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Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:46 pm
by Nancy
My neck was out sore shoulder took a nap seemed to help. I changed up the bbq plans for just us 2 from grilling to chilli dogs yum & easy.

Weeded around a couple of flower beds out front.

Time to clean up after dinner h check on the hens and chicks.
Learned some new techniques for rock painted musherooms today.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:02 pm
by LadyMaverick
did you happen to see my 'post' to you on FB

I did! Thank you for thinking of DS8. I've got 3 different types of fidget devices on orders - a spinner, a cube and a flippy chain. I have my reservations how well they will help DS8 but I am willing to try most anything that isn't dangerous or have side effects. Right now DS8 uses play dough during those times he needs to be sitting at his desk. When DS8 is doing school work somewhere other than his desk, he usually has at least one hand resting on his dog. He is going to have to give up play dough and dog petting time to use the fidget devices. We will see how it goes.

The kids are eating their first ever "Moon Pie" tonight. I haven't seen those in years so I had to get some for them to experience at least once in their lives. :)

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:29 pm
by DeeClutter
We'll be interested to hear, LadyM. DD allows them in her classroom as they aren't disturbing to other students and they seem to help many focus on their work.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:32 pm
by blessedw2
sweet dreams all.

dinner dishes are washing themselves.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:34 pm
by blessedw2
d lady (((ds8 and dgd))) it has to be hard for the little ones.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:00 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Still struggling with the computer.

Gave up on the manufacturer's hardware scan. There's a hard drive scan that can run on boot-up so I ran that (another reboot!) and then spent an hour trying to find the results. Eventually did that and everything came back fine on the drive, no bad sectors.

My drive doesn't 'add up' for space left but I've had that problem before so just repaired that. It is now 1/3 empty and I've gained over 70 GB of storage over the past day or so.

I fixed the number of programs that run on startup so the rebooting process is faster now. That's helpful.

We'll see how it behaves for the next day or so.

I didn't get the backup drive bought today so I haven't started that process yet. Hopefully in the next week. I just ordered one in bright red to match my computer!

Off to bed now. Dh has already gone.

Re: Friday Find it

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:24 am
by lucylee
(((LadyM, ds8, dgd5)))
Sinch a tough situation for ALL of you with DD. I really admire the way you have handled this, LadyM.

I hope you get your computer backed up soon.

More I should reply to but... posting in phone.

Dh has not felt good today. GREAT day yesterday, short of breath most of the day today. We have no idea what causes this. He doesn't change his activities/diet/etc.
He did get an eye exam at wmart and I bought two gifts today. Graduation and wedding.