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Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:22 pm
by Twins' Mom
Kathryn, I'll see you getting dressed and breakfast, and raise you a walk in the cold. It's 32 degrees, feels like 24. I feel so sensitive to cold, even inside my hands have been freezing! And this isn't even "real" cold.

I've been piddling away at this family's genealogy. Found that this little old lady's mother was from one of the prolific Jewish families in this area. I think they are related to everyone.

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:26 pm
by CathyS

"Normal is a setting on the dryer." I forget which SHE used to say that, but I was reminded of it when I saw/read the word "Normal" in the title!

I was up as soon as dh left. Roomba was going shortly after that. Stereo was on so I could hear the weather report. Floors were washed with a lot of bleach in the water. Dh says the house smells so clean when he comes in after I've washed the floors.

I have some clothes in the dryer that I will put on the refresh setting when I get a few more things in there for our trip.

I don't have enough dishes to run the dishwasher, but I will have after supper.

Tonight's supper will be smoked turkey breast in a casserole from that famous soup company with the red label!! I have 2 recipes I use from their cookbook and tonight I will be making one of the turkey recipes that involves putting stuffing on top of the casserole before you stick it in the oven.

Off I go to knitting.

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:29 pm
by Nancy
It is a normal day here for us. H is at work, I got planning & journaling done. I have had breakfast. Cold temps. Over night here. I need to get in gear.

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:59 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Normal is a setting on a dryer is one of my favourite settings and kept me sane when the kids were younger.

Dd bought me the plaque, "Remember, as far as anyone knows, we are a Nice Normal Family."

Ds bought me the souvenir glass from the Adams Family Musical that says, "Define Normal"

So normal has always been an in-joke with my family!

I cross off an item from my to-do list. Not the most important one and one that leads to more distraction, but still, it feels good to have another item crossed off.

Dd is trying to set up a lunch date with me for tomorrow morning. I don't know how much I should protect my time with dh gone and how much I should allow myself to play. I guess a lot of it depends on how productive I am tonight.

Twins has certainly won this last round. Mind you, it is 19*F here (5* if you go by the windchill) and despite the sun, I'm dragging on dh's suggestion we go for a walk.

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:23 pm
by Elizabeth
Good morning everyone! Not a normal day for me at payroll. I was out sick with a migraine Friday, woke up with it. I got better by the afternoon, but with my commute time, I would have only gotten an hour of work done. I decided to stay gone. I did eat well at a favorite Chinese place across town in case it was food related. I have no idea what the problem was, I had 4 days of evening migraines, then this. Of course, the daily loads failed in my absence! I THINK I have them back on track, but I thought that Thursday too. The latest data is COB Tuesday and DAILY loads ought to be caught up DAILY. The MER cube update is also a day behind because Friday was the first of the month. That is less of an issue, they are a monthly update.

I did feel ok over the weekend thank goodness. The usual cat clinic, knit/crochet group, and church activities. I made good progress on the last overdue Christmas item. Three overdue emails are done, along with a complete backup of the home computer. I even got in a walk, when I had to replace a charger for my cell phone. There was an RV show at the mall parking lot, so I dropped by, and got some bad news. My car has a 1000 pound towing limit, not 3000. That severely limits travel trailer options. I am somewhat bummed about that, but am continuing to save $$$ for it. Tiny travel trailers do exist and even if I cannot buy one, saving money is never a bad thing. And this camper idea has really motivated me to save. I ordered a crochet book called "Let's Go Camping" with a pattern for a caravan I can have right now.

My unemployed friend is having hip replacement surgery this week. It is long overdue, resulting from a birth defect coupled with a serious car accident several years ago. I have no idea how she is paying for it, but that is squarely in the not-my-biz category. She does have someone to stay with - a semi-retired friend.

I hope LadyMaverick is not feeling bad about the once in a blue moon screen overload. Illness is a valid reason and he will relearn the math.

What happened to Saturday? I tried to CUOP and it is not there.

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:43 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Elizabeth: Saturday was titled March Thoughts.

I've got a more important item done (only a month past due.)

OK, onwards!

Actually, Lunchtime!

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:11 pm
by blessedw2
hello dear ones!

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:04 pm
by Nancy
I have been to the store got my Rx. Re-supplied the food in the house. Sun finally came out.waving to all!

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:35 pm
by Elizabeth
MER cube is processed and complete. Some DPCs to contend with. And for your amusement, there is this:

An article came up online about spring hair trends. Since my bangs are in my eyes, I clicked on it. It was about new colors and most of it was colors not found in nature - not something done at my payroll. But there was one color people are paying for that I can get into: "neutral, warm, pale base color with near-white highlights". In other words, they are paying to look like ME! It's not red hair gone gray, it's pale base with near-white highlights! :lol:

Re: Normal Day Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:58 pm
by LadyMaverick
Home from doctor appointments. DMom got released with her knees. They have accomplished all that can be done.

The doctor reviewed my lab work from the ER visit on Friday night. He agreed with ER doctor that everything looks good. Today the Doc gave me a diagnosis of pleurisy. I've had pleurisy before and this doesn't feel like it, but I'm not a doctor so what do I know? I got a steroid shot and will start steroid pills tomorrow. Sometimes I think they give steroids when they don't know what the problem is.

I'm so tired of medical visits. We have done 3 medical appointments today and have 4 more this week to do. I better be counting my blessings and quit complaining.

DH picked up DGD7 from school. She is sitting next to me reading her homework.