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Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:00 am
by LadyMaverick
It is almost 10am and I just woke up!

I was awake earlier but everything was quiet in the house so I thought I would close my eyes for "just a second". Hours later I woke up with everyone being quiet to not wake me. DH and DS10 have eaten breakfast but DGD7 wanted to wait for me. I gave her a hug and fixed her breakfast. DS10 is playing online with 2 IRL friends.

I feel groggy from sleeping so late and out of synch. I need coffee and a plan.

Thinking of (((((Harmony)))) and hope her surgery is going okay.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:38 am
by Elizabeth
Good morning everyone! This morning's commute was much less eventful. I am waiting on a call from the car ER to determine if we attempt to repair or pull the plug. If I have to buy another car, it will be old, cheap, large, and probably ugly. A student's car. One that will bring down the value of every house it parks in front of, but will be paid for. I will check its towing capacity, but that won't be a deciding factor. Still pain-free! Today, my boss suggested I get "sick" if I have to look for another car. Might not be a lie, stress of that level could easily result in a migraine.

Yesterday at payroll was not very productive. Gotta do better today.

Last night, I went to the Thursday evening crochet group for the first time in months. Usually DD17 is with me that night and has homework. I worked on my crocheted camper that I am using as a progress tracker for my camper savings. That may be the only camper I ever have if I need a new car. It seems Thorin's cat food is no longer being made, so I was unable to order that. It was the last day for discount season passes at the local amusement park, so I ordered those. The "water leak" I reported in the street in front of my house turned out to be truck fluid. It had been there two weeks and we are prone to leaks, so I reported it. I have great sympathy for the truck owner.

The dance studio is still closed for spring break, so no dance tonight. I have a tax appointment tomorrow, so I must make sure my paperwork is all there (probably is). MUST get cat food!

Harriet: I never assume everyone has had a chance to CUOP! I am positive my car has not been involved in any murders so the red fluid is probably transmission. The breaks didn't feel right, but it did not look like break fluid. Given the condition of my tire, I am not surprised they weren't right.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:44 am
by DeeClutter
I, too, was thinking of Harmony first thing this morning -but forgot to mention it here.

I'm impressed. Got an email confirming our 'service change' for internet at our address. Fee is still the same as last year -which in my estimation is still too much but not as bad as some. I'll let dh know I got the confirmation. I'm happy and have the phone # stored in my phone. Thought it was before.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:48 am
by blessedw2
praying for d harmony too!

you must have been exhausted and needed it. I understand that tired feeling when one oversleeps. Hope the tired feeling disappears soon and feel refreshed d lady!

hi d dee! you are moving gently from one area to another...the season of summer is beginning to happen for you - how lovely! do you live in the countryside in NY? cheering you on.

hi d twins love your cleaning lady... hope she gives you a lovely beginning of peace to your weekend.

hi d nancy are you spring flowers coming up? we have lovely weather now but are supposed to get back to 25 and snow. My tulips are showing themselves.
yay on your home blessing work! praying you and I and all who feel stalled get their focus back to move forward today!
Mine is usually looking at too many thoughts or decisions at once instead of just starting in one place.

hi d cathy yay on doing one thing at a time on the island. lol I do that with emptying the dw when I don't want to or with laundry put away. lol good for you. ((((i know just seeing the suitcase is upsetting - I am sorry!)))

hi d kathryn - does he have restless legs at times? glad you got 5 hours sleep though! have a lovely time with your childhood friend. how lovely! Again thank you for starting us.

hi d d'elizabeth praying the migraine stays away - did you take some meds to keep it from hitting yet? praying!
how nice that you belong to a crochet group... how fun! wishing you a good day

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:51 am
by blessedw2
pulled my routines and am working on my morning routine (even though it is late)
dw emptied
dw refilled and turned on
counters cleaned
stove cleaned
sink cleaned
vacuumed kitchen
dusted it
and used norwex washer to wash it.
I know what we are having for dinner. (if the weather behaves)

What is still left in the kitchen: the 2 loads of laundry dh put there this morning. goal finish morning routine.

Next swish and swipe. I don't want to but know that I am lying to myself in how long it will actually take. I am making it out as if it will take hours. I will time it.

au revoir! bisous bisous

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:09 pm
by DeeClutter
Just finished doing what dishes we've managed to dirty. Have chili warming in the microwave for my lunch.

We pretty much live out in the 'country', Blessed. We're about halfway between Rochester & Buffalo, NY. We live at a campground for the summer, which abounds with water.

Finding myself with that syndrome called "I've got 8 1/2 weeks" -but I know all too well how swiftly it can slip by. Think I sent my good pair of tan capris home with dh. Certainly didn't mean to but I'm not finding them anywhere. Have a pair here that needs a pocket seam mended. Guess I better push myself to do just that.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:34 pm
by Twins' Mom
I came home after dropping stuff at the temple. My tummy is not good but I'm not sure whether it's the meds hunger, or low blood sugar. I came in and made myself a meal of refried beans, two fried eggs over, and a little guacamole. Going to lie down for a little to let that digest.

I didn't want to stick around the temple for sure! The chair of the event tomorrow night is changing her mind every time she turns around and making it hard for those who want to help. She delegates, then takes back. So I dropped off my stuff and got out of there.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:15 pm
by Nancy
Some flowers in bloom daffs, violets, & hythiceth sp?.
Tulips and onions are growing but not bloom8nng yet.
Grass is greening up.

Sheets are clean and back on the bed.
Am routone mostly donne.
I am feeling wrung out got up at 4:30 gonna need a nap today I think.
Rain has stopped no sun yet.

Open burnings starts Mon. In our county.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:31 pm
by Elizabeth
Still no word from car ER. I'm trying to decide if pain in right side is from accident. It feels more like intestinal grief, but throbbing. Started rather suddenly. It's not horrible, just distracting and not pleasant.

Re: Friday Fire Fighters

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:40 pm
by Harmony
(Elizabeth). What year is your car? Mine is too old to be worth anything if we crash.

My amaryllis has been blooming here and there. Mine are bright orange.

Ok, my big fire was this trip to big city today. All went well. Dr. did the laser work first. He said my right eye was cloudy inside and fixed that and man, I thought it was already bright! I'm going to have to wear sunglasses in the house! This laser was not nearly as painful as the other kind of laser I got for my pressure.

Then they hooked me up with all the IV's etc. and did the pain "block". It didn't block feeling as well as last week's but it was good enough. I was slightly more "loopy" than last time, too. When we went to leave, I couldn't make my legs work to stand up. Dr. is pleased with how everything looks.

Right now 1 eye feels "asleep" and the little I can see out of it is better than it was. It will take a couple days for it to operate like it should. I am back to my original schedule of drops in that eye since I am starting over with it, so I'm watching the clock for every 4 hours.

You'd think I'd be tired. I guess I'm a bit wound up. I only managed to sleep 4 hours last night despite going to bed early. Did put my nightgown on and crawl under the covers but that didn't help much. I'm thinking it'll catch up with me at some point and I'll make up this time.

Ok, y'all have a nice day.