belief sunday!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:50 pm

makes so much sense d kathryn.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:51 pm

Elizabeth, you are really working away there. Lots accomplished. You go girl!

I, on the other hand, cooked and mashed one of the squash in my fridge and will freeze that in single serving containers. I have that instead of potatoes when dh is cooking.

I also cooked up the edible veggies (the cucumber didn't make it) and leftover chicken from last night. There's enough for tomorrow's dinner or lunch depending on my day.

I need to finish cleaning up the kitchen now and then I think I'll head to bed insanely early. Since dinner, all I've done is watch clips from the West Wing. So productivity isn't going to be compromised by going to bed early. I'll have under 2K steps today so I really have been a slug except for a good push on dealing with email. Three more sessions like that and it will be under control.

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Re: belief sunday!

Postby CathyS » Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:38 pm


Dh started his vacation on Friday. We might go to a massive Farmer's Market in St. Jacobs on Thursday. Depends on the weather and how we feel.

Dh has a massage scheduled for tomorrow morning. That will be around 11. (10:45 I think) Before then we will move my black desk out to the truck so we can donate it to the place we bought it from. The neighbour that is moving gave us an antique oak desk that was removed from a large hydro facility in the 1960s! :shock: He has had this desk in his home since then. Thankfully it comes apart for moving. It has been in our garage for a week or so.

So... we decided that this was going to be a stay-cation. Good thing because after 3 years and a month (but who's counting) we are finally going to paint the pantry. But before that I had to empty it. Right now one of the shelves is completely empty. They are the 6 shelf industrial restaurant racks from Costco. There are a few spices and canned goods still on some of the other shelves. Stuff I knew I would be looking for "IF" I have to do any major cooking this week. We are going out for supper on Tuesday. Dh will be ripping up the carpet before we paint. He will also be taking out an old electric baseboard heater that doesn't work and may already be disconnected.

That being said, we are having Canadian Thanksgiving here next Saturday. Just us and my dd and her male friend. Deep fried turkey. We have purchased the pumpkin pie, the whipped cream, whipping cream to go into the scalloped potatoes and stove top stuffing mix. I have frozen cranberries. We also have green beans that I have frozen from our garden. The turkey needs to come out on Wednesday. All I have to actually buy this week is a small bag of russet potatoes. Onions are out in the garage. I also have 2 cases of canned soup out in the garage. Not anywhere close to the same amount of food that some of you might be eating for your Thanksgiving in November. No snacks beforehand. Deep fried turkey, scalloped potatoes, green beans NOT a casserole, just boiled until they are al dente. Stuffing. Cranberry sauce. Pumpkin pie and whipped cream for dessert. There might be leftovers or there might not be, depending on how hungry everyone is.

The library is full of stuff from the pantry, but it's actually sort of organized.

I have been going to see my knitting friend that is in the hospital almost every day since last Thursday. Running around doing stuff for her. This Thursday is going to be rough. This lady will still be in the hospital and 2 other knitting friends are going in for day surgeries. One for something with her heart. The other for a hernia I think. All 3 of them are in delicate health. I go to 6 different knitting groups and there are actually at least 3 more that I know about but don't go to. I think that is the new/old thing for women. Most women in these groups are retired or on medical disability. I am the youngest one in each group.

As far as I know, I will be offline until either late Tuesday or Wednesday. Right now I have to finish clearing off this desk.
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Paper never stops.

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