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Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:44 pm
by lucylee
Indiana, I believe you ARE the most positive and enthusiastic person I know! :D

(((OKay))) Certainly understandable that you would be going through a grieving period. Take good care of yourself during this time -- you do sooo much for sooo many people. Don't forget about YOU!

Waving to all!!! Can't seem to focus my thoughts right now but I have got my cards organized for 2012, and I took my measurements -- yuck -- :oops: -- but I am recommitting to exercise and hoping for improvement in a few months.

Dfriend sent me a text re: school Tuesday. She knows I don't text. Don't want to think about Tuesday.

Need to call dmom.

We are going over to dinlaws' soon, then will go to dinner & movie w/ds. Ddil still visiting her parents. (No word on job yet -- waiting on background check, etc, and I'm sure the holiday weekend slowed things down somewhat. Lady told her to call if she had not heard from them by next week.)

Hope you all have a good night!


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:08 pm
by OKay
My goal for this week is to get the TV viewing options sorted through and configured. i cancelled the satellite (directv) service yesterday We have about 30 TV shows received through the antenna now. I've ordered a Roku that should be here the next couple of days. i'm also going to hook up a few existing devices...the vcr and dvd players. We already have Amazon Prime (aka free movies) that should stream to TV. Hopefully all these will be enough entertainment....but there are so many things I don't know about roku that will just have to test it and see. We can always add netflix or Hulu plus, but I want to see if we can stay with the free options/offerings. LO and DH are watching 3 stooges now and i'm having a hard time not laughing just listening to LO giggling. :lol:


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:12 pm
by Emptynester
Well, so much for doing exercises and going for a walk on the first day of the new year.

I've spent all day in my chair with my knee wrapped. It must be getting better as I can put about 1/2 my weight on it now. This morning it wouldn't hold any weight. Since we don't have any crutches - I'm using one of the bar stools (small wooden) as a walker.

We will see what tomorrow brings to figure out if I need to go to the Dr. or pick up a walker/crutches at the office. As you can imagine - considering the age of the members - they have a lot of ortho equipment on hand. Also several friends have had knee replacements in the last year and I'm sure they would know where to find some.

It has been interesting to see how the rest of you spent the first day of the new year.

OKay's post reminds me - wondering why KIC thinks Netflix DVD's don't have extras. I have been a member for 2 years and, as far as I remember, they all have the extra scenes and/or Director's notes.


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:37 pm
by Harmony
MT, sure hope your knee gets better quickly! I'm really glad I bought that walker at GWill last year, it looked new with stickers on it, and was only about $7.00. Now we have it folded up in closet if we ever need it. We are getting a collection of medical equipment like most old people do.

(OKay) I think what you're feeling is very normal. You've been going through a lot lately.

DD2 & family arrived about 12:45 and we sat up to talk a bit, but then all went to bed. DH cooked us breakfast this morning and after a visit, they left to go visit other relatives and head home. I spent the afternoon taking down all the decorations and boxing them up. Well, all except the outside lights. I put them all up in the closet except for one box.

1 LOL done including the Christmas tablecloth, snowman fleece blanket, holiday towels, etc. When they are dry they'll go in the last box to be packed away. It wasn't too much work.

Tonight I worked on W-2's, and they are done but I must check them and make my W-3 & get it all in the mail. This is the earliest I've ever gotten this stuff done, but for some reason I'm obsessed with getting all this done.

Sure hoping everyone has a wonderful 2012!


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:06 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Nice quiet evening here.

Pizza took forever; we gave them the 35 minutes they asked but then it was another 15 minute wait. While waiting in the car (so he could listen to the news) dh saw someone enter the pizzeria that he thought he knew. Sure enough, a co-worker of ours from 30 years ago was there. Funnily enough, he's a professor at the university so yesterday, we were actually asking dnephew if he'd met him yet and then we meet up with him ourselves the next day after not seeing him for about 28 years. He moved out here 7 years ago.

The evening was spent watching a family tradition, Bernard and the Genie and then dh and I watched the PBS special From Vienna, New Years Concert. We had spent a lot of time touring the hall it is broadcast from this summer so loved the concert and the Strauss music.

Excellent conversation continues. Our d'nephew' may only be 19 but he's well spoken and widely read so we are enjoying our time with him greatly. The two families, although not blood, are very alike. Tough families to be a part of because you can't just get by, you have to be well read, well spoken and interested in what others have to say and in the world around you. We both brought our kids up to be part of the conversation and it makes the conversations really interesting.

Dh and I are off to bed now. Dnephew will stay up to chat with ds when he gets home from work. The 'cousins' really get along well too.


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:01 am
by Lynlee
Happy New Year

Meeting Kathryn and Ken was a highlight for me in 2011. Listening to Dhali Lama also inspired. Also the makeover of my bedroom and LR. A laptop with a space bar. finally a comfortable mattress. and a washing machine that does what its meant to do. Feeling more settled within myself. Letting go of things past is better too. I believe I'm fitter than I was. dishes are now mostly everyday. . And brushing teeth twice. I need grab that one back.
This year I'm playing with the idea of doing more of the old style FL things. One a month habit tweeking. Hoping again for weekday missions and one a day home blessings coomponant like I used to do.- without too much concern for the timer. And house maintainance/repairs is bumped up a notch. Hoping to consolidate the work on routines this year. Wanting to write more, and get creative more often. Keep up at the gym classes - 2 a week. Could I get adventurous and go for 3?