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Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:23 pm
by Harriet
Lynlee, is it morning yet? :) The sun comes up and we have another day! 8-)

I think all of us here realize that excess can cause less quality in our days, Kathryn, so not so rude. "Too much" can be a problem that takes work and makes us blue sometimes.

So glad to hear lucylee is feeling happy.

Have exercised after enjoying some tv time with HRH. I haven't felt too well the past couple days and I believe I felt better exercising than at any time in the past 48.

Present(s) for the birthday costume party (dd, not me) are wrapped. Her suitcase is packed.

Now if I can get a good night's sleep I'll be on a roll.

Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:48 pm
by Nancy
Granny duty went well.
H. had some errands to do so I stayed home and cleaned the kit. sink really well! Worked on the counters a bit too. But did not get to the weekly stuff as I'd intended to with granny duty decided it could wait.

Finished the book I wanted to did not get to my hair colorist.

This turned out to be "cooking day" for me:
I made some of the best soup I've ever had in my life tonight, with some pinnto beans, diced can of tomatoes {pre-seasoned like for spaghetti sauce} some tomato sauce, and a chopped onion pre cooked, mm good we had this with fresh tuna h. grilled, and a salad for dinner.

I made up some chili for the next couple of days, h. cooked up some sausage dogs while the coals were still hot after the fish was done.

I mixed up two batches of cookie dough so all the containers are full now. One batch I tried to do with apple sauce and I remember trying to get this to work before so I'm doubt full that this batch will be as good as the others but I"m sure they will eat 'em as they don't turn very many down! LOL! On the box of prunes was a recipe for orange prune muffins that sounds yummy so why not cookies I ask that might have to be my next challenge.

Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:31 pm
by Dove
HAPPY (belated) ANNIVERSARY to Mr & Mrs Lucylee!
Lucylee, you made the right choice for you. I read the posts but didn't weigh in (early on I would have voted for retirement, too ;) ) and what I realized is how much you enjoy teaching. While financial aspects certainly play a part, it seems to be the constant administrative changes & craziness that are so upsetting.

So sorry you hurt your back, ((Kathryn)).

Good morning, Lynlee -- hope today is a much better day for you (((hugs))).

MT, it was a relief to read that you spoke with Indi & she is feeling better. Thank you for checking in with her & letting us know.

(((Harmony))) I hope you get a nice, restful sleep after such a stressful day.

((Harriet)) hope you feel terrific tomorrow.

I want to post to you all but it's past my bedtime. Sweet dreams, everyone.

Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:44 pm
by Harmony
Hi, Dove! Thank you for kind words.

After DH got home I took off and got groceries, however for some reason I had a low blood sugar attack while I was in there and ate all the way home. sigh....I read how you guys go low carb and every time I try that it backfires. This AM I had a 2-egg omelet with cheese and peppers and onions. Yummy! But it didn't hold me. Oh, well.

Speaking of closets, which I've been reading here a lot recently, we had to empty one of our walk-in bedroom ones tonight. A huge lizzard was up on the wall of our bedroom and DH tried to get it and it ran into the bedroom. We ended up emptying most of it to get to the little critter. I was surprised DH dealt with it that way. I would have tried to trap it somehow, but he didn't want it to get away and end up in our bed tonight. Poor little thing. It probably wouldn't have survived long anyway, with all the bug spray on my baseboards and up the corners.

Harriet, I don't think my DGSs have so many problems with their AR. I know oldest DGS reads very big books for his age (he's 12). Not so long ago he read The Hiding Place (Corrie Ten Boome) which surprised me a lot. Heavy subject, but he did ok. They run into their library after school to take tests on their books and it only takes a couple minutes. I don't think they write reports. Course, they are in private christian school, maybe they're getting off easy?

I guess it is time to go off to bed here.

Re: Thrilling? Thursday

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:46 am
by bittersweet
Glad to hear Indiana is on the mend!! :D

Today definitely did NOT go as planned! I took Miss Jigaboo to the vet this morning - her weight is good, she got her shots and her ears cleaned. Best of all was the thrilling news that her heart murmur seems to have healed on its own!! :D :D :D She needs one last booster around mid-November, and they'll check her again then, but the vet couldn't detect it at all today.

Once I got home, I sat down for a few minutes before getting started on some housework that needed to be done before I went to DD's. Except...DD called to see if I could check my bank account to see if the cheque for DGD's ultradound pictures had gone through since she's still getting calls about the payment (it went through in July!), then dMum called, and we ended up on the phone for an hour :shock: By this time, it was noon, so I just went to DD's thinking I'd be there for a couple of hours and would have time to do the housework when I got back. Yeah....when am I ever going to learn? :roll: I ended up staying at DD's until just after 4:30, scooted home to spend a few minutes with DH before he went to work, then checked a few things on the computer. Suddenly, I woke up and it was 7:20!! :o :oops: :o It took several minutes before I could determine if it was 7:20am or pm.

By this time, not a single bit of housework had been done, and there were still a few errands that needed to be run - library returns, a few things at the grocery store, and depositing a couple of cheques in the bank. Those have been done, I've had supper, and now it's 10:30pm - the living room hasn't been tidied or vacuumed, the kitchen is piling up with dishes, and the dining room clutter is multiplying at an alarming rate!

Since I had a nap earlier, I think I'll set some dishes soaking, scoop the litter boxes, and tidy the living room. Might as well get SOME housework done before I go to bed. :oops: