WWII POW who spent 47 days in the ocean on a life raft. This tells about his life afterwards and how it was changed after he attended a Billy Graham crusade.)

Today, I guess I could say TA-DA because -- in addition to s2s/wash hair, I also
* packed clothes for tomorrow/Saturday
* cooked supper
* s/s kitchen
* put dmom's meds in dispensers

I really need to s/s the bathrooms and pick up the baby room before we leave tomorrow.

So -- what's going on with you ladies?

Is this the Halloween party you are working on, Elizabeth? I haven't cuop yet... I hope you feel better soon!

(((LadyM's dgd))) Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, right? BIG WTG on the great report from the parent-teacher conference, though!

BTW -- I have been reading more lately. I got those Harriet the Spy books I told y'all about, and I read the first one in about two days. I'm over half way through the second one. It is so fun, kinda takes me back to when I was 10 or 12 years old.
I finished the more serious novel I was reading -- Into the Water -- and it was good, but kinda got unbelievable. So many people drowning it got to be a little much. It's by the same lady who wrote The Girl on the Train, I believe.

Twins, my internet is horrible. Our AOL, which we still use for email, just spins and spins and spins. I told dh the next time I have two days to talk with someone, I may try to contact them, but it is basically just our email. It drives him crazy b/c he tries to keep it all cleared out -- and we STILL have over 800 items in the inbox -- but I don't really think it is a wi-fi/ATT problem; I think it is just AOL, and I see why so many people have quit using them!

Nancy, I imagine the constant house showings would be kinda irritating, but it IS wonderful that you have your house show-ready all the time now!
I need a cobweb sign, too! LOL! Zones... zones... I think I remember having zones... :oops:

Harmony, talking about paperwork projects, I got another order of photos in and I need soooo soooo badly to work on photo albums and scrapbooks. I really want to do this -- I don't completely trust everything on electronic files, and I want to make sure these memories are preserved for dgrands. I went through and got EVERYTHING in chronological order some years back, but that was before dgs was even born, and since then, NOTHING has been done towards this project. * sigh *

Hope you had a good day, blessed!

Dee -- so glad you didn't really have a CO2 leak! Hope everything goes well for dh next week!

BookSaver, won't y'all have some awfully stormy weather if you get a 30 degree drop in two days? It is still in the 90s here too, but looks like we're headed to the 80s next week -- with our lows in the 60s. Ballgame high temp is going to be 90 again though, so I have packed shorts again -- even though my legs are awfully pale and dbil's girlfriend has a very nice tan.

:idea: :?: HOW TO DEAL WITH THE HEAT? It is late in the season to be asking, but y'all, I sweat sooo much and at these hot-weather ballgames, I just look like some drowned rat. I mean, I have to put my hair up in a ponytail or a clip, and I still have these little curly fuzzy bits around my face... by the end of the game, there is not a dry stitch on me -- and I don't mean to be indelicate or anything, but going to the bathroom is the same as it is when one is wearing a bathing suit, you know? How your clothes just stick to you? And since I have walked almost a mile from the parking area, I have this * chaffing * problem... and it is just MISERABLE. I wear a cap if we are in the sun, but late in the evening, thank goodness, our seats are on the shady side of the stadium. Last week I had one of those cooling towels, and that helped a little bit, and I tried to drink more water, but it is just miserable. Thank goodness this week the game is at 6:30 (last week was at 2:30) but we will still be out in the sun from about 3:30 on, for pre-game festivities, seeing the players walk in, etc. Next week the game is at 3:00, but MAYBE it will have cooled off a little bit by then.
I don't know how some women do it. There are ladies sitting around me who still have an actual hair style and their clothes don't look like they are sticking to them. I don't know how they do it.

Anyway -- good for you, BookSaver, for thinking ahead re: icy weather AND Christmas planning! I do hope your roofers show up soon!

Well... 20 min is really enough for the bathrooms. I think I will give myself 30 minutes and see if I can do them and the baby room and then I really CAN relax for the night. I have not exercised today either, but the cleaning activity might revive me enough that I can do my "walk away the pounds" while watching The Miniaturist on TV. (It's a mini series on PBS, based on the novel, and the first episode was very good.) I had the book on my "want to read" list after reading a review in the paper some time back, but it is no longer available at our library. I could order it, of course, but my stack is pretty high right now.

One more thing... y'all ever get a song on your mind for no reason at all and it just Will Not Go Away??? Look up "Three Jolly Fishermen" sometime.
DH only remembered the last two verses from Boy Scout days, and shared it me when he happened to see a preview for the tv show, Amsterdam. Now I cannot get it off my mind. I had to google it and see what the other verses were. When you google it, you'll see why young Boy Scouts found it so hilarious. :lol:

(((HUGS))) for Kathryn and dd and little dgs... hope you ALL feel better soon. Probably don't need to teach him "Three Jolly Fishermen" just yet...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:40 pm

P m routines beggining for me now I need to spiff the bathrooms, so that stuff can soak longer I did not get to it this morning don't tell lol! I need to run the dishwasher also.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:18 pm

Haven't been too "together" today.
Teresa Tapp died today. Dd38 got in touch with me as soon as she knew, this early afternoon. Although the staff/friends at her office seem to have been prepared for this and have done a beautiful job with a reassuring email, no one on the forums, even trainers, seem to have been prepared. Huge outpouring of affection, of course. So many people who credit her with extending their lives, coaching them back to health. Inspiring.

So I've been in a bit of a fog.

the first part of the day was spent gathering my final choices for the fabric for this wall hanging. Very much a bright spot for me.

Also a long phone call in preparation for a church meeting tonight. I don't need to go, but needed to help get info together.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby lucylee » Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:38 pm

What happened to Teresa Tapp, Harriet? In all videos I've seen, she looked fairly young.

* s/s the bathrooms
* pick up the baby room
(Those took only 20 minutes, including some texting w/ddil re: her Christmas wish list. ;) She always lets me know if she has something in mind, which I appreciate VERY much!)
So, I continued moving and
* typed minutes from teacher's meeting, emailed to VP, and did some other work on my roster, etc.
(This took over 40 minutes, but that is b/c my computer is insanely slow right now!)
* put away dishes in kitchen
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby Harmony » Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:57 pm

Yep looked up the song. Shh! Shh! Shh! :lol: Very cute!

Not too much done today. I did cook a really nice dinner and had lots of clean-up.

Maybe I'll be more productive tomorrow. Yes, I'll be interested to find out what happened to T. Tapp. Very surprising. I still do some of those moves if my back is sore or stiff and they still work.

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Re: Thursday Ta Dahs!

Postby lucylee » Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:47 am

Harmony — the thing is, dh’s Boy Scout friends just continued the rhyme and loved it bc they got to say the bad word!

I never got the hang of the t-tapp moves. They seem so complicated to me! I think I am one of those people who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
I need something though — often times, my back is stiff and sore lately. When I wake up, and other times too.
Tomorrow is another day.

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