1 November - Eeeeek!

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Nov 01, 2018 12:23 pm

Good morning all. I got 1-6 done on my list and progress on #7. I did not get to #8 at all, just ran out of energy. Best thing: I FINALLY got the LOLs off my bed and can sleep better. The pharmacy call was a false alarm. I had no trick or treaters but won 2nd prize as Queen Elizabeth in the costume contest.

Like DeeClutter, I have to figure out my 2019 insurance. The one I am on is increasing copays and max out of pocket. However, it is the only one the gastro doctors take. I guess I could see someone else. Funny thing: I just got a robocall from them saying it is time to see them again (and they are right). Also time to see eye doctor and dentist, but I am quite broke. Dentist wants to put a crown on one of my teeth, but I can't afford it. I was supposed to get it done this summer, but had surgery instead.

SNARK ALERT!!! One of last night's errands was to return meds DD16 had left at my house. I had texted the x about them and he wanted to come by to get them. I replied that I would not be there and had them in my car. He wanted to know when I would get back, but I didn't see that text until later. I decided to let him wonder what I was up to. Nothing of excitement, just errands. When he thought I was having lunch with a man, I got the complete third degree (like it's any of his business who a single woman chooses to eat with). Now, he will assume I was having dinner with someone, but not willing to tell him who/where/when. :lol: :twisted: It's not lying if I say, "I had plans." I did have plans - plans to run errands! If I ever get any more questions from him, it will be, "Why do you need to know?" He seems to think all I do is wait around for his convenience. Since I was unwilling to do that during our marriage, why would I do it now? Guess it's something of a shock to him that I am not pining away or returning to my hometown in disgrace.

ETA: Just checked my home email. There are only two replies for the post-party help me get rid of excess beer event. Who doesnt' like free beer? Wish I could invite this group. I know y'all could help me with this decluttering project.

Just found out that November is FlyLady's menu planning focus month. I was just thinking I needed to do a better job of this. I signed on for a different free service for a while that sent out 15 minutes a day missions. That one just didn't fit my life. I don't need to organize photos, remotes, and kids' toys! I need to clear out junk and keep things reasonably clean!

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby helia » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:13 pm

I can't believe it's November either! How did that happen? I'm not ready to start thinking about the holidays.

I popped in here to check on Dee. Glad to see you're out of the hospital!

It's one of those rainy days here. Every single hour of this day has a 78 - 99% chance of rain. I'm not jogging today but will try to go to the gym. I need to do something; the weight is creeping back . . . I gotta nip it in the bud. I did jog Tuesday and will go a little longer, which only means about 4 or 4.5 miles, on Saturday. The weather Saturday looks good.

Main Goals for today:
X1. meeting with BB -- Circles ministry
X2. WF - stuff for Th. dinner
3. Progress on laundry - jeans have been folded and hung up/put away
4. DPCs; I need to call lawn guys re: some trimming and window cleaning company. It's almost too late. . .
5. Gym
6. Prep for, host, and clean up after Th. dinner crew; we're at a usual size of 9 or 10 if everyone comes. There's not much room to invite newcomers, which was the original intent of this weekly event. I think we need to revisit the concept.
7. If I can get to some payroll grading, that would be great.

It's already 2:15, and I've just finished lunch. I'm moving slowly. I do hope I can get to a number of these goals.

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:27 pm

And then I went down a rabbit hole....OTOH, it's raining big time and we have storm warnings so maybe it's best to stay in right now. I put my mail into the mailbox for once and the mail guy came by a few minutes later.

So I am heading out....
-pick up dry cleaning
-get tire checked
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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:53 pm

dh is doing really well re: me taking the money out of my checking.

I am a bit frustrated bc I Found out dh does not use his early ss (when he turned 62) for anything but for his own savings. mmm So when he was saying he was poor - he wasn't. That's why we changed, so that all bills come out of my checking. i gave him a check for his expenses this month (which I gave him quite a bit - thinking he was always broke). so all his pouting was because he didn't want to touch his own money from ss. :roll: 8-) - I will see how this month goes and if he still says he is poor and cranky. :D But he is very happy now 8-) ;)

I haven't worked on this dirty house yet bc I had to run a couple errands that I didn't expect.

hi d elizabeth great job on getting 6 things done already! how cool about winning 2nd price. Yep - you x lost the right to complain about you dating!
you don't have to say a thing! good for you!

I love that you are celebrating ta da thursday d twins!!!

hi d dee praying your blood levels are perfect! how nice that your d friend is bring soup! Hope the health insurance works out.

hello all dear ones.

my errands I didn't expect are done.
I ordered food for the party and for thanksgiving (freezer) and I have to put it away
dh is bring some books back to B & N that I was going to give as a gift but dd younger said it would be too much with what i have already.
he is also getting a visa gift card for the last gift to ship out.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:53 pm

waving big time at you d helia :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:04 pm

Midday ci - it is going well. Got to a good point in my writing a turning point forget what it is called Inciting incodent, had to look on my notes.
H just call is feeling rough taking the rest if the day off. Posting from stat bike. Chicken soup in the slock cooker is done. I had my lunch something else.
H. Wants pepto the pink stuff, wanted me to get it I suggested he get it on his way he will be going right by the store. I will do that if he hasn't and walk the dog in a bit. Folded and put away laundry s2s washed & dried my hair as well. I changed to warmer pjs as it was to be my writing day. After a bit I will retreat downstairs.waving to all. I was feeling rough earlier in the week but feeling better now.

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:25 pm

Went with HRH to his physical - new place. I must say this is a wonderful facility, especially people-wise. Such consistently pleasant and competent folks. I like it a lot but it's only for certain things. Next week when he's to have a needle stick for kidneys (just monitoring), he goes to yet another place. We're with too big an "umbrella" medical company, in many ways.

He took me by the HT grocery afterward and we made a large shopping trip of it together. Happy about that - lots of items were running low. Also, he carries in the bags, and it's great when he's there to make all his own mistakes! :) (not my fault if something is forgotten!)

How in the Sam Hill?
Everywhere I see a November calendar page turned I can't process it right away. I stare at the photo and think, what's that word, there?

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:22 pm

feeling stressed - I got stuck on paperwork, important phone calls, straightened card file, set up calendar, listed spending, paid bills - house hasn't been touched.

I was feeling I didn't have time and this card that just came up

- "if you are saying you don't have time that usually means you are making it too complicated. No perfection" (I believe Diane in Denmark)

trying to breath in and know at least my bills are paid and my paperwork is up to date.

I am feeling the same way d harriet about the November calendar. it does not compute 8-)
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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:16 pm

praying for next weeks test to be great d harriet!
We have the same thing re: big insurance company. very frustrating. glad you liked the place your dh went today. having great people makes such a difference.

hi d nancy - glad your day is going well. hope your dh feels better. how nice that you have your nice warm pjs on! glad you are feeling better.

Found out our insurance will not pay any of the M ay o visit. d brother (takes care of our insurance and he wasn't surprised that they wouldn't but thought she needed to go). we shall see.

just started on morning routines. dishes are in dw and washing themselves.
groceries put away. It feels like it should be 9 am.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: 1 November - Eeeeek!

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:25 pm

Yes, November. Speaking to DD oldest today, her family is not making it down here for Thanksgiving. We were all supposed to be together, and she wanted to but he is balking at the travel. She says if she's making this concession then he can't say anything about Christmas. So we'll see how that all turns out. Since she shares Christmas with the X then it has always been harder to get together. I told her we could come up but she thinks it's easier if she comes down... which is probably true since DH's vest transmits data every morning from here and that hot spot thing has all been set up for this location. Assuming he still is wearing this thing.

I did come up with an idea for other daughter and sent her a note and the advertisement from the flyer to see if she likes it.

Changing bed linen today, so that's done, and did extra cleaning in the kitchen.

DH really tired after working today. Hard day. And he didn't get enough sleep last night. We were out moving trucks around late and a guy came by to see if we could weld something for him. So we were out in the shop till after 9:00. I know we'll be at it again with this friend some time, but hopefully not tonight...he has to buy a new bumper for his trailer first.

We ran out together and did the early voting thing. I figured out the last thing and made notes on DH's ballot for the things I knew we disagreed on: if you want this to happen vote yes, if you want that vote no, kind of comments. On the way out DH asked another fellow if he wanted his cheat sheet and he jumped at the opportunity to get the filled in ballot with notes. Why do people go to vote and have no idea what to vote for? We laughed about that on the way home!

I guess it's time to look at what's for dinner. No homemade chicken noodle soup. I wish I had Dee's friends! Oh, Elizabeth, no beer here either. DH does about 6 cans a year!

Blessed, I'm sorry about your insurance not paying. I'm sure that's tough.

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