routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:26 pm

Oh, ((((Elizabeth)))) hope your dilemma is solved. Sounds so fishy unfortunately -hoping it's not.

DDIL texted about 45 minutes ago that they had just crossed the NY border. Said she never thought she'd be so happy to see that sign. Thinking they'll be home about 4:30/5. Depends on rush hour once they near Rochester. They're on 4-lane all the way home and it usually takes us about 2 hours to the border but we don't stay on the 4-lane quite all the way. Think we usually have about 15 miles on regular roads and I'm sure ds drives faster than I do. Think they both have to be to work tomorrow and dgs14 starts school tomorrow.
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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:32 pm


I ran the dishwasher and the Roomba before I left for the accountant's office at 9 a.m. Accountant was extremely happy with the stuff I found on Friday and info from 3 credit card statements.

I left his place and went to Costco, and then to the new location for a Walmart that didn't impress me at all. The "cashiers" at the mall entrance were all the do-it-yourself machines. The real life cashiers had huge line ups. No thanks. BUT there were a LOT of people shopping for college stuff, and almost all of them were buying pillows! Not the cheap $4.97 blue striped pillows, but almost every other type. The pillow aisle was almost empty. :shock:

After that I had lunch at the food court (Greek food with rice and potatoes.) Then I left the mall, got stuck in a bit of traffic and then off to Niagara Falls because of a construction detour and back on the highway. Stopped to buy 1 Mechanical pencil with some refills. Why is it so hard to just buy 1 pencil. It was less than $5 because of the back to school sales, but my goodness, packs of 2 or 6 were less expensive for the same pencil I got. a pack of 2 was $3. I was tempted, but I went in for 1 and I only need 1, so I paid more for the privilege. :x

Supper tonight is fish and chips in St. Catharines. The same owner is opening another location much closer to us sometime in September. I will be happy to not have to drive as far.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:21 pm

I'm not taking time to cuop very well -- blessed, you are right -- I must NOT over-think ANY thing on my routine check list. Just DO it. As quickly as possible. Without thinking about it! I have kinda learned that is the best way after supper, if I just get up from the table and start the dishwater running, I can be done in no time at all. If I sit around and think... ugh. So must get busy --
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:34 pm

fish and chips

DS11 ordered this last Sunday. When they brought his plate he said: "They forgot to give me the chips!". I had to explain to him that fish and chips mean fish and french fries......not potato chips. I find it somewhat confusing because that is the only time french fries are called chips (at least around here).

DS11 has been to his piano lesson. I got DGD8 from school and given her a snack. All of my must-do's on the schedule are done for the day. My eyes are so sleepy. I am going to lay down on the couch and hopefully take a short nap.
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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:05 pm

(((d elizabeth - I hope it all works out)))
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:13 pm

a quick hi -HI!!!

Its been a fascinating day. d mom's surgery has been canceled bc her thyroid is way off. It has been decided that d mom can no longer go by herself to appointments (she is such a socializer that she doesn't really listen). dr. thinks its a good thing. Dd younger will be very busy this winter.

see you all soon.
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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:28 pm

An unusual day. I awoke before 5 with my lesson plan swirling in my head, worked on it in mental space for a while, tried to sleep, and finally got up and just began working on it in earnest. Although I've nodded off during an especially boring cooking show today (lol), I haven't really napped.

I've attended to a few deadlines today but others require attention tomorrow. One DPC down, a part of Desk Day done.

Taking the trash to the cans this evening, I ran into my dear friend Mary, my vet neighbor, and her sweet dog. She and I just talked and talked.

I let the hens wander, but I misjudged the dusk and didn't give them enough time. Things are changing.

Elizabeth, I'm sure your financial adviser can give you help with this. Best wishes.

blessed, things are changing quickly as far as medical calendaring for your family. I hope your dmother's thyroid situation can be corrected.

LadyM and dh, what a difficult time. This sounds like meds are causing effects the doctors didn't expect.

Cathy, I stood and stared at packs of mechanical pencils myself! But i have a good working one at home, so avoided it. No one else in my family uses them particularly - dd has her own specific needs. I did buy a spiral notebook.

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:26 pm

I am so sad. DS11 made a decision to drive a friends 4-wheeler. I walked outside tonight just in time to see DS11 not only riding the 4-wheeler but doing it in a totally unsafe way. It scared the cr*p out of me as I stood there watching him! He knows how strongly I feel about them and we have talked about it multiple times. ANYway, DS11 is grounded. No phone. No internet. No TV. No Bicycle. No go-cart.

On the positive side. DS11 now has plenty of time to learn and practice new life skills. Tomorrow after he finishes his schoolwork, then he will be learning the life skill of how to clean the garage.

Long story but the end result is lifelong DFriend has found herself owning 3 large homes located right next to each other. She will be selling one or two of the houses sometime in the near future but in the meantime, she has an abundance of furniture and appliances to get rid of. She has 5 large refrigerators. The refrigerator in our garage has been on the fritz for quite a while and I knew it needed to be replaced. So I bought two of the refrigerators from her today. That means we will be moving them to our garage tomorrow so lots of things will be moved and need cleaning.

Another positive from today. DMIL is back to normal after they took her off Phenergan. BIG RELIEF.
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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:09 am

(((Elizabeth))) * whew * That IS frustrating. I hope you get it all straightened out when you get to the financial adviser's office.
Is Voya the company that advertises with the orange squirrels? Yes -- I googled it, LOL. I love their little origami animals... but hmmm... I don't think I want to get involved with them after hearing your story and LadyM's. It does not sound like they have very good customer service!

(((LadyM))) for the upset with dgs. I certainly agree with you about the safety issues. I've had two cousins have serious accidents on four-wheelers. Granted, both cousins were grown men & were probably engaging in very risky behavior -- I don't KNOW, but I know these guys, so I suspect... but still... scary. Good for you teaching those life skills.

Speaking of life skills -- I had a little bit of a Tom Sawyer moment this afternoon. I was doing zone vacuuming in the den, getting all the crumbs that fall into the cracks around the cushions, etc... and dgs wanted to vacuum. I told him no, that I needed to do this part, but then I thought, and I said, "You can do 'your' room while I cook supper, if you want to," and he said, "Thank you!" And he did it, and did a very good job, I must say.
Then when I was washing up the supper dishes, he said, "I can do this part" (talking about the rinsing) and he rinsed while I washed.
THEN he helped me with laundry.
WOW. Why why why can't they do better at their own house, I keep wondering....

BUT -- I am trying very hard to make no judgments... no criticisms... no unwanted suggestions... and ooohhhh my tongue is so sore from biting it. ;)
I have, however, tried very hard to inspire dgs to spend 15 minutes every night picking up trash and toys. HOPING this will have a domino effect, you know.
I know that in the great scheme of things, this is a very small point so I just keep counting my blessings... and hoping that my duncle does NOT decide to visit THEM to deliver the coloring books he reportedly has purchased to give the dgrands. :lol:
(I called duncle Sunday night to tell him dgs remembered to pray for him the night before. DGS was saying his prayers, and after he said amen, he said, "OH! I forgot one chapter!" -- and bowed his head again to pray for Uncle B... -- my uncle who had broken his hip back in July.)

So glad your dmil is feeling better, LadyM. Phenergan is a miracle drug when one is really, really nauseated, IMHO... BUT I know it pretty much knocks me out for a full day whenever I take it.

Blessed, I know it is something of a relief to have all these surgeries cancelled... BTDT with my dmom, too, you know. I need to remember to always write her appts in pencil in my calendar, LOL! But I'm sorry the thyroid situation is the cause of the change in plans.

I never hear the term "fish and chips" either, LadyM -- except at C aptain D's! :lol:

Dee, dh was watching that race. He was talking about how late it was running, because they wanted to get it over with before the storm moved any closer, I think? Said there were several rain delays. I bet your ddil was beyond happy to be back home!

Cathy, I just think it sounds so amazing that you live right there so close to Niagara Falls. I have never seen it. DS was very close by on one of his recent trips, but they didn't have time to stop and sight-see. Maybe some day...

So... ta-da's for today?
* got allergy shots
* vacuumed den, dining room, hallway, and dgrands' room, "zone-type" vacuuming in den
(plan to get the kitchen, laundry, computer room and master bedroom/bath tomorrow)
* all laundry done (to the point of hanging to dry, some put away)
* paid some bills
* cooked supper, s/s kitchen
* walked away the pounds 16 minutes
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: routines: don't over think it. Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:09 pm

Good morning everyone! Today is much better than yesterday because the money has been found exactly where it was supposed to be. I also have online access now. I need to have some of it moved from one fund to another, but this is simply re-balancing, not someone's fault. Other than that no changes are needed for me to be able to retire at 67. However, it would be better to wait until 70, but that is ok. Got some weird info from the financial advisor: he commented on how nice it was that I sent ALL the requested info, numerous customers are not. Apparently, they don't like sending personal financial information out (in a secure manner) ... not even to someone hired as a financial planner! Kinda like going to the doctor and refusing to answer personal medical questions!

The minutes are done and sent, but that is about all I got done other than the usual daily stuff. Today, I finally called someone about the broken heater and they are coming Friday.

Like LadyMaverick's mom, phenergen is a problem for me. Makes me totally loopy, I talk to people who are not there and the conversations don't always make sense. Or so I am told. I had it after I woke up from anesthesia after DD was born. I have no memory of her first 24 hours. I was told I fed her, interacted with her, and all was well, but after it wore off, I had to ask where she was and which baby was mine.

CathyS: When you are stuck buying more pencils and pens than you need to get a good price, put them in a school supply drive. They are everywhere right now.

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