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Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:04 pm
by lucylee
I haven't spent six minutes on anything.
I did cook supper and clean up the kitchen. That's about it.

Mostly I have been chastising myself today.
Why why WHY can't I learn to s2s first thing and exercise early in the day???


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:29 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Well, Lucylee, I just s2nightie after s2s this morning so maybe you are trying to be efficient and only do it once a day!

Dh finished his movie in time for a quick swim and hot-tub. I showered off the chlorine and rinsed my hair which is now wet. Dh can go for quick swims but I hate it when I spend more time drying my hair after than I spent in the pool not-drowning.

Anyway, I'm ready for bed except for brushing teeth and drying hair. For dinner I ate 1/2 a medium pizza but thin-crust instead of the usual thick-crust (I didn't know they did thin there.) Plus about 5 onion rings. Yet I didn't get sick from all the fat/grease. So I'm still confused about that, since I can easily get sick at home with less than that and got sick at this place with 1/4 of a medium pizza but regular crust. Oh well, I won't complain. Glad I had the swim to help keep things moving.


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:36 pm
by Ramblinrose
Don't feel bad Lucylee, I didn't do much either... clean off some stuff on the patio, got
Too hot so jumped in the pool, cooled off and came inside. Got a bit of a headache and spent the rest of the day chasing away a headache.

Now that I have shorter hair I don't care if it gets the moment I sort of have the Albert Einstein look, but don't care ... off for another swim before ding to bed and a shower in the morning will make help to loose the look.