Thursday Patience

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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:11 pm

OKay, I immediately relayed your review to HRH, who had considered purchasing them. He was going to start out trying to make a stir-fry with chicken, but now he figures there's too big a chance he would just ruin perfectly good chicken, because he's not really good with non-tasty foods and very quick to toss things out. He was amused at how wishy-washy your opinion was, lol.

Btw, Dee, I know that a reason potatoes can be hard is because they have a lot of water content, but whether that might be because they are "new" or just the variety I don't know.

My Thursday Patience has been sorely tested and I posted in J and C about that. Someone here recently mentioned the phrase, "nervous Nellie", and that is what/who I've felt like today. I had to have a pack of peanut M and Ms to get my patience back! Not on the plan.

I exercised, and washed a second load of laundry.

Saw a wreck on the way home from school run with police flashing lights behind. Dd says, "I know whose mother that is! Oh, I know whose mother THAT is, too!" So sorry for them both, trying to smile at officer but they must be so frustrated. Various children peeping from the 2 cars, and right in the path of everyone leaving the school.

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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby lucylee » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:17 pm

:D :D :D Happy anniversary to Cowinkie & Sweetie!!! :D :D :D
Wow! I can't believe it has been a year, either.

I am going to visit dinlaws w/dh this afternoon, b/c he had a pretty stressful time of it yesterday, and he'll feel much better if I tag along.
Then ds is playing at a local restaurant in town tonight... and tomorrow at a private party a few hours away, but on the way to college town -- so -- nice time for us to make a weekend of it, spend the night, and go to game Saturday. * We are just HOPING that we can get in at the party, but if not, it'll still be a good weekend for us. I brought home a ton of stuff from school, that will probably not be looked at before Monday morning. :oops: :roll:

Dmom got the go-ahead to drive today! I asked if she would feel "comfortable" driving now, and she said, "Well, at least as comfortable as I've been the last 18 months." I said I meant mentally -- did she feel strong enough to drive? She said yes, that would be fine. She was sooo thrilled. Of course she still has to wear the brace -- for another month, I think -- but she is beginning to see some progress.

If I don't get back to y'all before Sunday -- have a great weekend!
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Thursday Patience

Postby Indiana » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:51 pm

I'm doing better but still pretty bad. Calling doctor tomorrow.

Closed on my house today. More about it later.

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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby OKay » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:45 pm

Glad to see a CI from Indiana and such good news about closing on the house!

More good news - LO doctor recommended he receive flu nasal spray instead of the flu shot. I'm not sure who was happier.....the nurse, LO or us! :lol:

Good idea about the 5 remaining bags of noodles given away on freecycle! I didn't think of them. I did think of the food bank, but they are particular (in this area) about what they receive.

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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby Emptynester » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:10 pm

We are back on our lot with the MH, little truck and my DBro's cargo trailer. I drove the MH to North Ranch and back this week. Coming back was easier - so I am getting more comfortable with it. The next time we leave the lot it will be with the cargo trailer packed and the little truck pulling the Rhino trailer and Rhino - and maybe some other stuff on there too. The MH will pull the cargo trailer. I'm not sure which one I will drive then.

It was more than a bit miserable this afternoon with the temp over 100 again. So DH just hooked up the electric so we could start the AC and I jumped in a cool shower (there are no such things as cold showers in AZ in the heat - the water is always warm.)

The sun is down now and it is rapidly cooling off. I'll be able to open the windows for the night soon.

Tomorrow we start packing the 5th wheel stuff into the cargo trailer. All of that stuff will go into the house. Next will come the sheds and most of that stuff will go in the garage.

We are still not sure of the closing date - around the 1st of Nov - we think - it depends on how fast some of the $$ from our IRA's make it here.

Think I will put on some clothes (I thru on my nightie after the shower as it was coolest) and go outside.
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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby bittersweet » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:54 pm

We're still waiting on DGD here. DD couldn't go in to be induced today because the hospital was too busy. Of course, they would take her if she went into labour, but not for an "elective" procedure. At this rate, I'm going to be back to work before the little booger shows up! :lol: Of course, I did assure DD today that even if that should turn out to be the case, all she has to do is call me, and I'll leave work.

Today turned out to be just as much of a schmozzle as every other day lately. I started out with good intentions, got the basics done upstairs, and then the rest of the day was spent taking DS shopping for work pants at Goodwill, then taking DD and DGS to exchange some jammies and a snowsuit we bought the other day that turned out to be too small for him (and of course, we stopped for some lunch), then to 7-11 for an iced coffee, smokes, and gas for the car. After dropping off DD and DGS, I came back home, and picked up DS again to take him to Edo of Japan (he'd offered to buy us all supper)

Now I'm back home (hopefully for the rest of the evening!), have eaten supper, and it's almost 8pm :roll: And, of 8pm starts two episodes back to back of one of my favourite shows - New Tricks!

I think I'll start working on DGS's spiderman blanket tonight while I watch TV.

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Re: Thursday Patience

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:04 pm

Dgkids need to be eating better so this weekend when they are here we are going to focus on that after hearing what dgson said they had for dinners this week and hot cakes for lunch at school :shock: ! Teacher has been keeping him in from recess to do work that's not been done kept the packet until his folks return so we will not be able to work on it this weekend ~sigh~ frustrated about that! So we did out side stuff after school.

Dgd was "backed up" may have been why she did not sleep well last night; now we can say that her "pooper" is happy :) she had applesauce for lunch. Being out side helped I think and that she was able to play in the back yard today the fresh air is good for all of us. Then we went on a short walk; she took a nice nap after that.

I got their cats fed and trash to the curb.
I've been working on getting the kitchen spiffed up again here.
I made up two batches of cookie dough for the grand kids for the weekend.
Living room is back in shape.
I did my time on the work out machines in the basement after dinner.

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