Anti Procrastination Wednesday

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:06 pm

Car is in for servicing. I walked across the super wide road to make a return (from September) and then back to Costco for my lunch. With my limp I could only get across 1.5 of the 6 lanes before the walk signal ended but I made it all the way across on the green light. I hate short walk signals. A car honked at me because I was taking so long. Sigh...

The return lineup at Costco is huge so I am eating first.

Then I will shop for ds's Christmas present.

Our new projector went on sale over the weekend but I figured out I could request a price adjustment so that was done this morning.

As useless as I was when I was sick, my brain appears to have been healing because my head can handle more things now than it could 5 weeks ago. Last night before bed my temp was 97.2, close enough to my 96.8 normal temp. So I am declaring the fever over.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:16 pm

I am wondering how dd manages to make her problem MY problem. I think she asks, and I agree readily and then we're off to the races. I emailed her a suggestion and I'm back to my life now.

I think I will work on my menorah next and get that squared away. Upstairs I did get recycling and trash out of office, I hope I'll get back up there to hang curtains and straighten it up.

I'm so glad you have turned a corner, Kathryn. Somehow getting into December was good for me also.
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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:11 pm

For my Anti. Procrastination Day thing I am counting shower before noon. :roll: plus got a letter done ready to go for tomorrow.
Listened to a long talk by the bullet journal guy had been putting it off had to break it into 3 sessions.
Still learning how the book thing works since the Library changet to Liby.
And how to use split screen on this tablet, it is pretty distracting.
Laundry is dry & needs folded.
Did desk duty yesterday.

Harriet I can understand the fridge door choice.
Twins I can relate.
K in C glad you are on the mend!

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:16 pm

d harriet have you physically seen the dents - it will help to see it. I have a freezer that had a dent on the side and it didn't bother me one bit especially since I got $300 off and it is not in the kitchen.

I want to say hi to everyone but if I fall into the rabbit hole I will be in trouble ;)

Hair dye and other appointment done. dh took me to not healthy coffee shop/breakfast/unhealthy lunch - but he is so happy.
time to finish the process before
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:15 pm

Still waiting for the car.

This is the last year for this model. We are not due for a new car until next year. It is perfect for us but most people want an SUV so there will be 2 of those and no station wagon for us.

If I had known before authorizing the brake work, I would have just bought a new car. Now I have the large bill and will have to drive this car into the ground unless Hyundai brings out a hybrid station wagon. They've licensed Toyota's hybrid tech.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:25 pm

I need to get moving again. I did some prototype s'mores for the menorah and need to decide on a covering for the board the graham crackers are on. They need to show up better.

-Upstairs, hang curtain in office
-glue one section of the mirror that I'm going to try to glue back together
-15 min of filing/paper taming

I also did some "house walking." At this point I only have 2500 steps. I forgot to wear the Fitbit when I walked the dog so that's actually 900 more. I'll blame dd because she came over as I was getting dressed.

It is cold and cloudy here, "feels like" 29 degrees. I want snow!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:38 pm

I do a lot of housewalking too. Sometimes I will take something down to the car to get a bit of variety. Most days I get 2500 inside the apartment. Fewer on houseblessing days since anything under 20 is uncounted by my pedometer and I don't take many steps while vacuuming.

I'm at 4600 now thanks to walking between big box stores.


Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby kckgirl » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:41 pm

Finally, the last load of clothes is in the washer. I had put it off for so long because the arthritis and torn meniscus in my knee makes it difficult to navigate the stairs. Last night, my grandson took the baskets to the basement for me, and I split it all into smaller loads I could carry back up. The first two loads are folded and put away, which is never a problem for me. I fold on my bed so they have to be put away before I sleep.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:50 pm

Harriet - Congrats on the new refrigerator. IMHO you are the only one who knows how important it is to have a perfect refrigerator. I would take the 20% off and then share it by giving the delivery person a bigger tip. In our home i don't expect anything to remain in perfect condition.

I was frazzled by the time homeschool was finished and the roaster of beans were cooked. DH and I had words over him volunteering for too much stuff and expecting me to just add it in my already full schedule.

I am feeling a tiny bit unappreciated and frustrated with a friend. She requested me to put together a community effort to send homemade treats to troops in Afghanistan (her son is stationed there). She just assumed that I would do it and kept sending me ideas of things that could be sent to them. I never agreed to do this project. I told her that I was maxed out on volunteering projects and couldn't take on another one. She asked me to recruit someone to do it. I told her that I tried that and no one offered to do it. She responded with telling me if I organized it and gathered all the supplies then she would take care of shipping the items. Really? I said no. I am currently leading or working on at least a half dozen volunteer projects. She left me feeling like I'm a bad person for not adding another one.

I think I saw DGS23. I was driving on a 4 lane road in town when I saw a homeless person walking next to the road. It looked like DGS2s walk. The man's height and body structure looked like DGS23. His hair was the same color as DGS23. His face was partial covered by a full & long beard and he had long matted hair. I rolled my window down and shouted DGS23 first name. He stopped walking and looked around like he was trying to find who called his name. I was trapped in traffic and had to drive about a half mile before I could get off road and do a uturn. When I got back to the spot I couldn't find the homeless person. I drove around and around looking for him. Finally I gave up. I suspect he was hiding. If it was DGS23. My heart hurts for DGS23 and I would do almost anything for him if/when he is ready. He has to be willing to try before we can help him.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:59 pm

Tonught we are organizing the assembly of 400 bags of multiple candies and nuts. The fruit won't be here for a few more days but those will be easy to add to the bags. My brain keeps thinking about each aspect of assembly and supplies needed. What am I forgetting?

I'm at Ds10 band practice. This is the last practice before their winter concert next Tuesday. They are really bad. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Lol Maybe they will sound different in a few days. We can only hope. ')
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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