Flexible Friday

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:46 pm

I've been enmeshed in research here

What a great sentence, Harmony. We should all spend time in research about the things that are important to us. I know that my family sometimes think I get carried away, since I will actually eat lunch (as I just did) while watching an online lecture, lol. But when I have genuine interest, I like to find things out for myself.

I went out briefly this morning to make the church deposit. We've had an unforgiving week at our house, and though it's unusual for me to wait, I purposefully placed the trip into Friday's schedule this week. Worked out fine, even though I felt a little funny having no other errands to bundle. There were some purchases among my "to-dos", but they were online.

Finished Desk Day yesterday evening including those purchases. Off my mind.

Last evening I was 99 percent finished but forgot to push the button on the dishwashing. That glitch (in my brain) happens so seldom and is not huge BUT it signals to me that I'm still not recuperated fully from a day away and too much "medical stuff". I didn't beat myself up over it and just handled the Morning Dailies differently this a.m.

Dd as an early-riser (another 5:15 morning - she just used the same alarm setting I'd used Wed. Sigh) truly did not need me, but I have instant-awake hearing as though she were still a toddler. Her bedroom door is like an adrenaline needle-stick for me. So I was underfoot for her early, pushing earmuffs, water bottle and carry-able fruit for her field trip. I'm sure she takes things with her just to get me to leave her alone sometimes. lol. So even though I fell back into bed later (neither of us noticing the undone dishes), I feel that nap coming on now.

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:36 pm

dd sent me a video from the gym (they put her on their site) she can run again - it's awesome.
pain is staying on the back burner (praying for remission to continue).

I brought all of her cloths from upstairs to the 3 season room. She has been going through things with me daily
I found though a box of sweaters that I will probably have to toss - I had put a moisture bag in there but it evaporated all over the sweater in a sticky yucky way. I don't think I will be able to wash them or get them cleaned.

hi d harriet yay on your desk day!
totally understand re: waking up so fast when our kids open the doors. or move around. hope she had a lovely time at field trip.

hi d harmony oh my gosh it sounds like our house when the girls are home. esp. the coconut stuff - enjoy your research

hi d dee wow great job on your laundry and your work

hi d lady how nice having time with your dh. hope you are enjoy your lunch with d gs 21 - so happy for him

hi d nancy yay on all your work as well. cheer rah rah rah to you

hi d kathryn good for you on your de labeling

hi d twins!

hi d everyone.

what I want to do - finish the process but brain is going up in the clouds.
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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:56 pm

spoke to dd younger - she has to think about her purses.
all cloths need separating by catagory before she face times us.

next: pull dd older stuff and put in family room for her to go through this weekend.

ordered someone to come out and check our attic before it gets warm and find out what can be done with the mice in the basement. it's gotten bad - worse than we have ever had. usually the cats chase them away in winter - we never see a sign of them. we sure do now.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:05 pm

Hi everyone! I have been AWOL for several days. Didn't intend to, just never came around. I am taking a break after checking in massive report changes. We are talking major modifications in how the data is retrieved, conceptual changes. My brain is glad it's Friday. Next up will be some easy changes. After that is checked in, there are substantial change requests to be done, but NOTHING as complex as what I just finished.

DD17 is leaving for spring break with her other family Saturday morning, so I will not see her until the following Saturday evening. The x didn't say anything about the dogs, so he has apparently learned he cannot assume I am available. (During last year's spring break, he assumed DD and I would stay in town and had to really scramble. And, yes, I HAD mentioned we would be in Sedona!) Dance classes are also on hiatus during the break, so nothing scheduled next week except payroll. I hope to use the free time productively rather than waste it. I have not figured out exactly what I will do, but will get a list together. Some of the list items will be for my own fun. Speaking of fun, I need to plan a get together with friends who have bored puppy syndrome.

I finally got hold of my friend who had the hip replacement at 56. She is doing well, recovering nicely. She will be going to the get together. By summer, she should be able to hike, camp, and bike again and we are making plans. We discussed my camper lust and she too wants a camper. However, she doesn't want to buy anything because, "If I find someone, I will need something bigger." My camper is on hold, but I'm waiting on finances not a man. I found out my dream camper has two features that make it even better than I thought.

Tonight, I have dinner with a different friend. Then, I need to release Thorin from the sewing room. There is a chance he has diabetes. The vet thinks not, but told me how to check at home without stressing him with tests. It involves assessing liquid input and output, so obviously he cannot share a box or water bowl.

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:09 pm

waving at you d elizabeth!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:30 pm

I prepared too much food for lunch but it won't go to waste. We almost never throw food away.

DGS21 just left after talking one-on-one for almost 3 hours. We teamed up and got him enrolled and paid for the college semester. They will be shipping the books to him and he can start classes next week.

DS10 is riding bikes around town with several of his friends. DH meet them at the little gas store and gave DS10 money for drink and snacks. I really like this group of friends and think they are a good influence on DS10.

We took DS10 bike to the repair shop yesterday. While we were there to get the chain replaced we learned that bikes now have airless tires. Because DS10 rides his bike so many hours a week we decided to get the airless inserts for his bike tires. While waiting to get his bike back, DS10 is riding his old bike with 22" wheels. That bike used to fit him but now it looks really small compared to his bike with 26" wheels. DS10 is 5'5" now which really boggles my mind. Hopefully, he won't outgrow his current bike.
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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:17 pm

HOLY MOLEY! Apparently my massive enhancements also broke something! So my "easy next task" became "fix that mess"! It is done, but I am still waiting for something easy. I THINK I will be doing the easy thing now.

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:37 pm

I am sure your lunch was amazing d lady! yay for your grandson! wonderful for your dd10 and good friends!

d elizabeth I am happy it is friday for you as well! hope your dd 17 has a wonderful trip!!!
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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:40 pm

Awarding Elizabeth the Easy Button for that quick recovery.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Flexible Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:43 pm

I have a lot of work ahead re: the going through things. I have to be careful not to burn out or get other people to burn out as well.

dh was moving so many books and car things into the bedroom - I had one of dd youngers book shelves and he took it and put it into the bedroom and started putting books there. I have a very very tiny area (12") in the basement for my books - which is good because I really limit myself to what I am learning and 2 books for reading. dh has a library for himself that is filled with books - packed and he constantly buys new books a couple times a week. Many many books are going to the donation centre - our library will not take donation books any more. all the books that were mine that he wanted to keep he let go... yay.

all right - time to vacuum the first floor.

love that d lady!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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