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Postby Harmony » Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:29 pm

Hello! Quiet day here in the village.

My successful day: church. 2 books back to the library in their drop-off bin on the way home.

I got my toilet fixed! Was watching videos and reading instructions when DH went in there and started fooling with it. Naturally, didn't read any directions first and got water all over the floor ... &^%##$@)+%$ and dragged my heavy bathmat over to soak it up..which is too bulky to wring out by hand... ^%$&*(#@ and he got mad and walked away. So I started messing with it, took the old part out and asked him if he thought the shut off valve was working 100%... and he came back and finished.

After all that, it was an easy job. Our model can be repaired without taking the whole tank off the bottom part. Some models are like that. Finally, something around here that was engineered correctly. I think his annoyance with this whole thing was that he replaced the flapper which didn't fix the problem. I kept telling him it was the other piece leaking. He's not used to me figuring out something he was wrong with! :lol:

I'm sure glad I don't have to run back to the office bathroom every morning.

Gathered up garbage for tomorrow's pickup. I ate something... He's out looking at the church work he's doing in the parsonage. Even on a Sunday it doesn't stop.

Going to sit quietly and read my book.

Dee, I'm sure glad you didn't really need that beeper!
Lynlee, if you google your machine make & model, you can find out where that trap door is. My bet, if you couldn't see it anywhere, you need to take a panel off and it'll be underneath. Can you see the backside of it? Surely they wouldn't have put it in such an inaccessible place...

Wondering how Booksaver's purse turned out.
Curious also how LadyM's cave trip went.

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Postby lucylee » Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:30 pm

Dee — I think dmom’s system offered a choice — necklace or wristband. She has the necklace, but she has been considering switching.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:02 pm

Church went better than expected this morning. The preacher set the announcement up with a message on unity & harmony (Hebrews 12;14) and then he told the congregation that the next pastor had been hired and told them who it was. Afterward, I didn't hear one person complain, and several people that had been upset (me included) agreed to move forward and welcome the new pastor. I heard several positive comments about not dragging the process out and getting the transition done ASAP.

We had lunch with a group of friends at our favorite Sunday place. I enjoyed it.

This will be an unusual week for us. We don't' travel very much but we have two trips this week. Monday & Tuesday DS10 and I will go on an overnight trip together. Friday is DH and my 45th wedding anniversary and I've arranged for DS10 and DGD8 to stay with DD for 3 days/2 nights. DH and I are going somewhere .......but I don't know where yet. DH said he doesn't care where we go, just pick a place. I've never used a travel agent but I'm thinking about it. Or maybe I'll just throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands. Hum.....there is always the just start driving and do a left turn, right turn, repeat, repeat, repeat adventure. hum...
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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:10 pm

waving from in-between events.
first party was absolutely lovely!!!
thinking of all of you!
heading out at 5:30 pm
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:58 pm

LadyM: choose someplace close with a pool with a patio bar/restaurant. Drive there, unload, nap, swim, snack while reading by the pool, swim, shower off and dress for dinner, and have a quiet dinner by the pool. Watch a movie on Netflix in the evening before early bed.

Pick a place with a nice breakfast buffet. After a leisurely breakfast, basically repeat the previous day. Or go to a movie theatre for a first run movie.

The key is to choose somewhere within a 2 hour drive so you aren't spending the time off on the freeway.

Dee: You can take an old ankle sock, cut the cuff off, fold it over and sew it up, leaving room to slide in the alarm button. Wear that around your wrist.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:04 pm

I was exhausted after trimming those azaleas - it was so muggy outside and sprinkling a little too. I read the newspaper and cooled down then took a nice long nap. When I got up dh had gone out to buy himself a new bowling ball in a little town near here. I stamped a while, then finally s2s-ed and here I am.

I checked in with dd and she is coming over later for supper. Ds said earlier he had a headache and might not come. I'll need to get started within the hour but I'm looking at some DNA matches at the moment.

I like Kathryn's idea! LadyM, who will take care of ddogs?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:06 pm

Dh and I took a long walk. So, 3.94 miles later, I'm home, hot, exhausted and a bit sore. On the other hand, my sore foot and ankle held up quite well. I wore my hiking boots are used my hiking poles.

I'm going to do a round of physio and stretches now to help head off any lingering soreness.

We walked to the frozen custard shop and shared 2 scoops of that in bowl. It was delicious.

On the way back, we went past the farmer's market and dh picked up a grass plant similar to (but not the same) as the zebra grass we had at the house. That's what he misses (I miss my forsythia and my wild tiger lilies.) So I had promised that I'll try and grow some of the grass up here. It needs 4 hours of sunlight which we get for about 8 weeks of the year. And it is a perennial and overwintering in a pot is possible but tricky.

I'll plant that tonight or tomorrow.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:09 pm

DGD8 just asked me: "Where is your rainbow thing?"
I was confused by her questions and asked DGD8 "What do you mean? What rainbow thing?"
She said: "The thing you were making with the string and yarn."
LOL I didn't realize DGD8 was aware of my project that I've been working on here & there. I have completed 2 dishrags and both are being used and tested now.

My first one was made with only the scrubby yarn (which DGD8 calls string). I wanted it to be a square shape but ended up being more of a trapeze shape. I didn't like the way the scrubby yard felt when I used it to wipe the kitchen countertops so I tried again.

The second dishcloth was made by using two strands - a scrubby yarn and a regular cotton yarn. That experiment turned out much better. I wonder if I could crochet a dishcloth using 2 cotton yarns and 1 scrubby? Surely there is a limit on how many strands you can do at the same time.....the good part of being clueless is the adventure of it. I don't limit myself to trying things. I expect to mess up and am perfectly fine with it.

I just realized DH and I could go see DGS11 and DGD8 on our trip. Those 2 grandchildren almost never get Nana & Papa to themselves because we always have other children with us. hum......but....but....but... this is supposed to be time for DH and me to have alone. I'll keep that destination as a possibility but I'm going to think more on this.

it is hot. This morning at church you could see some people physically struggling with the heat. Some were red-faced and sweating even though there are huge fans continually moving the air. Some people are not using to being in 90-100 degree heat for a couple of hours. People were walking through the congregation passing out ice water & cool rags to those who wanted them. Thankfully no one passed out.

I just finished watering the garden and then I started harvesting it and got about half done. I decided to come inside and cool down before finishing.

DS10 has 2 friends here. I have instructed DS10 to give his friends disposable bottles of water to drink instead of cups. Most of my cups are glass and I don't think that would be a glass cups to visiting kids are the best idea. I probably should pick up some multi-colored plastic cups for the visiting kids to use. If the cups are different colors the kids can know which cup is theirs when there are several kids here.
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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:24 pm

LadyM, who will take care of ddogs?

Hum...We can have the next-door neighbor monitor them to make sure there are no problems. The dogs are in a "we don't want to come inside" mode unless there are fireworks or storms.

Sorting through the ideas. Thank you for generating these so I can get my travel thinker going.

Staying at a place with a swimming pool doesn't interest me. We have a pool available to swim in all the time that is perfectly (almost) maintained. I have become SUPER picky about swimming in water that others are in....especially kids. Monday & Tuesday we will be at a waterpark with hours spent in the water. There are some really gross things that happen at these places. TMI warning!! Little kids not wanting to take the time to stop playing and get out of the pool so you see them pause and do #1 in the pool water then continue playing. GROSS. Babies in the water that have #2 that floats out of the diapers. I've seen it floating in the water at public pools and am grossed out at the thought.

Movies are a possibility but I usually fall asleep if I sit still to watch a movie.
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Postby BookSaver » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:43 pm

It's too hot to do anything quickly, but I am sloooooowly getting things done.

Early this morning I finally cooked up the 5.5 lbs. of ground beef that I wanted to do the other day. The sell-by date was today so it was still totally safe. That's all portioned, packaged, and in the freezer.

Put dishes in the sink to soak and walked away, so those are still waiting for me to finish.

My dyed purse looks really pretty and I think it was successful. It's a little too early to tell yet. The instructions said that after the 24 hours, I was to rinse it until the water ran clear and then put through a normal washer load. I threw in with it 2 old towels and some pajamas that I didn't care if the dye bled onto them. I didn't notice any extra color on the other things when I moved them to the dryer. The purse I am drying flat on a rack, although I think I've put it in the dryer in the past so it probably would have been ok. I'm going to try to take a picture of it after it is dry.

I read a library book for awhile (biography of Mr. Rogers called The Good Neighbor).
I was starting another load of laundry when DH asked if I wanted to go to a Chinese buffet for lunch. I wasn't really hungry enough for a buffet but I knew it would be a nice drive, so when we got there I concentrated on finding vegetables.

Now I feel like I could take a nap, but first I will check Email and start writing an article for the sewing group newsletter.

I don't think there are going to be enough hours in this day to do all the things ...

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