Snowy Sunday

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:12 pm

I went over to dd2s and filled the boxes that she had unpacked and brought back. The dishwasher was empty and the sink full, so I loaded anything dishwasher safe and handwashed everything else.

I had intended to seal the grout when I got home but I got sucked into the D aytona 500 wreckfest. By the time the race was over, there were only 5 out 40 cars that had not been involved in a wreck or two. By then it was time to fix supper.

Dd2, her dh and the girls came to town after I left. Awhile ago I texted her that I could watch the girls tomorrow so that she can do more moving. I looked in the garage and the only thing the movers had moved was the fridge and dsils 2 large, shop cabinets that are on wheels. They sure have a lot still to move.

I've had a bath and I'm in pjs. I am working on laundry so that I won't have to mess with it tomorrow if the girls are here.

Sunny, how is your dh now that he is no longer doing physical therapy? I am sure it is easier to do his exercises to keep rebuilding his strength.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:26 pm

Yes, I was thinking about Mr. Sunny also, while I was in J&C -- and I didn't include him in my list, :oops: but I am praying he is doing well, Sunny.

Lilac, you remind me of my daunt. That is the ultimate compliment from me, btw. She is always doing doing doing for her dkids, and if they don't need anything, she is always busy at her house. You both just seem like the Energizer Bunny to me!

And thanks for the LOL, Harriet. That is so funny -- "Why do you think I call before I come over here?"

I got my nap in too... even though we had a better night's sleep last night than we have had around here in quite some time.
DDIL picked up the grands by 1:30, I guess, so we had an easy afternoon. I got all my Sunday chores done, read the paper, and then settled down in the recliner with my dgmother's quilt. DH was already asleep on the couch. He woke up before me.
We went to Wmart and got all the groceries put away, but he was feeling the strain of being on his feet so long by then.
I want to catch the end of the Oscars -- I don't mind missing any political protests from the winners, but I am anxious to see what wins best picture. I am hoping for "Hidden Figures" to win. It was by far the best (IMHO!) of the ones we saw.

Also LOL @ Harriet's dream.
Last night I dreamed about Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I dreamed they had them in the school lunchroom, and I was teaching, but they were selling them for 25 cents and didn't have any cash. I almost cried, and I was looking for someone to loan me a quarter. :oops: :roll:

Kathryn, I'm sorry about your duncle w/the shingles. I know that must be so painful. I've never had it, but I am scared to death of getting it some day b/c I've heard so many people talk about it.

I stayed in the nursery today, too, LadyM.

Harmony, for the value you provide to the team, I'd say you are definitely VARSITY material. ;) (((HUGS)))

Dee, do dd & dsil feel "safe" if they stay in their home, considering situation w/dd? Is that a bad question? I just wondered if anything was changed, if they felt it was less "urgent" to get into a new neighborhood now.

No snow here either, thank goodness. Not exactly spring-like -- we had that Friday. It went from 70s to lows below freezing quickly with some thunderstorms Friday night, but now it's holding in the 40s I guess. Cool enough for a light coat going out to Wmart tonight, but not unpleasant. Maybe we'll really have spring here to stay soon!

Okay... going to try to find a tv that dh isn't tying up with some sports thing and watch the Oscars now. Good night, all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:24 am

It snowed stuck on the grass and a bit on the road we could get more tomorrow. I have been resting today. I did not do much this afternoon except I did get a letter written. Tried other new dip pen & is was not a success not all osns are the same! Had to rewrite a letter. The hens were not happy with the snow today.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Lilac » Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:56 am

lucylee, I hope your dh can repeat last nights sleep. I really feel for you as you watch your dh struggle with health issues. Hopefully they can get him squared away, sooner than later.

Didn't hear back from dd2 so called her. She said her priority is to get the girls clothes organized. If she gets that done, then she will come to town and move more stuff. She said the girls discovered her stash of VHS tapes and movies. After locating their VHS player the girls are now glued to M ary-Kate and A shley Olson shows. Dgd5 wanted bunkbeds so she could sleep on the top. They bought her a new full size bed with a twin bunk above it, much safer. Anyway that is where the girls are perched while watching the shows. They have always shared a room and now they each have a huge bedroom to themselves.

Dh wants me to create a punch list of things that need his attention in the bathroom after he gets the doors painted and installed. The navy drawers with chrome knobs look even better than I ever imagined.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts are so good. For awhile we could get them at our grocery store. They received them fresh, daily. I guess the new wore off, so when they bring them now for a fundraiser they sell out. Also, there is a place called Hurt's Donuts out of Wichita. They deliver them at different locations each week. Recently they were here and sold almost 700 dozen donuts in record time. The sale started at noon and the first person lined up at 5 am. For donuts, really?

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