What it is Wednesday

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:57 pm

I got back from dmom's about an hour ago and just can't get moving again. I am freezing to death with the a/c on for ds too.

I did not do a good job of being organized and having stuff ready but it all turned out good. After dcousin said in an email last night they might stay until 3 or 4 p.m., I suggested that they go to dmom's first and then come to my house if they still had time and wanted to. I also suggested that if they were arriving around noon or so, this was a long visit for dmom and she would be worn out quickly. This dcousin wanted me to help him set up his genealogy database and that was the main reason he wanted to come here. I was wavering over whether to bake the lasagne here or take it there, so ended up leaving here early, stopping at grocery for bread and some cookies for dessert, and getting the lasagne in the oven a dmom's house. We visited for awhile, then the lasagne came out of the oven and I got the salad together and laid stuff out...we all crowded around the table and ate - Mom, three of my first cousins, dbro and me, and two adult children of first cousins. One of the adult children is the son of a deceased first cousin. Lots of laughs and I think everyone enjoyed it. Dcousin felt mother wasn't as bad as they had feared, based on my reports, so that is good.

I am just worn out tho, and tomorrow need to regroup and leave very very early on Friday a.m. for an out of town wedding with d girl cousin.
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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:48 pm

That sounds like you made a memory, Twins' Mom.

Elizabeth, the phrase from Ramblin' does seem rather daydreamy, doesn't it?

Ramblin' and Elizabeth, I've been reading about the spice ginger and effect on migraines. There was a trial that pitted it against sumatriptan (Imitrex) in 2014, and ginger came out ahead because the effects were so similar yet ginger has no negative effects like Imitrex (dizziness, vertigo, heartburn, etc.). Now, these were considered acute migraines, but not a complete test including cluster or auras specifically - still, interesting. Best I can fathom, the recommendation would be drinking water with one-eighth teaspoon powdered ginger mixed in, at the first sign of the migraine coming on.

Just finished mopping the kitchen floor. Have been decluttering. Listening for the laundry.

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:59 pm

Home for an hour.

Stroller shopping went well. Accosting everyone we saw and asking them if they liked their strollers paid off at last! Two nights ago there was one in the elevator and I asked what brand. We looked at it today and it is the winner! Held dd's backpack (which is HUGE) plus a small half bag of groceries. Or two big boxes of cereal, a double size box of Costco crackers and a Costco sized jug of laundry detergent in the basket underneath and one queen sized blanket under the car seat.

I was also able to point out to dd that the double stroller she bought with the HUGE basket underneath actually can't take her backpack because there's no space large enough to put it in without removing one of the two seats, putting it in, then replacing the seat and then putting the child in the seat. When she has just one, that won't be an issue (she'll just leave the seat off entirely) but with two it will be.

So in many ways, the single will be better than the double.

Without expecting to we came across the matching car seat for the free stroller she was given and it goes with the double stroller as well so we bought that. The single stroller has a different car seat mount so can't take this car seat but can come with or without a car seat so we'll buy it with and then she'll have a car seat at her place but will be able to wear the baby to us on the bus and then I can drive her home because I'll have a car seat here.

That means I'll also always have a car seat for our refugee children.

Turns out we didn't get the family of 8 but 9/12 of us on the committee voted to go for the family so next time a name comes up, we won't have to deliberate so long. And now that we have a car seat, we can take a family with a baby! (Plus one of my other refugees is pregnant so we'll need it for her is she is approved.)

I got home at 3, picked up dh and went to my eye appointment. My prescription has changed some but not much, not worth new glasses. I think I'll get a pair of single vision for the computer, though. I take my glasses off to read but can't do that with the computer.

Ran two more errands, unloaded the car, and then walked over for food for dinner.

Are home now for an hour, then walking club. Then delivering 650 flyers, one for each apartment.

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:56 pm

Kathryn - does Canada have requirement for different kinds of car seat depending on child size/age? Here they are required to be in a rear facing car seats until 2 years old or child is too tall to fit. Then they must be put into a front facing car seat. We went through 2 front facing car seats with LO. The first one worked until he was about 40lbs and his shoulders were too tall to fit into the 5 point harness. Then we switched to a larger car seat with 5 point harness that went up to 100lbs. Then into a booster seat. Here there are 4 different kinds/sizes of car seat required depending on size/age of child.

I am home alone!! This time for 4 hours. I have so many things I want to accomplish during this quiet free time that I am frozen with indecision.
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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:37 pm

Got the weaving going and the first project is half done.
New show on N et F licks called Marcella had the gal that played Edith on
D Abbey was an actor in this one in the first part of the series. It is reather dark a murder mystery.

PreKKidN has not been here this week so far they must be on vacation. The mom is down to only one job now as well.

The dog just caught a fly was pleased took it outside with her she knows I do not like em it is a game for her! She is earning her keep!

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:38 pm

The Wednesday that was spent w dd and dgds almost 3 and 5.
like trailing cats rather than herding them.
goma, children's interactive art.
sunny day, with breeze to 30 mph.
sculpture garden
ugg playground as sun was almost gone
library until time to meet dsil at 5.
I left them to it, home to the dogs, and no lights left on here.

Thinking of going back today to arts precinct, galleries and museum.
dd and family return today. I'm not sure what time.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:42 pm

I was having some sort of palpitations, Sunny, and I really laid it to the caffeine and the heat.

Something that many here will surely appreciate: When DS-A & ddil were getting their MotorHome ready to leave on Monday, DGS3 kept coming to the door and saying, "Is it okay if I organize some more?" Hey I want this child in MY house! He said he was getting everything ready & organized for their next camp. He absolutely loves being in an RV.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:05 pm

LadyM: yes, very similar rules. But car seats have to be approved for use in Canada and not all US ones are so there must be some differences. Same with strollers, to the point where it is illegal to bring in a US stroller. Period. Which seems weird but is what it is.

The car seat is going back. Dd hadn't done all her research and learned that dual use (front/rear) car seats are good from 5 lbs on. She had thought it was like 3 months. So that means the one car seat for my car will be good from birth through to 65lbs. She will still need the kind of car seat with a handle to attach to the stroller because the strollers don't have bassinets and aren't for newborns. Therefore the handle car seat will have to be the one that works with the snow compatible stroller (when the baby is little, it will be snow season), and therefore the car seat we bought today will have to go back since it only works with the non-snow strollers.

I'm really not looking forward to having a huge car seat in my car. It is a small car and we like it that way. But it means the car seat will be taking at least one, if not two seats since the centre seat is small and we'll have to find a place to store it when not in use (which will be 99% of the time.) Uninstalled, it will take up almost 1/2 my cargo area but at least I'll still be able to fit the three boys, or two other adults into the car if we are going somewhere. There is not room for 2 adults and a full size child seat in my car's back seat so we'll no longer be able to drive dd/dsil/baby home after a party, for instance. One of them (and it won't be the baby!) will be taking the bus home. With the little car seat, I could see them all fitting and so it wouldn't be so bad.

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:17 pm

We currently have the rear-facing car seat and the front-facing car seat in the back seat of the Tahoe. They do take up a lot of room, but getting them in and out is almost impossible for me & dh (although ds & ddil can do it before you can blink your eyes, LOL!) Of course, a Tahoe is NOT a small car, so we have plenty of room, unless all six of us are traveling together. Then someone (usually ddil) sits in the fold down third row seat, and that means climbing in and out of the back hatch-type door (which cannot be opened from the inside) AND if there are instruments, lawnchairs, or luggage back there, something has to be unpacked every time she gets in or out. It's a pain.

That is surprising to me that rules on strollers would be so strict! I kept meaning to tell you, Kathryn, I could totally relate to your dd spending so much time researching and studying which one she wanted to get!

I have a ta-da! I did the zone vacuuming of the kitchen! High/low * darn, I forgot the ceiling fan AGAIN * must go back and do that! * top of refrigerator, under stove top, behind the canisters, etc. etc. And all this inspite of getting phone calls from ddil/dgs AND dmom while I was trying to work. So that was ALL I got vacuumed. I left the vacuum cleaner out so I'd have no excuse not to finish tomorrow.
I also s/s all three bathrooms and re-purposed a rolling cart w/three drawers to my bathroom closet. It's not saving me any space, but it looks better, and my sock storage is easier to get to.

Tonight, we're all going to see Finding Dory. Just waiting for dgs to get out of Bible School. Our church is hosting with other churches of same denomination in the area, and they are doing 4 Wed. nights at the local park, rather than week day mornings. So every Wed. night in July, dgs has Bible School.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: What it is Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:27 pm

Did the rest of my walk with my friend we were in good spirits and it was fun this evening not so hot that helped.

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