Thankful Thursday

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby BookSaver » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:24 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I am grateful for wonderful friends like you.

I was able to get all of the prep work done last night. It felt good to sleep a little longer.
It's about time for me to s2s. We are supposed to start loading the car at 10:15 and I want to be sure that my hair is dry before I go out into the freezing temps.

I did some Black Friday shopping online last night. I was going to wait a couple days but some items on my list were already sold out and I didn't want to miss the good prices on what was left. Freeze-dried pantry food to keep on hand through the winter in case we get snowed in.

Thanks for opening the thread, Kathryn. I hope when you get back up, your day will reset itself to be better.

CathyS ~ Good for your DH to get you something so practical and yet still fun. Alice's Restaurant is a favorite here, too. :)

Hello, Nancy & Blessedw2. You both set a good example for getting things done.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:22 pm

my oven is starting to loose heat - it has always run 25 degrees hotter. (maybe I need a new oven thermometer 8-) ;) )
wrote everyone (those I won't be able to see) a Happy Thanksgiving
veg casserole is done and cooling in 3 season room
dw is on
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:20 pm

Ty Blessed I will try that foil 9n cookie sheet idea.
Did the ex bike today and put it away got the chairs upstairs yesterday, and leaves are in the table. Went with the dollar store plastic table cloth. S2s done.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:14 pm

A big thing I'm thankful for is all the friends I've made here. You're all so much a part of my life and have been for well over 20+ years! Hard put to explain how much this site means to me to those in my IRL.

We have dinner under control. Turkey got done way ahead of time. Can't remember who I was talking to -but maybe it was here. Our turkey was not only done early but it was very well browned. Someone I was talking to thought it wouldn't brown, but not the case. DD sliced it all & we put it in a clear cake pan so we can warm it later.

I should get busy and do my exercises. I did skip yesterday so can't afford to skip today as well.

Bit the bullet, LadyM and ordered an Instant Pot -I see how much you use yours. The 8qt was on sale at W mart cheaper than I could get it at A-river. Actually was only going to order the 6qt before I saw this one on sale.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. And even those of you not in the US -a very happy day to you. Hoping you get feeling better, Kathryn.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:32 pm

I agree with you d dee... the women here are remarkable. Such a blessing to have you and everyone.
yay on having dinner under control d dee
I use my instant pot a lot. just make sure the button is down before opening. I love mine.
happy thanksgiving

hi d nancy - hope that works for you. yay on your exercise bike

hi d book
same here with you! grateful!
hope you have a great day out today.

waving to everyone!!!

using the big plastic carrier has been a Godsend for my I work in the kitchen.. as i use things I have been washing them and rinsing them and just draining the dishes in there. I don't have the counter space for all those dishes. So all my dishes are now dried and put away, the dw is empty of dishes from last night.
counters are clean, floor was surface vacuumed and rinsed, sink is clean. all the food is in the 3 season room ready to take with. Shower done.
I would love to finish my morning routine but can't. plants watered. dd took the old dogs out twice and played with them. meds taken and given. more laundry flipped and dh put away towels for me. yay. We should leave at 2:10 pm.

have a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:12 pm

This much was by noon, but interrupted. If I don't hurry, anything can happen... ..

I'm another who won't see family today - Saturday is our get-together.

The Harmonies can sing:
Oh! ye'll take the high road and I'll take the LOIS road,
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye;

Elizabeth, I'm so mad on your behalf ... .. hoping for the potential return of items. You and dd are safe, as are the pets, that's the most important thing.

People keep dropping by, so I am not getting much done.

But I am on the second load of laundry.
Today I will set the pecan pie out to thaw.
Might start the sweet potatoes for casserole - not sure.

Grocery success - Yesterday dd and I were at big newer grocery by 8:30 a.m. so we didn't encounter many people and got our big shopping done very efficiently. She's a whiz at it. We found that nothing was sold out, really - plenty available.

Then yesterday was the finish on church Desk Day for the month, and HRH says what a blessing to put it out of our minds (and back into the drawers) now. I hit the send button on the reports just before 11 last evening, so if any of those dozen people wants to say anything to me about not attending the Wed night event :roll: they are truly clueless about being two places at one time.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:33 pm

Might as well begin another post - maybe you will all see this one before midnight.

3 sets of company have come by. I might as well not even start explaining since we know I'd never finish.

Yes, I do have the good sense to know you are all blessings to count. I have both embarrassment and inspiration at times, thinking of telling you (eventually!) what I've been doing. To use Kathryn's recent phrase, there are times I don't give a fig what IRL someones might think, but do want to remember to ask/tell you! :lol:

happy for helia and a close family gathering.

A fourth load of laundry is in (some small - the baskets weren't THAT full). Two of these are drip-drying, so that the front bath extra rod is pulling it's weight around here! Hopefully at least one more load can happen today, but no more drip-dry. I know dd won't need a shower again until tomorrow. I'll need the master tub to shower this evening, and so there simply isn't space!

My only shopping has been the online purchase of a warm car-coat-length jacket that will turn rain. 50 percent off with a break on shipping, and I got the color I wanted, so that was a success. To go out into the fray... .. I haven't the fortitude.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:54 pm

Dd was to meet me for lunch at Ikea tomorrow until I realized it would be Black Friday. So we are avoiding shops. BF makes no sense here, it is a regular work day, as is today, but when the dollar was closer to par there were people going cross border shopping for the 'bargains'. Then online shopping kicked in and Canadian retailers had to start offering deals or lose sales to Amazon US.

The Roomba Cathy got was a great deal. I was tempted but decided to pass. Dd likes her and her floors are not crunchy now.

I made some lunch and watched a movie.

I'm trying to think of something to make for dinner. Dh will be too tired to cook and we had pizza last night.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 22, 2018 6:50 pm

We have enjoyed our Thanksgiving Day. It has been totally different than any other year. Much more relaxed and less stressful. I stayed in my PJ's until noon. DD and family came by to give/receive hugs and brought a fruit & dip tray. We picked DGD21 up and went out to eat. Now I'm cooking thanksgiving type dishes just because I want to. We enjoy eating leftovers so I have no worries about the food I'm cooking being eaten over the next couple of days.

Dee - I hope you enjoy the Instant Pot. I am so thankful for RR sharing her experience with them. She inspired me to give them a try.

ET (robot vacuum) continues to be a WIN. For me, it isn't about having the floors cleaned as much as having the floor ready to clean. Does that make sense? I guess it is similar to doing a PUPA to get the house ready for the house cleaner to come and clean. ET means I am not telling the DKids to pick their things up off the floor and then monitoring to make sure they do it. Now I just announce that ET is loose and the DKids start scrambling to get their things PUPA.

The weighted blanket is another WIN. DS10 falls to sleep quickly now. He still wakes up during the night but he is now able to immediately go back to sleep. Time will tell if the blanket helps the sleepwalking. I got the 20 lb weighted blanket which is a bit too heavy for DS10 now but he is growing so fast that he should grow into it within a year or two.

I planted 6 kinds of lettuce indoors today. I have harvested 7 peppers & tomatoes this week. They grow slower indoors but the plants seem to be thriving. The plants are full of blooms. I get much satisfaction from playing in the dirt and observing changes in plants.

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1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:13 pm

So that was thanksgiving for another year.

A lot of things I could have asked to be different, but what can any of us do but our best effort. Seeing the 3 DGSs was wonderful. But they didn't come in till after 2:00 AM and we were up a bit after that, so 3-ish when I got to sleep. Alarm was set and I got up to get the turkey in the roaster by 7:45. Not easy with so little sleep. Everybody's sleep was off schedule. 1 DGS slept straight through breakfast. Another DGS slept most of the morning and all afternoon.

This is the first holiday since DD's divorce and XSiL took it kinda hard. Things were just odd. Not unfriendly, just really different. I felt sad and depressed when they all left to go different places. We only got half the visit we usually do, and we get to see these kids so infrequently as it is.

Food was ok. Not great but ok. Everything felt really rushed. DD wouldn't take any back with her and I'd planned for that.

And now we're into Christmas season. I'm hoping it turns out easier than the Thanksgiving did.

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