incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 18, 2019 12:30 pm

food, phone, somewhere you went d dee? I am sorry that happened to you!
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 18, 2019 12:38 pm

My package to Europe is lost - so frustrating.
I should have sent it UPS but that would have been 200.00 I couldn't do that.

dd younger will be home at 4:00 if the weather cooperates. We haven't seen her in 4 months (except on face time - love FaceTime)

I haven't worked on my routines yet. I am ready to get this Franny in gear. I hope 8-) :D
We had a lovely relaxed morning so far.

Early this morning we dropped of hazardous home was at a recycling event.
dh and I drove past a house for sale on a local lake. small but I wouldn't mind it - but dh loves our home here. plus he hates boats and water ;) how we married each other 8-) :D
found out our d old dog is free (again) of heart worm. always a good thing.
dd older and I went and got juice and took a shore drive.
went to the UPS store to find out about package.

Now for my morning (late morning) routine.
list my spending
check my checking account - I am getting back on this trend. it takes 10 minutes top.
I still have shredding to do.

see you later alligator.
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby Harmony » Sat May 18, 2019 12:52 pm

Hello Dee! Is your UTI anything different than the usual ones we women tend to get? Whenever I've gotten one I get the hygiene lecture from the Dr. (which is unnecessary IMO). Know you understand what I mean.

Slow Saturday here. As far as summer goes, DH has asked me what I want to do this summer. I'm not getting my hopes up... but if he does quit taking jobs I'll be free to consider my options. I did say maybe a trip to Virginia. The problem with going away in the summer is we either have to stay within a day's drive or must cover all the windows with hurricane panels and that's a lot of work - a big huge job for this house.

And I can't even think of that much work right now. I'm still worn out from all my work yesterday. I moved from the bed to the couch this morning, cuddled under the afghan trying to feel warm. Decided if I got up and moved around and ate some hot food I might liven up. So here I am now.

Showed DH all the spots I worked on yesterday and we figured out how to unclutter the messy counter around the coffeepot. All the breakfast things DH uses are all out...but he tells me going up one shelf in the upper cabinet is fine for him, so my next spot will be to redo that whole cabinet, taking out stuff we don't use much, and organize the stuff he uses. That will make a huge improvement.

Watching pictures of the storms in Texas and Oklahoma and awful pictures of that tornado in Texas. LadyM I'm sure glad it didn't come to you. They are watching some things in the Atlantic; Nooooo too early for hurricanes.

Going to go change bed sheets and try to get something accomplished around here.

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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat May 18, 2019 2:13 pm

It is too wet to mow, but dry enough to weed so I did 30 min. Of that so glad to have a bit of progress yea!

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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 18, 2019 2:16 pm

hi d harmony
totally understand about the hurricane panels. I wish they made a cheaper electric system for people. my mom, this year dd younger, aunt and uncle, sweet dh s aunt and cousins have to be prepared.
it's a lot of work!
oh cuddling under an afghan sounds lovely.
yay on working out a way to declutter the counter.
happy bed sheets changing!
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 18, 2019 2:18 pm

dd younger is on the plane.

it took a long time to shred papers - 3 large paper shopping bags completely full.
more paper work done.
I have to close the flu as the moisture from outside is making it smell like smoke in the family room. not good for dd younger.
off to do more morning routine and put away
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Sat May 18, 2019 3:15 pm

I don't think it's near the normal for usual UTIs, Harmony. I didn't even have any symptoms that I can pinpoint. Know I pretty well know if I have a UTI. That hasn't happened in a long time. Maybe I had a symptom or 2 and just pinned it on being tired or something. Maybe when it's cleared up though I'll feel a whole lot better -that and recover from the heart attack and stroke. This gal says that's enough going on for this year. ;)
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sat May 18, 2019 4:04 pm


Dh and I were at the gardening center that we like to go to just after it opened. It is almost an hour drive to get there. On the way home we stopped and saw dh's best friend's new puppy. He's a couple months old and very chewy and bouncy. He kept jumping up on me and I kept giving him a very gentle knee in his chest. He got the message quite quickly and stopped jumping up on me. BUT he jumped up onto dh numerous times. He is a beautiful black lab with HUGE paws!!

I bought 5 shades of geraniums and they are now planted! Coral at both ends of the rectangular boxes, with soft pink next to that, then bright pink, then red and the middle one is white.

Dh is planting tomatoes and peppers and black petunias. We could only find 2 that hadn't been planted in large planters to sell to people that don't like to touch dirt.

We also got some sort of thing that goes in the rock garden. It looks like a rubber plant, but it's kind of burgundy in colour.

Supper. BBQed corn on the cob. Sausages. Cold salads that I bought yesterday because I am lazy. A devilled egg salad, a potato salad and coleslaw.

Did you know that the garden center doesn't carry turnips to plant. Dh spoke to a woman that worked in the vegetable section and she said she has never seen them for sale anywhere ever. Hmmm...

Yes, we have 14 lane highways. Ugh. I do NOT miss them. It was bad enough that dh had to go to Hamilton earlier this afternoon to pick up something from a friend. There was just so much traffic.
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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 18, 2019 4:25 pm

Dee, you got the infection at the hospital. That's very common and why they throw people out as soon as they can. Hospitals are dangerous places.

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Re: incorporating things you want to do, SATURDAY PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat May 18, 2019 4:41 pm

We made sandwiches for our lunch, then I mowed. Rested and is my s2s done. Might sws swish & swipe the bathroom done.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat May 18, 2019 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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