Sunday Sweet Memories

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:45 pm

Have read through yesterday. Today will be a treat when I can.

Lynlee, why are you pushing fluids? Are you not feeling well? Maybe it was just a long hot walk.

Harmony, I hope you learn a lot about eyes and feel more confident having the info.

Kathryn, your post yesterday about the church was interesting to me. Today we were to bring in the coin collecting we've been doing at home for a few months for a local charity - I was just thinking how that would be an interesting inclusion to puzzle out, in a "budget" of the type you're doing. I hated to hear the "dying of the plague" analogy, of course, but yes, that feeling would keep away even those who want to come and help, be an encouragement. Good intentions over-ridden by worry (fear?) of encountering the downer/negativity that one simply may not be equipped to encounter.

Btw, I have never experienced (or seen at a workplace) the concept of a contract with a minister, in which they are expected to give any certain amount of time to any certain area(s) of their work. In our church right now, I believe we are feeling the after-effects of years of our minister's aversion to visiting - something that didn't seem so bad at first. Now hindsight reveals that unmet relational needs for shut-ins eventually means pews are forgotten by the whole family. Just having church-friends who would visit or call wasn't enough to feel connected to worship, so Junior and Junior's kids didn't get the "our church" feeling. Greater proportion of time given to sermon prep has not been the positive it first seemed, since sermons grew to become more academic lecture than message, making the worship time into an endurance test.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:11 pm

What sweet memories were twigged for you today? What sweet memories did you create today?

Sweet Memory - we were really pushed to get OTD on time this morning. I was visiting with DMom while driving to church and told her that I brought the hairbrush with me so I could to finish fixing DGD7 hair once we got to church. I asked DMom if she has memories of doing that when she was raising us. DMom said, "I don't remember doing that but I do remember polishing kid shoes on the way to church".

Sweet Memory #2 - I wish I could wrap up the treasure of being with family members. All of them, but it is extra sweet to be with those who are living with medical conditions that have a high mortality rate. DNeice has WG and was given a 5 year life expectancy 15 years ago. This time last year DBro was going through chemo with stage 4 cancer. They are both thriving beyond medical expectation. It is Oh so sweet.

Question: what do you call the machine that washes your clothes? I call it a washing machine and Sweetie calls it a clothes washer.

Me: Washing Machine
DH: Clothes washer
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:03 pm

Think I call it "the washer". But then we don't have a dish washer. :D
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Harmony » Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:06 pm

Until today I have not heard anyone call a washing machine a clothes washer! We've been calling them washing machines since before dish washers were around and we haven't changed. What do you call the dryer...a clothes dryer or just dryer. Here it is dryer. (or in my case a clothesline or rack!)

Gathered up all the garbage, emptied all the cans, bin out to the road.

Spent a few minutes checking out our GPS which wouldn't connect to the satellite the day we were going to a strange place to the eye doctor. Very inconvenient. Fortunately, I had looked online and printed directions. We found it with just a little difficulty.

Today I got it going and it said satellite signal weak. I wonder what is going on?

We are going up to next town about 30 min away to a different church to a concert with our small group this evening. If we are a bit late we will not get a parking space and will have to go to a public lot and walk. I don't mind the walk, I mind not knowing exactly where this parking lot is.

Anyway, I took a ride up the road a few miles and made a few turns and the gps followed me ok so I guess we are good to go. I've had a look at the online map. We leave in a little less than an hour.

Dee, sure you have a dishwasher, YOU! :lol:

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:24 pm

I just looked at my SHE cards and I have a daily card that says "Washing Machine going" Thinking.....I don't think I use either the washing machine or clothes washer very often in conversation. However, the "dirty clothes basket" is a frequently used phrase in my daily life. It seems that I ask the kids on a daily basis "Are your clothes in the dirty clothes basket?" followed by "Are your clean clothes put away?"

I just finished the process of awarding DGS21 a scholarship to attend a 8-week class. It is now paid for and I emailed him the receipt. I am probably guilty of being a TAD BIT annoying in pushing DGS21 to continue his education. He always does very well once I talk him into taking a class and finishes with good grades. He is always glad he took the classes after they are done. But getting him to commit and enroll in a class takes some doing. I don't like being the pushy, annoying Nana......but I admit to doing it sometimes.

DS10 went home with a friend after church today. It is another bright sunshiney day that is perfect for playing outdoors. This friend loves playing sports and lives in the country. DS10 and friend will spend the afternoon exploring in the country pastures, throwing the football, and playing basketball this afternoon. IMHO, excellent use of the weather & time with a friend.

DGD7 is playing with a set of dog figurines for the past 2 hours. She has an excellent imagination and has been carrying on a non-stop conversation for all the different dogs. I admit to sorta blocking the "dogs" conversation out because it goes on and on and on and on..... I just hear it as proof that DGD7 is happily playing.

What do you call the dryer...a clothes dryer or just dryer.

I call it the clothes dryer. The outside line is the clothesline. The inside drying stand is called the clothes rack.
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:40 pm

:D True, Harmony -but often dh happens to be the dish washer! Well at least until he goes back to work April - November.

Just realized our state tax return hit our bank account yesterday. Both returns were back pretty quickly. :D
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:41 pm

Please go to Joy and Concerns. Prayers are much needed.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:19 pm

Washing machine or washer here, and dryer. I wonder if "clothes washer" is regional or an older term?

Took extra 200 mg meds at 5:30 p.m., 8 hours after my morning meds. Trying to see if I can get through the evening without pain. (I take 400 in a.m. and 200 in p.m., I think I'll take another 200 at bedtime to get me through the night. I can suggest this to my doc, who I believe trusts my judgement in this. Wouldn't have considered taking more at 8 hours except for the Facebook support group.)

And I left this sitting here, and the report is now in....I ate chili and Socca without pain! Not heavy duty chewing but the best meal I've had since Monday, probably. (Actually, I ate pizza on Wed evening and was pretty good, then.) So pleased!

DMuffin didn't get a walk, we have rain coming down - she did get the morning walk. She did her biz in the back yard in the rain, reluctantly.
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:44 pm

Our house is in ice.

HRH invited a friend over to cook tomorrow.

It's as if he has never met his wife at all.

I have had my busiest day of the week, and now will spend all my time cleaning and ready-ing the kitchen for its company, trying to remember I'm not mad at the person who's coming, but the uncomfortable situation.

He had this conversation on the phone while I was out running his errands to find odd specific foods he wanted that turned out to only be at places that were closed on Sundays, and prescriptions that weren't really ready yet as he assumed. So basically he sent me on hopeless errands he didn't check out, while planning my priorities for the rest of my evening and what will make me uncomfortable tomorrow.

Better go clean the newly exploded beans out of the microwave, since I don't know what appliances will be employed tomorrow.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby BookSaver » Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:55 pm

OK, it's almost 7PM in my time zone.
Have I made any progress cleaning the front entry?
Why not? Didn't I post earlier that I really wanted to do that today?
Well ...
BUT FIRST I had to do kitchen chores and some laundry.
And answer Emails.
And take a short nap because I didn't get enough sleep last night.
THEN dear DH, who had been outside shoveling snow to clear his driveway, wanted to go out for lunch (even though I had a meal planned to cook) because he wanted to test road conditions.
We went to the closest open restaurant, ate, and came right back home as only main roads had been plowed.
BUT THEN we both began to shovel snow
and shoveled
and shoveled
and I brushed all the snow off my car and scraped all the windows
and shoveled some more.
It is still snowing, but at least we got the first several inches cleared away so we have a chance of being able to get out to go to work tomorrow.
Came inside to warm up and drink a hot beverage.
I've been resting, checking family fb posts, and enjoying photos (haven't been on fb in over 2 weeks).
All of my motivation to do any more cleaning today has disappeared.
First world problems. ;)
Need more hot tea.

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