Fill in the F Friday

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:27 pm

My F word for the day is Fahrenheit. I enjoyed soaking up the beautiful weather so much yesterday. This morning I stared longly out the window at my garden area as I told myself that 30 degrees wouldn't make THAT much difference. Wrong! I tried working in the garden today but only lasted about 5 minutes because my fingers became painful from being in the cold wet dirt.

Misery loves company here too. DS10 is suffering through learning some lessons the hard way. He isn't physically suffering but mentally suffering according to him. One of his friends was recently given the same consequences so he knows it isn't unfair. We have tried teaching him these lessons the easy way but that didn't work so we implemented the consequences that we warned him would happen.
** Lesson = put batteries where they belong. DS10 is a big battery user with remotes, controllers, and toys. He knows he is supposed to put old batteries in the trash but will stuff them into couch cushions or hide them under furniture so he doesn't have to stop what he is doing and take the 2 seconds to put them into the trash. When I find a hidden battery then the Consequence = loss of all devices that use batteries for 24 hours. He has no battery operated devices today.
** Lesson = don't try to bypass network restrictions. Consequence = loss of access to the internet for the rest of the month. There is a part of me that is happy that he is seeking to learn new techie skills. However, he picked the wrong reason to attempt learning new techie skills. He was being deceitful. He doesn't like having his wifi access restricted. He is limited to the amount of time he can spend daily on his phone and also limited on game time on the xbox. I think I am being VERY generous with the time limits. He has 2 hours on the phone and 1 hour on the games every day. To me, that is too much time but I've tried to balance the time between my wishes and what his friends & cousins get (unlimited).
I don't like implementing consequences, but sometimes it has to happen. I know it will only get worse if I don't stop it now. I am thankful that all this happened with no drama or raised voices. It is just a matter of fact. He knew what would happen when he was caught. **sigh** I really prefer being the fun Mom/Nana. Having consequences implemented hurts me as bad as him.
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:34 pm

Five weeks, Dee? Wow.

I just found an online support group (on Facebook) for Trigeminal neuralgia. I could be a lot worse; that's sobering in itself, but it's a revelation to find others who are afflicted.

I also started a separate diary with info on dosage and how I felt, good and bad and pain level. I'm eating lunch with very little pain, just a few twinges - I am eating carefully using my right side as much as possible.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:08 pm


I was recently hunting for a headband to wear at the Y to keep the sweat from my eyes. I have no experience with these type headbands so was reading the reviews to see which one would work best for me. I was surprised to read the review from someone that was successfully using the headbands to help with the pain of Trigeminal neuralgia. I have zero knowledge if this would be helpful for that pain but I am enjoying the headbands for the purpose of keeping sweat out of my eyes.
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:13 pm

Good morning all! I have just sent a report update to the boss implementing some important fixes. Working on the next fixes on the list.

DDnow17 did not have homework, but didn't want to go to the library. Instead, I helped her do some research for a book she is writing. A few weeks ago I bought her a storage case for it and it is funny seeing all the dire warnings about NOT reading any of it, NOT opening it, etc. It will be easy for me to avoid that temptation as I am her primary proofreader and am regularly handed pages from it. There is absolutely nothing in it that would concern a parent. We looked up Japanese and Egyptian royalty for obscure emperors and pharaohs for the hero children's ancestry. Did not do any bills and budget, but that is ok because all due bills are either paid or scheduled.

My F word for the day is FURNITURE! Foster cat Pokey is hiding between the box under my bedframe and the wall. There is only a few inches and he is the first cat to have found it. No more! I am going to put my mattress and box spring directly on the floor. When I get some $$$, I will get a bed pedestal with drawers. I also need to get everything together for cat clinic tomorrow. Briggs will stay home because he is overdue for rabies vaccine. Gotta keep it legal. Walter needs a soft sided carrier because he panicked last week and gave himself minor injuries.

Nancy: What is PMA?

lynlee: Beware of the whole "positive thinking" ideology. Sometimes unhappiness or anger is the natural and appropriate reaction to circumstances (or biochemistry). The cult of positive thinking will add a nice layer of GUILT feelings on top of that. You will be blamed for any misfortune that comes your way, because you weren't "positive enough". Remember, one stray negative thought and YOU cause it all in this mode of delusional thinking. At its extreme, dying people are blamed for meds not working because they made a will instead of maintaining "positivity".

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:31 pm

I have replaced the drawer liner in our knife drawer in the kitchen. It was getting dirty under certain knives. I also wanted to move the 2 blades for the electric knife that I have never used because dh has no idea where the handle and cord are. I have never seen them, so I think they may be very long gone. I don't want him to find the handle and cord the day after I throw out the blades.

It is EXTREMELY windy here.
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:49 pm

d twins, I am so glad you found a group re: nerve facial pain... it is awful!!!! dd belongs to a chronic pain group and another group re: her other things re: pain. Great idea of keeping track. I am praying for relief for you!
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:53 pm

another quick hi. i miss chatting with you all and working with you as well!

I spent an hour and half on working in dd youngers room. she is coming home next week, I think?! (just for 5 days or so - she needs a nice break).
finished my daily swish and swipe in bathrooms. what a difference it makes with dh's bathroom. tisk, tisk, tisk, he can get a bathroom dirty in one day and this keeps me happy.
He is off making a donation for me which is nice.

vacuumed the bedrooms

next do morning dishes routine,
fold the whites,
make dinner at 3 pm
finish put away
maybe plan for next week
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:10 pm

I just finished a project that I have been procrastinating on starting for months. Now that I completed it, I find myself wondering why I was procrastinating on it? It wasn't hard at all and only took about an hour. I have accumulated a stack of paper awards that DS10 received for one thing or another. I put them in page protectors in a 3 ring binder. An easy and quick way to preserve the papers until he is ready to turn loose of them.

DH is at his DMom's house but he left his phone sitting on a living room table. It keeps ringing. I'm not going to answer it because if it was an emergency family/friends know my phone number to call.

DS10 and a neighborhood friend have been playing outside for the past 2 hours. I keep waiting for them to get too cold and come indoors. I guess the 35F degrees (feels like 30F) doesn't bother them since that are running and playing.

DGD7 is snuggled up to me on the couch. Almost every time I sit down she comes and snuggles. I'm not complaining. :)
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:26 pm

"Procrastination" is such a dumb enemy isn't it, Lady M? I often wonder myself, "Why did I wait so long to do something so simple?"
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:53 pm

Oh yeah..... "I've been putting off this 6 minute job for 4 months..." I've been doing a lot of this lately. Mostly with the ice and snow keeping me in, plus the fact that I haven't gotten the flu yet this year and I am trying to stay away from too many germs. Lots of "Would I want to have to do this when it's over 100 F ?" Getting a lot of nooks and crannies tidied up. I've been doing so much decluttering and donating and it's easier to put stuff away, so I'm really enjoying getting these things done.
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