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Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:05 pm
by blessedw2
I played with dogs - which made them happy. I have one of the things that throw a ball really far and the ball makes a whistling sound as it is flying through the air.

:shock:just looking at the garden overwhelmed me :shock: - I had a shut down moment upon seeing the garden and needed to come in and regroup my brain. I feel like a deer in the headlight.

break things down! go back to zones in the garden. Go back to dailies, weeklies as well.

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:36 pm
by lucylee
I don’t have any tadas for today, I’m afraid… but yesterday was very busy and productive.
Today, I have called the doctor, at ddil’s encouragement, and receptionist says it sounds like the flu. She will ask doctor to call in something. I’ve already taken some DayQuil.
I’ll check on the drug store later, on the way to dgs’ game.
Until then, I am firmly attached to the recliner with a book on my phone.

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:58 pm
by Ramblinrose
Hi yall...

Morning was spent getting my blood work done. Always think of Dee cause she hatted having hers done and needed to drink lots of water ahead of time. And like Dee, I too request a butterfly needled to insure an easy time.

Came home and finally was able to drink some coffee and make some breakfast. I needed both. Then I did my usually morning routines.

Twins...I have printed 4 census years showing the relationship between son, father and grandfather. I also printed up father's will where he dictated information about his son. I don't know if that will work, but I sure hope so. Otherwise I have to go to my Superior Court and request an name change on the son's death certificate. Sure seems like a lot of extra work, but we shall see.

LadyM...enjoy your ride. I remember when my son started driving with a permit at 15. His dad and I lived 4 hours away from each other and for that entire year, rain or shine we made my son drive it. By the time he turned 16, he had over 15K miles under his belt and we felt very confident he could make the drive back and forth to each of us without a problem. Back then cell phones had just started was in the mid-90's. However by then his father was the CEO and president of a very large cell phone company which meant my son had a James Bond version of a cell phone. Plus his dad somehow put a track on his truck. His dad also installed a cell phone holder so my son didn't have to take his hands off the wheel while talking on it

When my son was on his way to me, I would call to see how he was doing and where he was. He usually answered and said...Hi Mama, Mile marker 147..and then there was a click. We always discussed anything that could go wrong while he was traveling and came up with solutions so he wouldn't have to think much about what to do if he found himself is some sort of situation.

Blessed...I need to start thinking about my sunflowers and containers. At least they take up a small amount of space. I have already purchased cheap round laundry baskets that I will line with deer proof netting to cover my pots. Last year all sorts of critters at my seeds and I had to plant 3 different times. I am ready for them this time. Once the seedlings get to be about 4 inches high I can remove the baskets. Thankfully its only the seeds themself that the critters are interested. Sunflowers can't be transplanted. I learned that a long time ago, so they have to go directly into the soil.

Lucylee...i hope you feel better, the flu is the worst.

Harriet..My niece the ballerina now student nurse is getting married in late August. When is your daughters special day?

Waving to yall...

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:44 pm
by Nancy
CI my shoulder is fine today yea!
Got in the shower waiting on my hair to dry naturally.
Fetched the mail & can back from the road.
Had my lunch.
i'm enjoying the sunshine today.

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:11 pm
by blessedw2
I am so happy your shoulder is better d Nancy!!!
so happy you are enjoying the sunshine!

hi d rose
glad the blood test is over with. - mine is tomorrow
I am sure the sunflowers will be beautiful!!! Was it hard to get used to a new garden zone, at first? When can you plant them? I have to wait until mid to end of May.
Congratulations to your d niece on her engagement and future wedding!

hi d ludy yay on having a productive and busy day yesterday - I still think the next day should be easy and minimal mini jobs.
oh I do hope you feel better!!! enjoy reading!

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:23 pm
by blessedw2
I had a shock today - my neighbor broke his ankle and asked if I would go in the basement and get his sons hockey bag and sticks. I was happy to do it but I could barely pick it up :shock: boy I have become weak and I was huffing and buffing up the stairs! :shock: I have always been really strong since last years break I have become physically weak.

I will tell the dr.

My brain is starting to separate jobs for future work in the garden. I am still overwhelmed but the patio looks better.

Today: I scraped mud off the patio, swept and picked up leaves on patio, as well, and put it in the compost bin. I also shoveled up old overwintering bird seed and composted it as well; even though it was turning into mud. blew everything off the patio.
tossed the broken iron chair

I think the dogs found another mouse in the flower bed - poor thing - I figure it is probably better then me finding it when I work out there. I closed the door so that they can not bring it into the house. I don't need any gifts. 8-)

refilled bird seed in containers. :D

waving at all of you as well!

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:32 pm
by blessedw2
I am looking at what is the next right thing:

I could start the one section of the garden but that will take hours and I will be extremely sore, tired and mucky... if I choose this path.
I could do dailies so that I don't fall behind.
I could do 5 minute round robin and a vacuum, swipe and a swish of the floor.
I have lots to choose from.

I have decided to:
1. to get a hose link as I am tired of having big hoses everywhere that I have to drag in- I will get the 82 foot one for the house (the back and the front - one at a time).
2. see how much it costs to have 2 extra electric outlets put in outside.
3. write the city about the new tree in the front - keeping fingers crossed that they will let me plant one. :D

My wish - that I had a frost free water spigot in back.

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:01 pm
by Twins' Mom
I had a good, hard, workout today with strength, flexibility, core, and balance. I am whipped!

I need to regroup and get some more things done. I turned the stove eye back on to let the sauce simmer a little longer. I was contacted about a genealogy question yesterday and I'm doing a good deed in doing a little looking.

And I left this here again, and here we are 1.5 hrs later. I have piddled. Walked the dog, put last of pansies into a planter (the ones that survived the cold and neglect) and fertilized all the pansies.

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:05 pm
by Harriet
blessed, was there ever a tree there before? Sometimes it helps to use the language, "replace" a tree.

Ramblin', so happy for your dniece and her aunt!

June 8, the exact 50th anniversary of my first wedding to my late dh, is dd's day. They were at first trying for a May date, so I didn't think of this connection at all. Then they were saying, by mistake, June 6 had an opening at this venue, so again, I didn't connect. By the time they were under contract for June 8, it was a little late to tell them! But, really, what a happy marriage ours was, and therefore a great date to recommend.

The young man is reassured because I can tell them that a half-century ago on that day the weather was sunny and clear, lol. (He says that he's looked it up and there is often rain on that date since then, with high humidity!) If it's clear, they will be married outdoors, and the reception held inside the venue. If raining, there's a plan for an all-indoor wedding and reception, so "insurance". If their outdoor photos are rained out, ds and I have decided we're putting her back into her wedding dress on a sunny day later and taking her back over there for all the photo ops she will have missed! He takes his children there often to feed the farm animals and says he doesn't mind taking a sister in a long flowing white gown - as you do, lol.

You and Twins' will be interested to know that dd will be married on the grounds of her great-great (I'm not sure, but more greats - I must look it up again) grandparents' farm, now turned into a history center. I know a few of the more obscure spots there that meant something to my parents from when I was a child. My maternal side is more kin, my paternal side closer neighbors over the years, all friends. It was like a homeplace of spinster/bachelor kin from my point of view then, and then I learned various ones had double-dated with my parents.

Getting long winded, am I not? More like myself? Hmmm ... ..

Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:05 pm
by LadyMaverick
I'm on hold waiting for DS15 to text me his drivers license number so I can finish getting him put on vehicle insurance policy.
...waiting.... waiting.... expecting to be timed out at any moment and having to start again.

While waiting I also updated the SHE cards. 92 completed today with 24 more scheduled. 10 hourly goals accomplished with 4 more to go.

Small quick declutter wins are becoming easier. The more I do then them, the more my mind doesn't put up such a fuss. Today I took all the plastic containers out of the kitchen cabinets and matched them to the tops. At the same time, I also took out all the glass storage containers out of their cabinet location and matched the glass containers to their tops. Then I switched their location in the cabinets because I use the glass containers more than the plastic, so I wanted to give the most used containers the visual best place and easiest to access. I had been thinking about making this switch for a while and the time became available today. It took less than an hour to accomplish and gave me a huge rush of dopamine from the accomplishment.

TADA. Success. DS15.5 is now a licensed driver on our policy.