Thursday Thimbles and Mending

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:57 pm

And thinking of bad attitudes about my x: I had to email him again to get proof of DD16's medical expenses. He provided proof of what the providers were paid. This is not what he paid, and not what he is claiming to have paid. I just want to pay him and be done. I've even got the money for an immediate transfer from my bank account to his. I don't have serious doubts about the total, though data entry errors are possible. However, I know (because he told me) that the other woman prepared the spreadsheet. This time it is probably honest, but I would bet $100 that if I don't insist on documentation, the next will not be. And, if you overpay on child support by mistake, there is no legal way to get your money back. You can probably get it back if you prove deliberate fraud, but I doubt that would be easy.

I do hope my x is monitoring his investment accounts. It would be very easy to cheat him out of substantial sums. I tried to keep him in the loop, but he wanted no part of it. I did leave the paperwork for all his accounts with him, nicely labelled in the files, so he or an accountant can check my financial management, but I have no idea about her. Interestingly, there was a group of HER friends from art class that I met through her, who said they expected her to take him for everything he had. They hate her now, kicked her out of the class, and made me welcome for the next two years. I had to quit the class when my commute made it impossible to attend, but she remains persona non grata there.

The x probably thinks I am being deliberately obstinate and obstructive. However, any lawyer would agree that I am entitled to proof. When I do get it, I intend to make that transfer same day (a) to get it over with and (b) to furnish absolute proof of non-deadbeat status. Whatever horrible things they want to say, they cannot say I don't pay my debts. The latest I have ever been was 3 days, only once, and I notified HIM about it. (Terribly embarrassing and due to an honest but stupid mistake on my part).

Canadian Pharmacy/US Pharmacy has tracked me down again. Do they really think I am going to buy V iagra for my neutered tomcats?

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Harmony » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:47 pm

It appears we all have our daily life challenges.

We are trying to wrap up big project and there are so many loose ends. I went to county office and paid a couple big fees to get ready to end this thing. I ordered some things for tomorrow, called another department and the people who are in charge of our water supply. Was surprised how lax they are about things, but good for us, nothing to worry about the well system we put in.

So that project is all mended and oiled so it can move along.

Speaking of mending, my footrest on my couch no longer works and we have another lever and wire apparatus which needs installed. I've been waiting for DH to have a light day before I ask him to help me fix. That takes both of us to turn couch upside down.

Mended place in my mouth still driving me crazy. Stitch threads are hanging down at the back of my gums. I still am not chewing on that side and watching what I eat closely. It still hurts but not too badly.

Now I'd like to do something in here. I did get dailies done and folded a LOL.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:04 pm

we have decided to stay home for today as d dog is lethargic. they gave her some really heavy sedation last night so I am sure that has something to do with it. Our goal is to leave at 7:30 am.

dh is exhausted any way bc he stayed up waiting for me so it is a good thing.
dd younger has been in a lot of pain yesterday and today - stress does that - so hoping that she will feel better before we go.
Nice thing: I can get the car where I want it to be and we can see how the d dog does on the meds.

hi d harmony
hi d elizabeth.. praying it gets resolved.
I agree with your dd d harriet! - I know my girls do as well. They always focus in on the girls to say that is why boys... when it should be for both if their is a dress code of respect

oops gotta go
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:20 pm

hi d nancy! hope your knee feels better

hi d twins - cheering you on in your day as well - enjoy your walk and time with your d cousin

hi d dee I love the word lolly gagging (I don't know why lol) so happy your knee is starting to feel better

Hi d harriet I love the thursday thimbles! I saw a soft rubbery one at the quilt shop the other day.. I think I might get one the next time I go in there.

hi d lady

sorry I can't seem to go back further to say hi to everyone!

so far: did my daily vacuuming of the dogs this morning - it's amazing how it makes the house look better. before it looks like I never clean and after - spiffy. 8-) :D I still need to do the daily in the dining room. I have laundry to fold and put away. I need to take care of my car-! It smells and looks like cows have been in there. :roll: :lol: not sure if it was from the plants that were in there (and corn stalks)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby lucylee » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:21 pm

Getting my hair trimmed.

Waving to all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby lucylee » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:14 pm

My paternal grandmother used to collect thimbles -- had those racks hanging on the wall with all sorts of thimbles from everywhere. They didn't travel a lot -- just to the beach every summer and occasionally to Arkansas to visit relatives -- but anytime she went anywhere, she'd bring back a thimble, and we all started adding to the collection. I wonder what happened to all of those thimbles. I guess my aunt has them, but she doesn't display them if she does. My grandmother did a lot of quilting, but none of us in the family have carried on that talent.

What am I mending? Hmmmm... nothing today really -- unless you want to count letting the beautician mend a badly outgrown haircut! :lol:
Monday, I sewed a button on a pair of dh's pants.

Lolly-gagging. One of my ddad's favorite expressions. As in "quit lolly-gagging. Pick 'em up and put 'em down..."
My ddad also talked about my "attitude" a lot, btw. You know -- I guess it IS hard to MAKE yourself happy about something when you are really sad, and it IS important to be honest about our feelings and have people we can be comfortable with to share those feelings -- but LadyM, I think you ARE that "safe place" for ds -- I understand what you are saying about his attitude. It's like, we can't change what happens, but we can change how we respond to it. You aren't asking ds to fall in love with schoolwork that frustrates him, you are just asking him to find a new way to look at -- that's the way I'm reading it, anyway. He doesn't have to ENJOY certain tasks, but he has to find a way to do them without being rude to you or others. I think it's just a terminology point, whether you say attitude or actions.
Beautician and I were talking about this today -- how we hear our parents' voices coming out of our own mouths sometimes -- and I definitely "preached" attitude to my students -- and to ds.

I'm also feeling bad b/c I asked beautician about a disciplinary situation at her daughter's school that I had seen just enough innuendo on FB to be curious about. Really none of my business at all and just gossip. I should learn to keep my mouth shut more often. (Beautician wasn't upset that I asked -- said she had heard nothing at all about it but would not be surprised if it happened -- had to do with (possibly) students & alcohol.)

OTOH -- a bad attitude toward you not-so-dx is certainly justified, Elizabeth! AND the xbff... That whole situation just has me shaking my head in disbelief -- well no, b/c I certainly do BELIEVE it -- maybe smh in shock -- that people can actually believe and act the way some of these people do. They just have a lot of nerve, don't they?

Talking about school dress codes -- it IS hard to enforce exact lengths on skirts/shorts/etc... and exact widths on straps for tank-tops, etc... BUT I definitely agree that boys should be held to a standard also. Some of the t-shirt slogans I saw drove me crazy... and I wondered if their mothers had any idea what they were wearing or what it meant. Sometimes teachers at our school would say they wished we could require uniforms. I'm not sure I would want that, but I can see how it would help solve some problems.

I still haven't called my dmom to see what doctor said yesterday. I'm just in a big donwanna mood today. Ha! I should work on MY attitude! :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:21 pm

your hair looks lovely d lucy!!!
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:23 pm

YEEPS! I just got an email from our retirement system about SOLVENCY MEETINGS!!! Oh, crumbs. And, yes, I checked. It really is from them and matches the official website. It's not that we are insolvent, but adjustments will have to be made so we do not become so. This sort of adjustment is obviously not going to be something like "adjust myself to a new higher take home pay". D'Arvit!!!*

*If you have read the Artemis Fowl series, you know that D'Arvit is a word in the fairy language that is so bad, if the author translated it, he would have to burn all his books.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:35 pm

I'm home after being out for 7 hours with ds.

First he texted suggesting lunch at the bagel shop with me walking over. He was getting his hair cut across the street. I started out and realized that we didn't have time since it takes me 20 minutes to get there. I told him to start without me but he wasn't there when I got there, he was still getting his hair done. It was a hair stylist school so it took over 100 minutes to style his hair. On the other hand, it does look good. It is just short on the sides and back and longer on the top. Nothing super amazing, but complicated for a student, obviously.

I picked up our lunch and met him on the street and we ate in the car on the way up the Valley to look for houses.

There were 4 today. #1 was better than I expected but ds wasn't 'feeling it.' Plus it smelled musty.

We were at #2 for ages (well over an hour.) We spent a bit of time oohing and ahhhing and then buckled down to look at what's wrong. Uneven floors upstairs which we believe is addition 1, a sagging roof line on addition 2. We can't find the well head. The septic tank access has to be raised to ground level. No garage. No basement (but a surprisingly good insulated crawl space.) Needs a new well pump and it needs some work on the wood siding and the roof flashing.

#3 wasn't on either of our lists but was available for viewing and was not to our liking. "The house shows well, it isn't you, it is us" is the feedback we asked to be sent to the seller.

#4 was not on my list and we backed out of there quite quickly and said goodbye to our agent.

We did a drive by of the duplex for sale but ds isn't feeling like that is his path in life (thank goodness!)

Ds and I went up to the truck stop and ordered a hefty snack and then talked and talked. The waitress came up and asked if we needed anything else and I asked her if she had a house for sale for $220,000?! She did but for $279,000 and had been craning to see if her house was one of the ones we were looking at since there was a viewing this afternoon! She was a doll and I looked her house up later and to be honest, I like #2 better.

Ds and I went back to drive by it one more time. On our way down the road, we watched a deer walk out of the yard, cross the road and disappear into the old growth forest sanctuary across the street! Ds says he's putting up a salt lick when he buys the house!

We discussed the offer on the way back. While we snacked, he sent a long list of questions we have to his agent along with asking should we put an offer in conditional on getting answers or wait for the answers first?

The house feels perfect for ds. It is much bigger than the first house he put an offer on, but still not too large. It has a much smaller lot (1/3 as big) and is missing the basement and outbuildings. But both required a garage to be built. And a smaller yard isn't necessarily bad when you don't have a lot of time to take care of things.

Sitting in the kitchen, it just felt perfect. Looking around, it was just the right amount of space and open and had a really good vibe.

We'll see how this goes but we are happy.

BTW: these were the last 4 houses in his price range in the area. And my note in the spreadsheet we've been keeping said, "SOLD! Except for no garage it is perfect! We'll have to see if there's room for the garage without interfering with septic." I'm so glad I called that right.

I'm home now but vibrating after the long day.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:51 pm

I did my exercise on the stat. Bike and half of a walk today. Knee is better. Instead and put seeds out some in the containers and some in flower beds. Watered again and had my dinner. Got some ideas for a project so am glad for forward progress I have an outline this helped! Yea! I was cold this morning so I put on a jean shirt this afternoon that helped.

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