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Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:40 pm

hi - well quick hi!!! heading out soon.

I finally packed up all the patterns by decades 50's through 2000's lots of fun to go through ... I found a Ms. francis ding dong school pattern from 1954 ... very cute. Dh took it to my car. donation local are put at front door. it took me a couple hours!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:28 pm

Kathryn - I get a "Video not available message" when I go to that youtube page. I tried on a different site and it said "We're sorry, this content is not available outside of Canada. If you believe you have received this message in error please contact us"

Having Homeschool limited to 8am-noon is working awesome. DS8 works better with a known time we will stop. Although he did ask after lunch if we could do more homeschool. :shock: I told him no, we would do more tomorrow.

The school called and said DGD5 had an accident because she thought she couldn't go to the bathroom during the test. DGD5 was mortified and so embarrassed that she wouldn't move. While waiting for me to get there with fresh clothes, the teacher gave DGD5 an ice pack to hold so that would allow DGD5 to use it as an explanation for the wet clothes so DGD5 calmed down. The teacher said no one paid any attention to it but DGD5 thought everyone would notice.

My test with recording WW smartpoints using MFP seems to be off. There is a three point difference between the two sites after I've removed the points that WW gives to fruit & vegetables (0 points on WW). If I don't record the fruits & veg on MFP then I don't get the full nutritional information of everything I ate. I will give the test more time but I think it is going to be necessary to log both to get everything I want.

I have about 10 minutes before leaving to cook at church. I need to brush & braid DGD5 hair before we leave. *poof*
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Postby DeeClutter » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:30 pm

Very nice, RR.

Finally am able to sit down here.

DD and I left around 8am for the eye Dr. From there we went to a high school to drop off papers for a person she mentored last year. Stopped back home for her to pick up her insurance card, etc. Went to lunch at a place we've really liked but this time -not so much. They've changed menu and specials a lot. From there went to A merica's Be st for glasses. Didn't end up getting them there as one pair was over $700. So went on to the neurologist. The cardiologist I'm to see on Monday was upstairs in the same building. I discovered 2 letters from my insurance company a couple of days ago. They state that the 2 other doctors I'm seeing here have been processed as "In-Network". The cardiologist who is in the same network of doctors (Lakeland Regional Health) is listed in their last letter as "Out of Network". Figured I'd just show these 2 letters. Gal was very glad I brought them in and walked with me across to accounting and asked if the accountant remembered this account. Oh yeah! and she had it right there about 3 papers down. Very interesting and they're bound and determined to get my insurance company to say yes. The problem comes (because I have no qualms about paying the Dr up front and submitting a claim) -this specialist won't take any 'out of network' patients. So accountant fired off a note to my insurance company to see what's going on and telling them she needs an answer by Friday as I have an appointment on Monday morning.

And the twins! Woo-hoo! they did arrive this morning. Look so healthy. One was 6lb 8oz, 20" and the other was 6lb 4oz, 19". Pretty darned good sized babies for being twins and they did 'cook' till 40 weeks. So excited for all of them. (Boys as the ultra sounds kept saying).
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:27 pm

LadyM: now you know what it is like for Canadians, about 1/3 of the interesting video clips from tv shows are locked down that way for us. Sorry, I thought that the YouTube would not be Canadian only so I linked to that, not the player on their website.

I'm having an awful day. Basically nothing got done. No plasterer so having my work area upside down from 9 - 5 was for naught. Ds hasn't called yet so I have nothing to show on that front either.

And now I'm starving. The original plan with ds was he'd wake up around 3 and then we'd move the stuff and maybe go out to eat or I'd make something here. I think I'll just do chicken nuggets again. Not healthy but likely healthier than me going out. And reasonably fast.

Edited: Making a dinner now. Phoned ds and woke him up. He thought it was tomorrow. He's waking up now and I gave him an hour to get ready to come over to my place.

I just went through the emails. He suggested Thursday or Wednesday. I said Wednesday and asked if he had a shift, he responded no, so I suggested we do dinner together ON WEDNESDAY and he should call me when he woke up. He responded "will do." So Wednesday was in the body of the emails and it is clear I was talking about Wednesday.

I'm in tears of frustration. I'm going to lose tomorrow to these two projects as well. So that's 2 days in a row with no progress on my weekly goals.

I hate being ADD, the disruption with everything all over the place messed with my brain all day long. There were a few things I might have been able to do but instead I blanked out because I was too upset with the mess.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:45 pm

i didn't try to check out the videos, either RR's or Kathryn's. Maybe will try for RR's later!

Dh is home and trying to get his work laptop working so he can take it with him to the beach. :shock: I'm backing up my iPhone and hopefully the iPad, which I will take in lieu of a laptop. We are flying into Orlando (so sorry I won't be seeing Dee!) but with dh and a short trip it's probably not workable. We will drive to the Daytona Beach area where a friend of his has a beach condo we'll use.

I need to figure out what I'm packing. The thought of a swimsuit and beach is making me crazy. Of course, I won't know anyone there, so I guess that helps.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:55 pm

With a couple people mentioning RR's video I went looking for it. I thought I had read all the post from today then I found that RR and I had posted at exactly the same time (10:08). Her post went on page 1 and mine went on page 2. That's the reason I didn't see her post. ANYway...

RR - I loved the video you did for your DS & DDIL. That was a lot of work! POTB!!

Church tonight was good however the kids were not at their best. Pushing them to stay up beyond their bedtime is foolish. I keep learning this lesson then I repeat it again thinking THIS time it will be okay. Nope. Nope. Nope. DGD5 is taking Dibels tests at school this week so she really needs her sleep. ANYway....they are bathed and in bed now.

My day is over. Time to relax, open a book and read until I fall asleep. Sweet Dreams
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:09 pm

Ok, all the stuff from ds's is moved here. It took about 90 minutes which wasn't bad since he had loaded his car while he waited for me to eat.

Then we sat and talked for a bit and then went for a walk so, while I won't make 10K steps for the day I will be over 9.5 so that's not bad. He ex gf called asking for a boost (not many people are up at this time of night) so he's on the way to her work which is a good distance away. He told her it would take at least 30 minutes for him to get there and to call back if she can find someone in the parking lot to give her a boost.

My apartment is trashed since I haven't put anything back yet. At the moment there is no path to the window that needs plastering. Hopefully there will be by 9 but it is a shower morning. Tomorrow morning I'll clean behind and in the wardrobe, then load it, then carefully load the bins behind it, making note of the contents first. I should be able to get 8 in place without them showing. I'll have to leave for dh around 4 and should have something to listen to in the car because it will be a long drive to the airport during rush hour. I can't think of a good route to get there that doesn't take me through choke points.

I don't imagine I'll get to the basement locker tomorrow, so will do that and move the china cabinet once he gets home. Currently my computer is set up in front of the china cabinet so I can't unload it until my desk is available. Which isn't until Monday, probably since they won't paint for a few days after plastering. I just realized it is also blocking in the pram so I guess I will have to move it after all. I'm out of places to move it right now. Sigh.....

The pram and a dozen other items are being moved to dd's for the garage sale. So that pile will happen in the spare bedroom.

Yup. Trashed. That's what the apartment is right now.

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Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:21 pm

Dinner is over, I walked the dog after dinner. Did 25-30 min. On ex. Bike before dinner. Watching some catch up episodes of a show I am enjoying.

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Postby Elizabeth » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:40 am

Less than 24 hours until foot surgery. Thirty minutes until eating and drinking must cease. At about 10 till midnight, I will down a giant container of gatorade, my usual pre-surgery routine. I have been working hard making things easier for my future self - LOTS of cooking and freezing, LOLs put away and another drying now, trip hazards removed, floor sweeping, replaced the light bulb that required the stepladder, moved books movies and yarn to where I will need them, etc, etc, etc.

At payroll, I made good notes about where I left off. I also handled multiple DPCs, one of which resulted in a check for $645. I was charged for an MRI of my foot, but the insurance covered it 100%. DD15 figured out what I did to break my foot. It happened about 5 years ago at a water park, and I thought of it as a really bad stubbed toe. There was extensive bruising along my foot, but since it felt better in 3 days, it couldn't possibly be broken RIGHT? Except that I had the same pattern two years later when I broke it in a parking lot. I almost cancelled the appointment because it was so much better.

There are many more things I could/should be doing, but I am going to guzzle my gatorade and go to bed. I have to get up at 830, so that is not too bad. Good night!

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