Anti Procrastination Wednesday

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:22 pm

hello again.

i have been working where d younger old dog is resting. she did wag her tail. more than we have had. I have to help her walk. she had a treat which is more than we have had. sweet girl. I am going to cancel appointments tomorrow. people won't be happy. d older dog is acting like a puppy again :shock: She had been on deaths door a month ago. I hope d younger dog 13 is able to do that; but I don't think she can. her heart is in heart failure. she has meds - who knows what will happen. this morning I would have said no way - dh and I know we don't have long with her. but she is comfortable and that is all the matters. We are just enjoying the time while she is content and happy.

hi d elizabeth!
I am so happy they found one of your stolen items!

hi d dee. - i am sending you the anti procrastination gentle Nudge! :D

hi d lady - have fun at band with your ds
((hope you feel better after that blood sugar scare))!!!

hi d nancy yay on finding that money!

hi d cathy - I am so happy the roomba works so well!

hi d twins cheering you on through out your day!!!

hello d everyone. thank you for the thoughts about sweet dog 13.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:25 pm

I ordered groceries... I did not want to but I can't go out. it made me go way over the budget i set for myself. I had to buy tide too. plus there is the tip and the delivery fee. I just have to accept this is what I can do.

dishes washed themselves and I still have to empty the dw.

I did clean out the pantry, the baking area and vacuumed those areas
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:51 pm

Just a 'funny' to lift someone's spirits. DGS6 asked DDIL yesterday if he's now 6 and a nickel. A nickel? You know....I was 6 and a quarter, so now am I 6 and a nickel? :lol: Nope, neither of those as of tomorrow he's officially 6 and 50-cents is what she told him! :lol:
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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:54 pm

Sitting in waiting room while DS10 has band class. We came to town a bit early because DS10 was eager to try a new eating place. We voted it "eatable but not repeatable"

After band class is over I'll meet DH at a place half way between our next stops. DH is picking DGD7 up from school and we will transfer DGD7 from DH vehicle to mine. Then DH and I will both continue to our next events. DH will pick up food for church meal and get it set up before he has elder meeting. I'm taking both kids to different church so they can participate in that great kids program. It is the 2 hours each week that DS10 spends with his friends from public school.

Dee - LOL
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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:01 pm

After lunch Went to the dog park it was closed for tree removal, so we just walked along the river a great alternative. We are both happy.
I vacuumed the living room. Picked up the back yard. Dgd will be here in a bit.
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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:41 pm

Elizabeth, that is terrific news! :D Glad it is the guitar because that is a little bit of a personal/close item and now will have even more history for you. (sorry about damage) But also because the identification can be so sure, and police can require answers of a person committing a crime at that very moment. I wonder what will come of it all, but of course, it must be very difficult to make anything come of a theft investigation. Glad to hear about kittens starting to feel better and play.

Nancy, it's nice to think you and dog are so happy after a new walk.

LadyM, yipes. Glad you feel you know what caused it, but wow.


Hope everything is great for Kathryn's dd.

HRH got to talk to nurse, got a message to dr, and will have change of meds that may help with some of these worrisome side effects. We are hopeful it will, anyhow. Dr sent word that blood work looks better to him - can't be seen online until later.

TaDas here include mopping kitchen floor, extra laundry and office work.

I need to make a trip to pharmacy now, of course. Obviously, want to get to that as soon as they have it ready. Perhaps can hastily add some other errands to that.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:57 pm

Not a great day here but I did take care of one anti procrastination thing.

First off I finished a bunch of tax work and found my last 9x12 env. and took that all to the post office. It does not look as good as when I used the typewriter, but it's acceptable. Next I have to work on all the spreadsheets, a couple more to create and 2 to finish. Then I wait for bank notices.

After the post office I stopped at store, needed several office supplies; so I got those and some groceries and came home. DH called with problems at job and I had to take a truck over there and help him a bit and move trucks around and then bring one home. Durn door company ordered the wrong size door. He had to go buy plywood to cover the opening. This door company has made several mistakes with us recently. Last one was whole house full of interior door ordered the wrong height. Picking up the other truck we noticed homeowner had dropped the tailgate too far and bent all 4 hinges and they have to be replaced, a big job we've had to do every time someone uses that truck. :evil:

The other night DH found some lampshades online and he insisted we order them. I didn't think they'd do because of their size and type but he is tired of looking at these lamps back here like they were... so I just told him to do whatever he wanted. Well they came today and they are way too big around. We can use them but I had to rearrange some of the desk things around both lamps and I don't like the way they look. Maybe I'll get used to them. Keeping the box and wrappings till I see what he says.

Big bad accident on the road. No going south through that intersection so I had a long way around detour. I don't know why there are so many accidents in that spot...just thankful it wasn't me.

For my anti procrastination chore: while in store I got a sympathy card to send out. Been meaning to do that.

Elizabeth, great that they found your guitar! Sorry about the extra damage.

I don't handle syrup either. Always triggers a low. The 100% real stuff isn't as bad for me as the artificial kinds they sell. I like pancakes with applesauce.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:38 pm

Today is going well. Meals are more on time and the kitchen isn't a disaster. Dgs helped make the cornbread at breakfast but then ate a bagel Uncle G brought.

<many hours later>

On our way home from the hospital. He cries whenever we mention sleeping so we visited first. We're now stuck in rush hour traffic and he's napping. I'll stay in the car after we get home so he can nap longer.

We had a longer visit today and dh and I took turns holding the baby. We gave the little family some time alone as well and I had a snack.

Not sure what to have for supper. Probably pizza.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:14 pm

Whew! Just got off an hour long conversation with the evaluator at DD16's school. She is an autism expert, both as a professional and as the mother of a 37 year old son with autism. I got the distinct impression she found my x hard to deal with, though of course she never said directly. She, ALL DD's teachers, the x, and I are in agreement that DD's Harry Potter fan fiction access has to go.

I did get hold of the insurance person, she is sending the info to someone on the recovery process. It would be nice if they just decide to fix the damage regardless of prior condition. At any rate, I have done due diligence on reporting pre-existing damage to the guitar and many of the jewelry items. It is on the police list for identification purposes and I sent insurance an identical list.

I am bummed because I have found more damage on the sweater I am wearing. Of course, I bought it while at UT, which makes it somewhere between 23 and 33 years old. I guess I have gotten my money's worth. I will take it Saturday to ask the expert knitters what they think I should do. Learn to knit comes to mind.

Back to data extraction.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:54 pm

Waving from Thursday.

helper got much more than I expected done, including some of the edge of 'the jungle'
I'm hoping some of the ground cover I used have growing under the trees recovers in time.
I found more weeds (singapore daisy, and some succulent creeper) down along the easten fenceline.
That whole fence needs replacing, and the neighbouring undergrowth cleared. It was interesting to see some of the weeds bushy things seem to be dying out. perhaps, hopefully, she says.
I am hoping I stopped working before I wiped myself out into the future.
He was here 5-6 hours, and did take the money for a carton (I hope it pays for a carton) of whatever brand he likes.
1 load of washing happened.(Its still on the line)
I gave myself a pass on the afternoon walk.
I still need to pick the weed sticky seed pods from my trousers.

8 hrs in bed, even if I needed the radio on to turn off my brain. (talkback was on which contempory person would callers like to see a statue made of, and I don't think I took in very long of that) Then in the morning I read a novel untill I made 'time'.
tmeds. reading and writing. bfst.

next - make the list. check items off.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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